If Bush wins...

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6th months yeah, thats what he said.

So Kerry says the war will end in 6 months?
No, he said sixth months. I saw the debate. The four years was a comment made to Bush.

He believed Bush would be in their four more years. :D Especially, if people voted Bush back into office much rather than himself.
People Hate Bush, not americans. But if they see over 50% of americans standing behind Bush, and letting him continue in his ways, then there's going to be hate for the American people too.
So they hit the USS Cole because of Bush? They bombed embassies in Africa because of Bush? They shot down/hijacked however many planes because of Bush? They commited 9/11 because of Bush? Wait- all those things happened or were being planned before Bush took office. That is such a ridiculous point you are making. The anti-Americanism was being spread long before Bush took office.

Kerry said the troops would be out in 6 months, then he changed his position.
Clinton was going to go after Osama Bin Laden, but at the time of its plausible execution, the Monica Lewinsky scandal was going on. The media openly versed that if he chose to go after Osama, it would be, "wagging the dog".

Wagging the dog is a term for taking the attention off of something, by doing something else, much larger. You could call Iraq, wagging the dog, also.
K e r b e r o s said:
No, he said sixth months. I saw the debate. The four years was a comment made to Bush.

He believed Bush would be in their four more years. :D Especially, if people voted Bush back into office much rather than himself.

For all kerry knows the war could end next week.

No body knows when the war will end. but if 6th months isn't enough and we just pull out, Iraq will be in even more chaos than it is now.
B.Calhoun said:
I believe the standings right now are that kerry is in the lead by a little? or they are nearly tied.....

That's the problem. To the rest of the world, the only right thing to do would be to have Kerry win by a landslide, not by a fraction. They see the war in Iraq, and wonder why Bush has any support at all. If Bush gets elected, it symbolically tells the world: "the majority of american voters say: 'go **** yourselves'"

so you cant really say that the american people like bush. And id say taht alot of people living in Iraq are thinking of bush as a god for liberating their country free from saddam.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if Bush wins, people are going to interpret the vote that got him elected as a sign of arrogance.

That's why I'm glad that Kerry is ahead for now. But, theoretically, if Kerry loses, then the world will be pissed.
K e r b e r o s said:
He said in sixth months. I cant wait for the last month...

Link please.

Kerry's position on Iraq:

He offered his own four-point plan for handling the conflict:

* Get more help from other nations

* Provide better training for Iraqi security forces

* Provide benefits to the Iraqi people

* Ensure democratic elections can be held next year as promised.

These measures could mean US troops coming home over the next four years, beginning next summer, Mr Kerry said.
No body knows when the war will end. but if 6th months isn't enough and we just pull out, Iraq will be in even more chaos than it is now.

Yep, its why Kerries stance has changed.
seinfeldrules said:
So they hit the USS Cole because of Bush? They bombed embassies in Africa because of Bush? They shot down/hijacked however many planes because of Bush? They commited 9/11 because of Bush? Wait- all those things happened or were being planned before Bush took office. That is such a ridiculous point you are making. The anti-Americanism was being spread long before Bush took office.

Kerry said the troops would be out in 6 months, then he changed his position.

Are you blind ?

Sprafa said:
Kerry's and Bush's positions are basically the same.

There is only one fundamental difference. Kerry is a fresh face. Bush isn't. We all know what Bush did and is capable of. The World hates Bush. There is not a single country in the world, with the possible exception of Israel, where Bush is supported by the great majority of the people.

And that, my friends, is the catch. Even if Bush suddenly turns into the best leader the World has ever seen, he already has very low international approvance. With the possible exception of ending with poverty and famine all over the World, there is no way Bush ever will have the World behind him. And the USA are now the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. There is only way power can be exercised over the World by the USA if the anti-Bush/american feelind continues and that is by force.

Let us not allow the USA to become another "gigantic head without a body".
Joeslucky22 said:
:laugh: so you're the spokesperson for the 'world' now huh?

He just actually reads and knows the opinion of the World. It's not hard, just get a lot of letters together and try to truly understand what they mean.

