If 0.999...=1 then does 1.888...=2?

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Redneck said:
This whole thread is stupid. 1 is NOT 0,9(9) and 2 is NOT 1,8(8) OK. Get that thorough your thick skulls.
That is correct! 1 is NOT 8.1, and 2 is NOT 14.4! Good work!

TheSomeone said:
if by your weird ****ed up notation you mean 0.9999..., then please don't tell our math teacher what you just told us because you will be ridiculed.
Lol, I bet he will.

Redneck said:
Actually you're a tard and my notation is indeed correct "0,9(9)" "(9)" meaning an infifnity of nines.
I believe that is what he was refering to as your own ****ed up notation. As it is indeed ****ed up, and it is your notation.

Good day to you, sir.


Edit: And you clowns are going to get me in trouble at school. I'm going to start saying "maths" instead of "math" which is quite taboo in America. Thanks, asses. <3
What the hell is wrong with you people?

0.9999999.... = 9/10 + 9/100 + 9/1000 +....

=SUM[ 9 / (10)^x ] ;x =1, inf
=9 SUM[ (1/ 10)^x ] ;x= 1, inf
=9 [ (1 / (9/10)) - 1]

= 9 [ (10/9) - 1]
= 9 [1/9]
= 1

Now, as for 1.888.... = 2. No

1.88888.... = 1 + [8/10 + 8/100 + 8/1000 +....]

= 1 + SUM[8/(10)^x]; x = 1, inf
= 1 + 8SUM[(1/10)^x] ;x= 1, inf
= 1 + 8[(1/(9/10)) - 1]
= 1 + 8[(10/9) - 1]
= 1 + 8[1/9]
= 17/9
!= 2
I don't understand how ppl can look at these proofs and still not be convinced.
secret friend said:
1.88888.... = 1 + [8/10 + 8/100 + 8/1000 +....]

= 1 + SUM[8/(10)^x]; x = 1, inf
= 1 + 8SUM[(1/10)^x]; x= 1, inf
= 1 + 8[(1/(9/10)) - 1]
= 1 + 8[(10/9) - 1]
= 1 + 8[1/9]
= 17/9
!= 2

TheSomeone said:
0.9(9) is not standard notation.

We use it like that in school all the time. I guess we are all stupid here.

TheSomeone said:
And it does equal 1, and sorry, but "get it through your thick skulls" doesn't quite compare to the significant amount of mathematical proof we have provided.

WOW, you have "proved" the impossible:rolleyes: .

Solaris said:
Can wee pleeeeaase ban redneck.
And you just made a complete prat of yourself mr.redneck.
Not knowing maths is fine, but not knowing maths and flaming people becuase you think their maths is wrong is just retarded.

I know math (not maths) just fine thank you very much, and I'm not wrong. Why don't you ban yourself:p ?

DreadLord1337 said:
I believe that is what he was refering to as your own ****ed up notation. As it is indeed ****ed up, and it is your notation.

Good day to you, sir.

Nope it's not ****ed up. 0,9(9) is correct notation in my country. My math teacher would laugh his ass of if he saw this thread:laugh:

Good day to all of you.:p
Redneck said:
Nope it's not ****ed up. 0,9(9) is correct notation in my country. My math teacher would laugh his ass of if he saw this thread

I seriously doubt that.

Please, I invite you to do so.
secret friend said:
if he can't multiply that explains why he can't understand the proof

He understands it fine! He's been trying to prove it along with us to redneck!

Where the hell have you been?

Please, get banned!
Redneck said:
WOW, you have "proved" the impossible:rolleyes:

That's an oxymoron your idiot, by the definition of proof if you prove something then it correct.

My math teacher would laugh his ass of if he saw this thread:laugh:

Yeah, he'd laugh at all the idiots disagreeing that .999... and 1 arent the same.

We are talking about math, unless you show me mathematical proof that they aren't the same, you are wrong, because we have provided mathematical proof that htey are the same.

EDIT: just to help you, a good place to prove that something is wrong is to assume it's true, and then come to impossible results. But if you assume it's true you have to assume its true for the duration of the proof.
While I do believe 1 = .999 repeating

I want someone to subtact them on a piece of paper using the full length of each number(No repeating signs etc..). If you ever get past writing all the 9's ill give you a cookie!! No I'll give you 2 cookies.

