ice breaker



Hi, i just finished the hl II in normal mode but i did not find the ice breaker. Have anyone reach this level?
It's not in the game. It was changed.
Which is a shame, since the level was supposed to be scary, and contain Stalkers and those nasty Prawler things.
does he mean the hydra?

or is it something different?
Dancingwllamas said:
I think he means the originial opening level.

the borealis was supposed to be about 3/4 of the way through the game acording to raising the bar
the only place we've ever seen a hydra was in the catacombs
the only video with a hydra is even entitled Catacombs
it starts with fighting manhacks, then a zombie, then some combine, in areas that made it into the final game, and then dropping into a sewer type area with alyx where a hydra is seen killing a combine soldier
Yes, it was supposed to be creepy, you and the sailor Odell were supposed to team up to fight an army of stalkers, rollers and combine soldiers on board the Borealis.

Here's how I think the story went.

You were on board the Borealis, an icebreaker bound for the Kraken Base; a research facility in the arctic run by Dr. Judith Mossman. As we all know she is a traitor so the combine found and boarded the Borealis.

It was originally at the end of Anti citizen one i think, simply because the level design is the same...sept no hydra bit.

The borealis was used in many places, it was going to be the opening level of the game, but before that as someone has stated after the Air exchange facility (now Nova prospekt) you boarded it and went to kraken base.

Odell (originally known as owen) wore a orange jumpsuit and accompanied you. It was on fire, it had combine/zombies and stalkers on (the original ones).

It was also going to be the router to Nova prospekt
The Valve art team did loads of research into the Ice-Breaker from what I gather. It's in a lot of the older screenshots but frankly, it looked inferior to everything else they were showing at the time and I think they dropped it before E3 2k3. At various stages of development it had different roles by the sounds of it. I believe it was initially concieved as Gordon's way into City 17 (which makes HL2 sound like MGS2 along with this concept: At another stage, the Borealis (as it was called) Transported Gordon from the Air Conditioner (Later called the Air Exchange and ultimately dropped before it got past a prototype stage) to a place called Kraken Base (an Arctic Base cut early in the project: all we know about it was that you were supposed to meet Dr Mossman there and Laidlaw wrote a short story about a Resistance / Combine battle staged there). That was all about a 3rd of the way through the game.

It didn't all go to waste though: Lots of ships and dock based designs ended up scattered through the canals and coastal areas. And the model of Odell, your technician pal aboard the Borealis formed the base of Colonel Odessa Cubbage, the cowardly "British" resistance leader you see once along the coast.
You bsicly restated some of what I said.

As I said I have at least on of each varient of the maps from the Borealis chapter, if anyone wants to compile them I'll be hap hap happy.

EDIT: Not canal, the ships and docks were in the water hazard levels.
did the dried up ocean get cut too/ or have i missed a major part of the game. Also i dont really understand stalkers and "thos nasty prawler things"
I wonder if someone will make a mod of that stuff. The borealis with prowlers and stuff...that'd be awesome
r they making a opposing force/blue shift style add on, if so, they should put it in there. it sounds awesome
on the topic of add ons: are they making "opposing force:source" and "blue shift:source"?
TST_Devgru Seal said:
I wonder if someone will make a mod of that stuff. The borealis with prowlers and stuff...that'd be awesome

Sven Co-Op probably.
Jon256 said:
did the dried up ocean get cut too/ or have i missed a major part of the game. Also i dont really understand stalkers and "thos nasty prawler things"
Like much of HL2's story, this wasn't explicity said (as was originally planned) but there were signs that it was true: Take a look at how dried up a lot of the beach areas are along the coast, particuarly those docks that are quite high up in the air. The Canals are by and large mostly dried up as well. Nothing along the lines of what was alledgedly once planned though: a massive portal that was literally sucking the water out of the oceans...
The idea of an ice breaker doesnt fit anyway considering the combine are empty the oceans.
Man, Valve took out so much cool crap, I woulda gladly waited another two months for just half the stuff they took out. (I mean the stuff they didnt get to finish, not things they took out for better gameplay, like the hydra.) The sequence where the combine boarded the borealis sounds so sick. Lets cross our fingers for valve implementiing it in an expansion.
it would have been neat if they could have pulled off a rocking boat...with waves washing combine soldiers and stricken rebel sailors off the side and shipping crates sliding dangerously across the deck
jimmyjam said:
it would have been neat if they could have pulled off a rocking boat...with waves washing combine soldiers and stricken rebel sailors off the side and shipping crates sliding dangerously across the deck

nah, i don't think it would have.
Valve already admitted that they left the Hydra out due to, as was mentioned before, it not being an entity very fun to fight against. I was looking forward to it as well. Apparently the designer spend a lot of time working on the physics of the creature and was bummed but understood why it was cut. Maybe in Half Life 3? The icebreaker, I recall, was a level of the game that must have been cut. I recall it being advertised as groundbreaking at the time because it was a very accurate model of a real icebreaker.
I really hope more single-player content gets released. Doesn't have to fit in the story simply goold old FPS...
The Icebreaker missions just plain didn't fit. I'm glad they didn't try to crowbar it in just for the sake of using some of their arts assets. Same goes for the majority of the extra storyline that was planned very, very early on: The wastelands, Air Exchange and Kraken Base: I feel that valve were particuarlly headed towards making a very diluted cast and far too much of the game was based around transport. As it is, they nailed down one of the slickest experiences possible. The other stuff would make good expansion material of course, but i'm glad they kept it out of the main game.
found a pick of the icebreaker model, awesome looking. Find it at this page under the media section: (didnt put m at the end of com becuz for some reason it wont let me post the full link, so its acually .com at the end)
azz0r said:
Seemed pretty dead to me.

Odessa? Colonel Odessa was the guy who first gave you the rocket launcher in Little Odessa along highway 17
anyone show me what this Hydra looked like or what the hell it was.