I want to be an astronaut ...


Sep 18, 2003
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... I said it in nursery school, and I say it now. I have absolutely no desire to do any other job on the planet. I want to be an astronaut :( Why does it have to be so difficult? ;(

What was your childhood dream job, and what are you doing now? (Or what are you hoping to do soon?)
well, i want to be a pianist now, but it probably won't happen. :(
I wanted to work on computers as a kid...now I am unemployed! D:
I wanted to be a doctor. However, after the incident with the scalpel, the washing powder and 15m of ducttape, I fear that I will never gain a license to practice medicine.
I always wanted to do nothing to be honest. I don't know if that means I'm jaded or what.

One thing I do want to do when I'm way older is open a bar, though.
I wanted to be a doctor. However, after the incident with the scalpel, the washing powder and 15m of ducttape, I fear that I will never gain a license to practice medicine.

D: :LOL:

I dunno, I never really had a dream job. For a while i wanted to be an architect (a short misguided while), then i wanted to join the police (I still do kinda)

Meh, i'd love to be a pilot. :)
Fire brigade! Unfortunately, I don't meet the physical criteria. I'm too small of a build and not the fit, young chap I once was.
I'd also love to be a pilot, but i'm 6'6" and built like a brick shithouse, I wouldn't fit in 99% of cockpits. I've flown before, but that was cramped and I really couldn't do that for any sort of career :(
I wanted to be a small monkey.
When I was really young I wanted to be a rapper :(.

As for this day and age, I'd like to do something in the film business. That, or I'd like to write to some degree.

(Yes, I lack direction).
I wanted, and still want to work on household robots for Honda, Toyota or Sony.

I also wanted to be a coder for a videogame company. And for a breif time an entemologist.

However I think I will end up being an empirical scientist, doing mundane studies in some laboratory for a cause that I really dont care about.
All through school my aim was to be a pilot. I had a couple of interviews with the RAF. Unfortunately, my GCSE results weren't good enough to make it to selection (my teachers were right all along - I could have got straight 'A's if I'd actually tried). So I ended up being stuffed for knowing what courses to take at college.

Still, you live and learn.
... I said it in nursery school, and I say it now. I have absolutely no desire to do any other job on the planet. I want to be an astronaut :( Why does it have to be so difficult? ;(

What was your childhood dream job, and what are you doing now? (Or what are you hoping to do soon?)

techniquely you dont want any job on the planet :D
I wanted to be an astronomer. I'm sure that sounds geeky but it's true. Something about stars, galaxies, and the universe is extremely intriguing to me. The math requirements to get into such a profession eliminated me pretty quickly. It's still a hobby of mine though. Once I get enough money, I'm gonna buy me a nice 8"-10" telescope.
For a long time I wanted to be a cartoonist (I still wouldn't mind doing that if I could do anything beyond shit doodles), but things at the moment are pointing more toward game design. If all else fails, I'll settle for reclusive and frustrated novelist. :D
I want to be a rebel leader in some 3rd world nation and lead coop and take over.
Yeah thats basically my alltime dream.

Either that or play Soccer and win the FIFA world cup.
I always wanted to be a train driver as a kid. lol, don't ask. You know kids and their tractors and big engines etc :p

Being an astrnaught would be awesome. Of course i'd shite my pants going up into space and comming back down to earth, but i bet being in space, just you and your crew and a vast nothingness. Earth is quite a few miles away and it's just silent.

Right now i'm unemployed, but i'm still at college so i guess i'm a student. I planning to go into something on computers now.
I wanted to be cartoonist and a photographer when I was a youngin'
The only way to get to those positions is experience and talent. Obviously you start off in the airforce or something, and thats not impossible to get into. Just get your chance to prove your worth and you'll get recognized...
A kid once told me he wanted to be a chair.

I can't remember what I wanted to be when I was a kid. I didn't think about it much. I want to become a game developer, or a software engineer of sorts in the future. I'm going to University in october to do Computer Science. So I'm on track.
A rockstar. Since listening to Whole Lotta Love with my daddy.. haha

I really really want to. So very much. Still.
I wanted to be a train driver. :eek:


Around like 10-13 i really wanted to be a game developer/tester. I mean a tester would be ace... playing games all day. Awesome. I still wouldnt mind being a developer. Not a coder. Would prefer to be a mapper/modeller or whatever.
I always wanted to do nothing to be honest. I don't know if that means I'm jaded or what.

One thing I do want to do when I'm way older is open a bar, though.
Likewise, although when I was very young I did harbour a couple of childish pipe dreams (such as becoming a palaeontologist). No real drive or interest in anything any more, though.

I've also thought about the bar thing.
Ever since I was a little kid, I always wanted to deep down be a fire fighter...

And now I'm enrolled in collage with my major as Fire Science getting my AS to become a firefighter. :D
as a little kid i cycled between astronaut, rockstar, paleontologist, and robocop.

now i want to be a game developer or captain of a small smuggling spacecraft.
I've decided that I want to do medicine and go into psychiatry, although I would also like to do some really hardcore physics like my uncle who makes lasers that make nano robotic things.

My dream job would be a spook, but my ethics won't allow me to do it.
I've always wanted to be a pilot or an astronaut. lePobz, do you have to have fighter pilot training to be hired by NASA as an astronaut? I heard somewhere that you do. Well, off to search the interweb!
I've always wanted to be a pilot or an astronaut. lePobz, do you have to have fighter pilot training to be hired by NASA as an astronaut? I heard somewhere that you do. Well, off to search the interweb!
You need to be a lot of things i'm not - it's never going to happen, hence why my life is just one big distraction. Unattainable goals ftl :(
I want you to dieeeee. HERE COMES TRONNY
I always wanted to be a porn star!

Teacher: What do you want to be children?

Umbra: I want to be a porn star! Sally, Rachel, and Samantha will be my co-stars!

Teacher: D:
I want to be a successful musician. Not world famous but still somewhat known and revered
You could very well buy yourself a way to be an astronaut. Go to the Russians for a trip to the ISS.
I wanted to be an astronomer. I'm sure that sounds geeky but it's true. Something about stars, galaxies, and the universe is extremely intriguing to me. The math requirements to get into such a profession eliminated me pretty quickly. It's still a hobby of mine though. Once I get enough money, I'm gonna buy me a nice 8"-10" telescope.

That's an awfully small telescope there. :p

I've always had the ambition to be a secret agent in the FBI.
Is that what you've always wanted to be?

no, up until the last 2 years i've always wanted to be a concept artist drawing kickass robots, samurais, aliens and occasionally alien samurai robots for games studios all over the world. eventually i realised that the music i was listening to, while i was drawing to reach this goal, was pretty cool and decided to try making some myself.

the rest is history.

what, are you saying it's not? bugger.

anyway, before the drawing thing i never really had any childhood dreams, i was a very sad and lonely child.
I've always wanted to open my own pub :)
(and when I was younger I wanted to be an designer/architect)