If 0.999...=1 then does 1.888...=2?

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What I did say was that you can't just determine when an atom is going to decay. You can however calculate when half of a large portion of them will be decayed.

And I was just responding to Minerel's post that half-life goes on forever.
I wasn't responding to you on that. I was responding to other posts talking about "random". Like what bbson_john and solaris started talking about.
okay I actually ment that your calculator is incapable of accurataly protraying .9 recuring, or you're not imputing it right, you're putting in a finite number of 9s and then telling us we're wrong.

try this on your calculator, take 1, divide it by 3, you get .3 recuring, then times it by 3, what do you get?

Keep beliving your right? My ex used to say that, it sounded retarded from her, and it sounds retarded from you.

This isn't an area were 'everyone is entitled to their opinion', well you are, but you've been proven wrong in a clear cut yes no situation, so it would be a little stupid don't you think?
the most argued proof is 10k-k=9

I have done some explanation with my sucking English.

(just an algebraic assumption, always correct)

(according to the assumption, this is correct)


(The "problem" comes. Everyone knows 9.999 - 0.999 = 9. Yet, if k=0.999...99, 10k=9.99...990, so you may think 10k "9.999...990" - k "0.999...999"=9.99...991. However, since 0.99 has infinite "9", the "0" in 10k shall never exist. If there is a 0 in the end of the 9, that means there are finite 9, this violates the first statement. i.e., if we multiply 0.999... by 10, a new "9" will replace the "0" since we have infinite 9 in behind. Hence, 9.999...-0.999... =9. I think this is a flaw, still. Therefore this prove is not the best.)

(I assume the pervious step is correct, 9.999...-0.999...=9. There should be no doubt that 10k-k=9k. 10k-k=9k can be applied to all real numbers "make sure you know what is real number before questioning me about this step". 0.9999... is a real number. Real times real = real "0.99... times 10, in this case". I think you will have no difficulties to comprehend 10k-k=9k, no matter what k is "Of course it is a real number, not a vector, not a number in ten-dimensions space, not bleh bleh bleh...".)

(Over 9 on both sides. Simple calculation in algebra)

(Of course every real number over itself is 1, probably except 0)

(You know this, I know you know this!)

This is one of the proofs, not the best, as you can still catch a flaw in the second step, where 10(0.999...)-0.999... = 9.

So this is much better:

prove by 3/3=1


On one side,
0.333...*3 = 0.999...
(don't question me this. 1/3 has, or have, infinite "3"s. 3*3=9 "primary school calculation". So if there are infinite "3"s. Every 3 times a 3 =9. Thus 0.333...*3 = 0.999...)

On the other side,
1/3*3 = 3/3
(needless to say)

(also, not so questionable.)

(joining both sides together)


Solaris said:
It doesn't apply to the dice.
Uncertainty principle is most likely being applied to measurement...
However, I am talking about another principle. For example, a ray of light passes through a wall with double slip and creates a diffraction pattern. This is the famous Yans' double slit experiment. And the same principle can be applied to electrons, and similar diffraction pattern can be formed. My point is, when we shoot only one electron each time, the electron will only pass through one slit and hit against a random location on the wall. For no reason, if we shoot electron one at a time, everytime the electron hits against the different location of the wall, still a diffraction pattern can be slowly formed. When we come to this, we can only say the probability for electrons to hit to a certain location, where construction interference occured, is higher than those in destructive interference occured. You can see how probability takes an important role in reality.

Minerel said:
I do not believe in Random. Everything is a reaction to something else. That is what I believe. I believe that if you have some dice and you role it on the ground and it lands on 5 is not random. That dice is being affected by different forces. The angle at which it hit the ground, the friction it had with the object, gravity, etc.. every single law is acting on it. I believe that it did not land on 5 because of chance. It landed on five because of every single force acting upon it including yourself. I believe that in a controlled enviroment if you could throw some dice with the exact same force, same height, same everything and it will land in the same way every time.

So how can you explain the concept of half life? Especially, in the Schrödinger's cat paradox, how can you ensure whether a atom did split up into two after its half life passed?
Take a look at this and you will understand
bbson_john said:
So this is much better:

prove by 3/3=1


On one side,
0.333...*3 = 0.999...
(don't question me this. 1/3 has, or have, infinite "3"s. 3*3=9 "primary school calculation". So if there are infinite "3"s. Every 3 times a 3 =9. Thus 0.333...*3 = 0.999...)