On your mark! Get set! Go!
phantomdesign said:
I have a math degree and can prove that this is retarded.

I have a phantomdesign degree and can prove that you are retarded.
Redneck said:
Nope it's not ****ed up. 0,9(9) is correct notation in my country. My math teacher would laugh his ass of if he saw this thread:laugh:

Good day to all of you.:p

What country are you from?

Here in the US its just ".999..."

I've never seen .9(9) before.

phantomdesign has a math degree and still does not accept these proofs? :/
i don't understand this at all. How can something that isn't something equal that something?

0.99... does not have a number 1 in it anywhere, and last time i check 9 != 1. So how can a number which is only made up of non-1's equal a 1?

I mean, does 0.99...+0.99...=2?

If i wanted to write out that i paid $1.99 for a drink at a restraunt could i write that i paid $(0.99...).99 or that my total for a candy bar was $1.01 as $(0.99...).01??
xcellerate said:
i don't understand this at all. How can something that isn't something equal that something?

There are multiple ways t o express the same number, 0.999... is just another way to express 1.

0.99... does not have a number 1 in it anywhere, and last time i check 9 != 1. So how can a number which is only made up of non-1's equal a 1?

Like this: 9/9, cos(0), 3-2, .9999....

I mean, does 0.99...+0.99...=2?
Of course.

If i wanted to write out that i paid $1.99 for a drink at a restraunt could i write that i paid $(0.99...).99 or that my total for a candy bar was $1.01 as $(0.99...).01??

Hum, probably not, because that's not correct notation, just like you can't say (9/9).1
However if your drink was a dollar you could pay them .99.... cents.

The easiest way to understand it is: find a number between those two.

PS: Thank you very much fo saying that you didn't understand instead of saying ".999... does not = 1 u dummasses". It's easy to go the intuitive way and to think they're not the same, it's harder to accept the mathematical truth when it looks illogical.
I have a math degree and can prove that this is retarded.
I have a phantomdesign degree and can prove that you are retarded.
I got something better than both of you.
I have an opinion that I really don't care.

Now lets grab some beer!
I would say the easiest way to prove it is with fraction 1/3.
[15:46] TheCountPoopoo: What field of mathematics did you get your degree in
[15:47] PhantomCarDesign: Who are you?
[15:47] TheCountPoopoo: someone from hl2.net
[15:47] PhantomCarDesign: oh
[15:47] TheCountPoopoo: wed all like to see that proof
[15:47] PhantomCarDesign: My college only offered a general mathematics degree.
[15:47] TheCountPoopoo: did they just forget to teach you basic arithmetic
[15:47] PhantomCarDesign: The person who said the limit of .999999999 was correct
[15:48] PhantomCarDesign: And don't ridicule me just because you don't know what you're talking about.
[15:48] TheCountPoopoo: i want to see a proof
[15:48] TheCountPoopoo: that they aren'tequal
[15:49] TheCountPoopoo: that's all
[15:49] TheCountPoopoo: i'll admit I'm wrong
[15:49] TheCountPoopoo: as soon as I see a proof
[15:49] TheCountPoopoo: and apologize
[15:49] PhantomCarDesign: I don't really care for appologies
PhantomCarDesign blocks me.
[15:50] da Human Bbox: You don't seem to care for proofs either
[15:51] PhantomCarDesign: whatever, I don't care what you think either.
[15:52] da Human Bbox: You're entitled to be wrong
I block him
jondy said:
I have a phantomdesign degree and can prove that you are retarded.

That made me laugh out loud, like a lol but out of my voicebox
The fact is, its more of a riddle than anything. It doesn't make you stupid if you don't get it at first, and it doesn't make you ignorant if you don't understand. It is a very strange concept.

But this link was linked earlier in this thread.

It explains the concept to you no matter what math backround you have. However, the "real" proof, for those who have taken calculus, pretty much definatively proves it.

link said:
Most of the reason why people don't understand why point nine recurring is equal to one is because they don't fully understand what a decimal representation actually means. Take a look at the definition of 0.9999... and things become abundantly clear:

0.9999... = 0.9 + 0.09 + 0.009 + 0.0009 + ...