I'm going.
K e r b e r o s said:
Yep, its why Kerries stance has changed.
Joeslucky22 said:
:laugh: we get that alot from this man don't we.

Might want to check up on that.

Bush Ad Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq

Selective use of Kerry's own words makes him look inconsistent on Iraq. A closer look gives a different picture.


Don't forget that Vice President Dick Cheney personally endorsed this site.

Oh, and also please give me a link to the "6 month" quote.
Maybe not from me, or from anyone you know but, to the majority of the world, re-electing Bush would be like half of america banding together and erecting a massive upturned middle finger, right in middle of the White House lawn.

We elect Presidents based on what Americans say, not the world

No more illegal wars like Iraq. No more lies from the white house. No more paying 10 times more to fight a war that has nothing to do with terrorism than to fight Al-Queda in Afghanistan. Al-Queda is a threat to the globe. By ignoring them as he did by invading Iraq (which had basically no Al-Queda ties compared to Pakistan , Saudi Arabia and any number of other countries), Bush is being a threat to himself and to us.
An 'illegal' war that saved 25 million people from a brutal dictator. Heaven forbid we lead another one of those. Ask the Iraqi citizens who they would rather have. The Iraqi War has probably not effected you at all because you are Canadian and I dont believe you sent troops. I can assure you it has effected the 25 million Iraqis, and probably in a good way. Bush has captured 75% of Al Qaeda leaders so I dont see how he is ignoring the threat.

A difference in opinion...

But in an interview with National Public Radio in early August, he said he could "significantly" reduce troops during the first six months of his administration


Now dont assume, "Der-hur than im right". I happen to have the entire debate recorded on TVO still. His comment was that he could reduce the number of troops in Iraq, and end the war in sixth months.

He was of course, referencing that he'd pull out troops in sixth months.
Kerry and Rubin also are detailing a new Iraq policy to "significantly" reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq during the first six months of a Kerry administration. In an NPR interview Friday, Kerry said: "I believe that within a year from now, we could significantly reduce American forces in Iraq, and that's my plan."

This is the same man who says we need more troops in Iraq to control the situation? Hmmm.
Sprafa you have no point. The world attacked America with Clinton, the world attacked America under Bush, and the world would attack America under Kerry.
We elect Presidents based on what Americans say, not the world

Yea, but than you've got to remember Seinfeld rules. They believe because of his evil...ness, that they have a right to say who we should elect or not.

Well, im nervous about going to Hockey games that involve the Colorado Avalanche being in Canadian Ice Rinks. I guess I should have a vote that matters now...
Sprafa said:
He just actually reads and knows the opinion of the World. It's not hard, just get a lot of letters together and try to truly understand what they mean.

I'm going.

Oh so everything what he reads means that it is indeed the worlds opinion? The shit is getting neck deep seriously. Reading letters doesn't mean he understands what EVERYONE is thinking. :|
Sprafa you have no point. The world attacked America with Clinton, the world attacked America under Bush, and the world would attack America under Kerry.

People have argued that if Roosevelt was'nt placed into office, Pearl Harbour would'nt have happened. From what we see of the NSDAP and their Pacific Alliances, this would'nt have changed matters at all.

Japan was still an imperialist looking for Phillipine Oils.
Neutrino said:
Might want to check up on that.


Don't forget that Vice President Dick Cheney personally endorsed this site.

Oh, and also please give me a link to the "6 month" quote.

Neut he said that in the debate (did he not?)

.com .org

hell, even sometimes i mess those up. (suprnov-youknowwhat)

and the debate was a fast paced thing too. 2 min to say what you want, 60 (or 90?) seconds to respond then another then 30.. something like that, but it had to be fast.

It's hard for a guy who doesn't use the internet alot (i'm guessing)

I mean... i dont recall seeing the vice president posting on forums or anything latley :laugh:
seinfeldrules said:

Kerry and Rubin also are detailing a new Iraq policy to "significantly" reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq during the first six months of a Kerry administration. In an NPR interview Friday, Kerry said: "I believe that within a year from now, we could significantly reduce American forces in Iraq, and that's my plan."