On the other side,
1/3*3 = 3/3
(needless to say)

(also, not so questionable.)

(joining both sides together)



1/3=0.333... TRUE

0.333...*3 = 0.999... TRUE

1/3*3 = 3/3 TRUE

3/3=1 TRUE

However : 1=3*1/3 but 1=/=3*(1/3) because 3*(1/3)=0.999... =>1=3*(1/3)=0.999...FALSE
Redneck said:
1/3=0.333... TRUE

0.333...*3 = 0.999... TRUE

1/3*3 = 3/3 TRUE

3/3=1 TRUE

However : 1=3*1/3 but 1=/=3*(1/3) because 3*(1/3)=0.999... =>1=3*(1/3)=0.999...FALSE
Did you miss your kindergarten and Primary and secondary school?
If 3*(1/3) is not 3/3,
k*(p/q) is not kp/q
2*(2/2) is not 4/2
And, 2*1/1 is not 2/1
Thus 2*1 is not 2
Therefore, 1*1 is not 1, 2*2 is not 4, 3*3 is not 9
a*b is not ab
I think we got ****ed up, or you ****ed up maths. This is a number space so a*b=ab and a*(b/c) = ab/c
so do 3*(1/3) = 3/3

a=b=c means a=b and b=c
so the nocation a=c is right
An ancient Greek Logic
And if we say d=b
so do a=c left unchanged

a*(b) and a*b are identical! The "()" in this case is only a notation with no Maths meaning but let you see clearer. a*(b) of course is ab, so do 3*(1/3) = 3/3. Or you can simply remove all the "()" in my proof, it is still the same.

You either disagree 3*1 = 3 or 3/3 =1
Both of these option violate the all Maths law.
You tore the Multiplication table apart.
Redneck said:
1/3=0.333... TRUE

0.333...*3 = 0.999... TRUE

1/3*3 = 3/3 TRUE

3/3=1 TRUE

However : 1=3*1/3 but 1=/=3*(1/3) because 3*(1/3)=0.999... =>1=3*(1/3)=0.999...FALSE

So my proof is:


On one side,
0.333...*3 = 0.999...
On the other side,
1/3 *3= 3/3

1=1/3 *3=0.999...



I think we have a common consensus. Stop the senseless struggle which violate the basic concept of Maths like distributive property.

99.vikram said:
The Heisenberg principle applies to everything.

Isn't it about Measurement? Velocity against position, Energy against time?
bbson_john said:
So my proof is:


On one side,
0.333...*3 = 0.999...
On the other side,
1/3 *3= 3/3

1=1/3 *3=0.999...



I think we have a common consensus. Stop the senseless struggle which violate the basic concept of Maths like distributive property.

Why thank you for removing the ()

If first you say 1/3 *3= 3/3= 1 then how the heck?! 1/3 *3=0.999...

Your proof is flawed 1=1/3 *3=3/3= 1

We will reach a consensus when you give valid proof.

I'm going to stop posting in this ridiculous thread now, you can do whatever you want.
Why was he posting in this thread?
Sorry if you read this Redneck. D:
theSteven said:
Why was he posting in this thread?
Sorry if you read this Redneck. D:

He is a pimply kid, who achieved nothing in daily life and got hated by everyone. So he comes here for extra-attention. In fact, no one cares him in reality. I fulfiled him already. Okay, have some sleep now, Redneck!

bbson_john said:
He is a pimply kid, who achieved nothing in daily life and got hated by everyone. So he comes here for extra-attention. In fact, no one cares him in reality. I fulfiled him already. Okay, have some sleep now, Redneck!

Could people please base anything offensive they say on fact, seriously that's just so dumb.

"olololol ur a gay retart"
bbson_john said:
He is a pimply kid, who achieved nothing in daily life and got hated by everyone. So he comes here for extra-attention. In fact, no one cares him in reality. I fulfiled him already. Okay, have some sleep now, Redneck!

Your a 12yr old kid too.
And you can't complain about peoples behaviour.
You were wrong and you said "Get it into your thick skulls" and refuse to withdraw it.

Go away and drink chocolate milk.
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