If 0.999...=1 then does 1.888...=2?

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Kyo said:
Easiest way to explain it

Infinity + 1 = Infinity [Poor concept I know]
Infinity - Infinity = -1
0 = -1 [Does not compute]
It means infinity is not a real number, not that infinity does not belong in math...

99.vikram said:
Yes I would. It's 0.000....0001.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0.00000000000...0000001 does not exist, it violates the archimedean property of the reals (that for every real x there is an integer n such that nx > 1).
bbson_john said:
I think you triple posted.
And, infinity is not a number at all.
It's not, but that does not mean it does not belong it math.

I dunno if some of you realise it or not, but point nine recurring does equal one.

It's been proven, and fortunately, mathematics does not hinge on your opinions. Proof is proof.

You may attempt to point out the perceived flawed reasoning in all of the eight or so proofs that exist, though. But they're right, so no flawed reasoning exists.
JellyWorld said:
It means infinity is not a real number, not that infinity does not belong in math...

Maths extends beyond real numbers. Root of minus 1 is not real, but guess what. It exists in math as a complex number.

JellyWorld said:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0.00000000000...0000001 does not exist, it violates the archimedean property of the reals (that for every real x there is an integer n such that nx > 1).

No it doesn't :p

a) 1 > 0.999...
b) lim (0.999...) = 1


Get it?
Wait people are still confused about .999 recurring equalling 1? Thats a given.

Oh and I meant infinity doesn't exist in terms of a number system, In which "infinity" would mean something one can treat like a number. Anyway I'm staying out of this, You conceptual folks can keep at it.
99.vikram said:
Maths extends beyond real numbers. Root of minus 1 is not real, but guess what. It exists in math as a complex number.

No it doesn't :p

a) 1 > 0.999...
b) lim (0.999...) = 1


Get it?
1 = 0.99999999....
1 is not greater than 0.9999999...
lim(0.99999....9) does not exist because 0.99999..999 is not a sequence.
Jellyworld, what I meant was this:

Lim a->1 (a) = 1
does not imply a=1
99.vikram said:
Jellyworld, what I meant was this:

Lim a->1 (a) = 1
does not imply a=1
Lim a->1 (a) obviously equals 1, that's what Lim a->1 means.

And a in this case is a variable, not a constant... it's not equal to anything.
99.vikram said:
Look, 0.99... tends to 1 but is not equal to 1. :frown:
'tends' isn't a math term.
And according to math, they're equal.
99.vikram said:
Look, 0.99... tends to 1 but is not equal to 1. :frown:
A sequence tends to something, a number cannot tend to something.

The sequence
{0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999,...}
tends to 1.

But 0.9999999999.... does not.
Or simply blame why you were born an idiot. I mean in Maths, not other aspects. Being an idiot is nothing special, nothing wrong. Everyone is an idiot in certain subjects. Never misunderstand my meaning. Don't report me. THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT DEFAMATION!
Well thats flaming. Im not gonna go down to your level.

Flaming is flaming. And no I am ignorant. There is a fine line. Becuase in math and science I've always been one to be the smarter in the class and grasp new concepts quick. Although my grades(I don't do homework leave me alone) don't exactly reflect that my tests\quizes and teachers would say different.
Minerel said:
Lets do some simple math like...

first you have to start from right going towards left.
0 - 9. Now you have to distribute the 1 from the left until you get to the end number and at the end number you make it a 10.

Now since both the 0's and 9's never end you will never be able to properly distribute the one.

Therefor you cannot subtract 1 and .9 repeating. It is impossible.

So I can't subtract pi from one either because pi has an infite number of digits after the decimal?
99.vikram said:
Jellyworld, what I meant was this:

Lim a->1 (a) = 1
does not imply a=1

in this case it does, because the sequence .9999.... has two limits: .999.... and 1. However a sequence can only have one limit, hence these two numbers must be the same.
99.vikram said:
Look, 0.99... tends to 1 but is not equal to 1. :frown:
Just give up, you're simply wrong.

Don't try to deny a mathematical fact that has been proven.

Although... this is quite amusing. Please continue.
It obviously equals 1.

0.333... = 1/3 x3
So I can't subtract pi from one either because pi has an infite number of digits after the decimal?
Only if you round it. Otherwise do the subtraction on paper. Write it all down. The fact is you will never finish writing down pi therefor on less you round pi or put it as a fraction you will never be able to subtract it.