= 9·0.1 + 9·0.01 + 9·0.001 + 9·0.0001 + ...

= 9·10-1 + 9·10-2 + 9·10-3 + 9·10-4 + ...

= Σ 9·10-n

:= lim Σ 9·10-n
N→∞ n=1

= lim ( 1 - 10-N )

= lim 1 - lim 10-N
N→∞ N→∞

= 1 - 0
= 1

There, it is proven. If you can somehow disprove this completely valid proof, you must be above math and calculus. Don't assume that because it doesn't look like 1, it isn't 1. Its okay if you don't really get it, I mean, I didn't till I saw the previously quoted proof. However, don't be a rabid asshole about it if you don't believe it, because you are just basically wrong and have no proof to back it up.

But this whole concept just leads to arguments. Its not worth it, really. You are not stupid if you don't really get it, I hardly do, but you are stupid if you don't get it and decide to tell people that they are wrong.

Mutley said:
So if 0.999... = 1

Does 1 = 0.999...?


Uh, yeah. Both sides of the = are equal to each other, no matter which one you write first. They are equal numbers :P

Just like 4-3 = 1 and cos(0) = 1 and sin(pi) = 1 and -1 + 2 = 1.
TheSomeone said:
There are multiple ways t o express the same number, 0.999... is just another way to express 1.

Like this: 9/9, cos(0), 3-2, .9999....

Of course.

Hum, probably not, because that's not correct notation, just like you can't say (9/9).1
However if your drink was a dollar you could pay them .99.... cents.

The easiest way to understand it is: find a number between those two.

ok, i understand what you're saying, but i'm still confused. 9/9 does equal one and you're right, it doesn't have a one in it. But doesn't 9/9 also equal .9999...?

Here's how i see it, if .99...= 1 and 9/9 equals 1 then 9/9 also equals .99.... Isn't that the old, if a=b and b=c then a=c thing?

And just because there isn't a number between the two does that make them equal? I mean, my hand is touching air, there nothing in between my hand and the air, so does my hand = air?

I don't know if i missed something or what, but this just seems too far fetched. Does 2.99... = 3?
xcellerate said:
ok, i understand what you're saying, but i'm still confused. 9/9 does equal one and you're right, it doesn't have a one in it. But doesn't 9/9 also equal .9999...?

Here's how i see it, if .99...= 1 and 9/9 equals 1 then 9/9 also equals .99.... Isn't that the old, if a=b and b=c then a=c thing?

Exactly :)

And just because there isn't a number between the two does that make them equal? I mean, my hand is touching air, there nothing in between my hand and the air, so does my hand = air?

We are talking about maths here :D There is no number between 2 and 2, no number between pi and pi, and infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 1.1

I don't know if i missed something or what, but this just seems too far fetched. Does 2.99... = 3?
But... she's dead!

xcellerate said:
ok, i understand what you're saying, but i'm still confused. 9/9 does equal one and you're right, it doesn't have a one in it. But doesn't 9/9 also equal .9999...?

Here's how i see it, if .99...= 1 and 9/9 equals 1 then 9/9 also equals .99.... Isn't that the old, if a=b and b=c then a=c thing?

And just because there isn't a number between the two does that make them equal? I mean, my hand is touching air, there nothing in between my hand and the air, so does my hand = air?

I don't know if i missed something or what, but this just seems too far fetched. Does 2.99... = 3?

Yes, 9/9 = 0.999...
Any number representing 1 is equal to 0.999..

About your hand touching the air, that's a bit different. What seperates numbers is their difference. If there is no difference, then they are the same. Between your hand and the air is a little different, and more abstract.
Why can't .99... just be the closest number to 1 without actually being 1? I mean, isn't that all it's doing, just being so close the difference becomes infinitely small till the point of not existing almost?
JNightshade said:
But... she's dead!


Didn't stop Ikerous.

xcellerate said:
Why can't .99... just be the closest number to 1 without actually being 1? I mean, isn't that all it's doing, just being so close the difference becomes infinitely small till the point of not existing almost?