This is the same man who says we need more troops in Iraq to control the situation? Hmmm.

I like how "significantly reduce" turns into "he will pull out in six months."

If Bush gets elected, it symbolically tells the world: "the majority of american voters say: 'go **** yourselves'"
Damn right we should say that. Shows you right for trying to elect our leaders. I wouldnt tell Sprafa that he is ****ing me for electing some Nazi in Portugal. Stay out of our elections, it really is none of your business.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if Bush wins, people are going to interpret the vote that got him elected as a sign of arrogance.
So there we go again, electing the President based on what the world says, not Americans. Excuse me, but since when was that the way the Constitution worked.
The shit is getting neck deep seriously. Reading letters doesn't mean he understands what EVERYONE is thinking.

I'll admit, Mechagodzilla does have some excellent opinions. But I think the idea of, "its okay to express HATE on AMERICAN PEOPLE if bush is voted into office." Is a little bit twitchy.
I like how "significantly reduce" turns into "he will pull out in six months."
I mispoke and I apologize, but the fact remains. He criticizes Pres. Bush for not having enough troops in Iraq, and then says he will pull out 'significant' numbers of troops in 6 months. Later he claims it will take 4 years. Which one is it? Nobody knows.
Joeslucky22 said:
Neut he said that in the debate (did he not?)

.com .org

hell, even sometimes i mess those up. (suprnov-youknowwhat)

and the debate was a fast paced thing too. 2 min to say what you want, 60 (or 90?) seconds to respond then another then 30.. something like that, but it had to be fast.

It's hard for a guy who doesn't use the internet alot (i'm guessing)

I mean... i dont recall seeing the vice president posting on forums or anything latley :laugh:

What? Yes, he slipped in his speech and said "fackcheck.com". This was the wrong website and I'm not blaming him for a small slip up like that.

The site I quoted is fackcheck.org the correct site that he meant to refer to, which has the article he was talking about. That is why I said he endorses this site as factual.

I don't get what your trying to say here.
I like how "significantly reduce" turns into "he will pull out in six months."

He was'nt discussing my topic. That, six months, was mine. Although, I have to question you on your past threads. Once again, your not very nuetral in political debates.

So there we go again, electing the President based on what the world says, not Americans. Excuse me, but since when was that the way the Constitution worked.

They think Third Party points and threats that have yet to be worked on/executed, will get us to vote the otherway. I'm going to be 18 soon, and I'm not going to have my vote decisions sabotaged by a world who endorses hating "Americans", just because of Bush.

Heck, they'll hate us no matter who is in office.
which has the article he was talking about. That is why I said he endorses this site as factual.
Did he say website or article on? He could cite a NYT article, but does that mean he supports everything the NYT writes? I am uncertain which he said because I was busy watching the Sox game.

I'm going to be 18 soon, and I'm not going to have my vote decisions sabotaged by a world who endorses hating "Americans", just because of Bush.
Good, that is the way it should be. Pretty soon we may be flying the flag of the UN over the White House and that is sickening.
Neutrino said:
I like how "significantly reduce" turns into "he will pull out in six months."


sig·nif·i·cant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sig-nif-ikant-ly) adj.

Having or likely to have a major effect; important: a significant change in the tax laws.
Large in amount or quantity: significant casualties; no significant opposition.

Sure we'll have troops out there but deffinetaly not enough to keep control of iraq.
Sure we'll have troops out there but deffinetaly not enough to keep control of iraq.

Which was my worry. Infact, its what everyone, including Democrats is advising against doing.
Neutrino said:
What? Yes, he slipped in his speech and said "fackcheck.com". This was the wrong website and I'm not blaming him for a small slip up like that.

The site I quoted is fackcheck.org the correct site that he meant to refer to, which has the article he was talking about. That is why I said he endorses this site as factual.

I don't get what your trying to say here.

Oh i thought you linked to fackcheck.com