0.333... = 1/3 x3
Ok now I believe. See how simple that was? Thats all someone had to put.
Minerel said:
Ok now I believe. See how simple that was? Thats all someone had to put.
Post #90: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1930927&postcount=90

Mirror, mirror on the wall. What does this post has to show to us all?
JellyWorld said:
oh god not another one :(


Read especially the order proof.
Now... what does that link say?
Fraction proof

The standard method used to convert the fraction 1⁄3 to decimal form is long division, and the well-known result is 0.3333…, with the digit 3 repeating. Multiplication of 3 times 3 produces 9 in each digit, so 3 × 0.3333… equals 0.9999…; but 3 × 1⁄3 equals 1, so it must be the case that 0.9999… = 1.

But now I read that algebra proof at the wiki site, it does seem familiar...

Let's check this out (post #12): http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1929557&postcount=12

Mr Stabby said:
x = 0.999...
10x = 9.999...

10x - x = 9x
9.999...-0.999... = 9x

9x = 9
x = 1
I rest my case.
The LIMIT of 0.999 repeating is 1. Meaning as n approches infinity (n being the number of 9's you write), you are getting closer and closer to 1, however not necessarily actually reaching 1.

In calculus, you don't say 0.9999 repeating is equal to 1. You simply say the limit is equal to 1.
Mr Stabby said:
0.999... = x
10x = 9.999...

10x-x = 9x
9.999...-0.999... = 9

9x = 9
x = 1

This is wrong algebra. You are subtracting a new x on the left, and multiplying a new x on the right. The correct 3rd step would be this:

0.999... = x
10x = 9.9999...

10x-x = 9-x

which solves nothing.
tehsolace said:
This is wrong algebra. You are subtracting a new x on the left, and multiplying a new x on the right. The correct 3rd step would be this:

0.999... = x
10x = 9.9999...

10x-x = 9-x

which solves nothing.

Even I can rofl at that.

you subracted x twice from the right hand side of the equation
tehsolace said:
This is wrong algebra. You are subtracting a new x on the left, and multiplying a new x on the right. The correct 3rd step would be this:

0.999... = x
10x = 9.9999...

10x-x = 9-x

which solves nothing.
Right. Well, I guess you have just invented a new kind of mathematics. Congratulations.
This whole thread is stupid. 1 is NOT 0,9(9) and 2 is NOT 1,8(8) OK. Get that thorough your thick skulls.
Redneck said:
This whole thread is stupid. 1 is NOT 0,9(9) and 2 is NOT 1,8(8) OK. Get that thorough your thick skulls.

if by your weird ****ed up notation you mean 0.9999..., then please don't tell our math teacher what you just told us because you will be ridiculed.
Mirror, mirror on the wall. What does this post has to show to us all?
Well maybe I didn't see that exact post? I didn't read the entire thread from the start you know.
Redneck said:
This whole thread is stupid. 1 is NOT 0,9(9) and 2 is NOT 1,8(8) OK. Get that thorough your thick skulls.
ahaha, I was wrong, but now I know the truth, and when I made a mistake I didn't arrograntly flame people for holding different views.

But you have, and you're wrong!
Ahaha at you </3 </3
TheSomeone said:
if by your weird ****ed up notation you mean 0.9999..., then please don't tell our math teacher what you just told us because you will be ridiculed.

Actually you're a tard and my notation is indeed correct "0,9(9)" "(9)" meaning an infifnity of nines. The only mistake I made was using "," instead of ".". Here we use "," so my mistake.

Solaris said:
ahaha, I was wrong, but now I know the truth, and when I made a mistake I didn't arrograntly flame people for holding different views.

But you have, and you're wrong!
Ahaha at you </3 </3

By that logic then it would be ok to go to a store and give only 99$ for a 100$ product, because 99=100. Right...
1 is NOT 0,9(9)
By that you mean:

1=/ 0.999.....

In which case you are wrong.

Amazing how maths threads go into flames. It's not becuase of the subject, but becuase some people are dicks and can't accept being wrong or be right without being really arrogant.
Redneck said:
Actually you're a tard and my notation is indeed correct "0,9(9)" "(9)" meaning an infifnity of nines. The only mistake I made was using "," instead of ".". Here we use "," so my mistake.

0.9(9) is not standard notation.

And it does equal 1, and sorry, but "get it through your thick skulls" doesn't quite compare to the significant amount of mathematical proof we have provided.
Can wee pleeeeaase ban redneck.
And you just made a complete prat of yourself mr.redneck.
Not knowing maths is fine, but not knowing maths and flaming people becuase you think their maths is wrong is just retarded.
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