For one: If they are not the same number, you could graph them on a number line and there would be space. If there is space, you can reduce that space. Hence, there is so such thing as a number "closest to 1 without being 1."
For two: Math says they are equal, and .99... is nothing but a mathematical number

x = 0.9999...

Multiply both sides by ten:

10x = 9.9999...

Subtract x from both sides:

10x - x = 9.9999... - 0.9999...
9x = 9.0000...

Divide by nine:

x = 1.0000...
For one: If they are not the same number, you could graph them on a number line and there would be space. If there is space, you can reduce that space. Hence, there is so such thing as a number "closest to 1 without being 1."
I would just like to point out: Although you can reduce the space there will always be a space.
Minerel said:
I would just like to point out: Although you can reduce the space there will always be a space.

But in the case of .999... and 1, there is no space between them.
But in the case of .999... and 1, there is no space between them.
lol sorry.
Which is why .999... = 1.
people get confused because of a poor understanding of zero and infinity.

Like someone said this is a bit of tough concept for some people to belive (much like quantum theory, it just doesn't click with peoples minds) I've know several smarter people than me struggled with this concept at A-level.

It's one thing to accept that .9 recurring (and I'm sure its supposed to be .9 with a dot above the 9 but I might be off base) and 1 are the same thing, it's another to understand why.

It's odd how people can come in so sure of themselves with a lot of mathimatical proofs flying around.

as for the reducing space quote, it's a classic example of miss using math.

Take this example

a Tortiose is 100 meters away from me, I walk 100 meters directly towards it at a constant velocity. By the time I've travelled the 100 meters, the tortiose has travelled a futher 10 meters. So I then travel the additional 10 meters, to find the tortiose has travelled 1 meter. I continue forward 1 meter to find that the tortiose has travelled 0.1 meter, and is still ahead of me.

Now if you continue this path of logic, I'll never catch the tortiose as every time I travel to the tortioses previous position it will of moved on.

I hope this helped but I have a feeling it will only add more confusion.
Zeno's paradox. That example takes into account space can be infinitely divisible.
I don't really know why I just read the entire thread and wanted to post only this, but here goes. The Tortoise example reminded me of it.

Let's assume a simple bow and arrow. Before the arrow can reach the bulls-eye, it must reach the point in space directly halfway between the starting point (bow) and ending point (target). before it can reach that halfway point, it must reach the halfway point of the first and the starting, or the overall quarter point from the bow and the target. Keep going, and logically, the arrow can never reach the target, but it still does.

How this relates to .999... = 1, I have no damn clue, I just wanted to throw it into the hellpit.

.999... = 1
EC said:
I don't really know why I just read the entire thread and wanted to post only this, but here goes. The Tortoise example reminded me of it.

Let's assume a simple bow and arrow. Before the arrow can reach the bulls-eye, it must reach the point in space directly halfway between the starting point (bow) and ending point (target). before it can reach that halfway point, it must reach the halfway point of the first and the starting, or the overall quarter point from the bow and the target. Keep going, and logically, the arrow can never reach the target, but it still does.

How this relates to .999... = 1, I have no damn clue, I just wanted to throw it into the hellpit.

.999... = 1

I like this.
EC said:
I don't really know why I just read the entire thread and wanted to post only this, but here goes. The Tortoise example reminded me of it.

Let's assume a simple bow and arrow. Before the arrow can reach the bulls-eye, it must reach the point in space directly halfway between the starting point (bow) and ending point (target). before it can reach that halfway point, it must reach the halfway point of the first and the starting, or the overall quarter point from the bow and the target. Keep going, and logically, the arrow can never reach the target, but it still does.

How this relates to .999... = 1, I have no damn clue, I just wanted to throw it into the hellpit.

.999... = 1


Arrows don't travel in half the space that they are planning to hit. They aren't sentient and they also obey the laws of physics :P

I think you are thinking of a different example.

Somebody wants to make it to the other side of the room. They decide to move halfway the distance between the area they are and the wall on the other side of the room, and continue to do this as many times as it takes. Will they ever reach the other end of the room? Well, theoretically, no, because he will half the space an infinite amount of times. But yes, because eventually the halves will be so small that they will be insignificant and the person will end up touching the wall.
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