If Bush wins...

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"I have often heard of men talking, but to me, its a myth. Between one and another, opinions are often shared in bouts of rage; intent on climbing up the others opinion to gain recognition. I have often heard of men talking, but to me, its a myth." -Queen Elizabeth :D
as long as we're quoting:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
may or not be true ...but you have to admit he's a bit of a soothsayer

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
"The greatest crimes in History were committed by the official power, by leading groups in determined societies, or by individuals convinced of their own integrity instigated by ambitious aid men, acting apparently with the approval of its peers."
"Herman Georings an idot. An imbusule. He should like to, rant and rave, as others support it, but his pilots are'nt raving when they have to bomb London. ... I told you we'd stick it to them." -Winston Churchill, August 28th, 1943 at Parliament discussion involving the continuation of the Battle of Britain.

His plan, Jupiter, was also brought back up again to bring Luftwaffe attention away from London. Jupiter, was a plan he came up with in 1940, basically calling up an Invasion force to land in Norway.

The plan did'nt go over well with allied leaders at the time of May 10th, 1940. May 10th, signalled the end of mainstream resistance in Norway, but also signalled Hitlers first cross into the Ardennes.
K e r b e r o s said:
"Herman Georings an idot. An imbusule. He should like to, rant and rave, as others support it, but his pilots are'nt raving when they have to bomb London. ... I told you we'd stick it to them." -Winston Churchill, August 28th, 1943 at Parliament discussion involving the continuation of the Battle of Britain.

His plan, Jupiter, was also brought back up again to bring Luftwaffe attention away from London. Jupiter, was a plan he came up with in 1940, basically calling up an Invasion force to land in Norway.

The plan did'nt go over well with allied leaders at the time of May 10th, 1940. May 10th, signalled the end of mainstream resistance in Norway, but also signalled Hitlers first cross into the Ardennes.

somehow I dont think Churchill was so bad at spelling. Surely he would know how to spell Goering. Can you provide your source?
"The greatest crimes in History were committed by the official power, by leading groups in determined societies, or by individuals convinced of their own integrity instigated by ambitious aid men, acting apparently with the approval of its peers."

"I, am a Banana!" -Banana.
Can you provide your source?


It should work. :D

"Total and unmitigated defeat. The enemy has suffered unreclaimable losses, and for every frame he flies a plane over London, we've been able to concluse that our Pilots in the air have kept Jerry busy.

My Proposal comes again, that we continue to rebuild and restructure the fields bombed previous in 1941. It was certain then the German Blitz would've overcome us, but for them, defeat was not a certain thing."

His proposal later reintroduced his plan for Norway, and the comment I cited was when a Parliament member commented on the allowances Herman Georing might attribute with Churchills plan.

His last line, "Stick it to them", came up with a different comment expressing doubt in Churchills sympathies. Which, if you have'nt noted, Britain was a lucky power. It had'nt reclaimed all the losses it had suffered during the 1940-41 Blitz, but it did astonish others at the rate the airfields were back up and Operational.
Worst spelled webpage?

Worse, would be correct. :D But im sure you naturally included that.
Oh, did you click the link CptStern? Unmigititialbleslsllaa defeat?

Should work. If it does'nt, it should be back up sometime in the week. They've been slow to update, and correct their spelling.

Thanks Sprafa :D
CptStern, are you riding on the horse of, "Ha! Love to see him prove that right!", because your not exactly the best to hold for sources.

Can you cite a source where I'am incorrect? :D
K e r b e r o s said:
Oh, did you click the link CptStern? Unmigititialbleslsllaa defeat?

Should work. If it does'nt, it should be back up sometime in the week. They've been slow to update, and correct their spelling.

Thanks Sprafa :D

so in other words:

"I pulled that quote out of thin air in a futile attempt to validate my non existant point"
"I pulled that quote out of thin air in a futile attempt to validate my non existant point"
I'm sure Winston Churchill would have gladly called any Nazi leader an idiot. Anyone who would think otherwise would be, well, an idiot :laugh:
"I pulled that quote out of thin air in a futile attempt to validate my non existant point"

What point have I've been trying to make? Can you comment? Can you, prove a point?

Have a source where I'am wrong? :D Once you do those, hey, your claim will be legitimate.
well maybe in private although since he was a remarkable orator I highly doubt he would have used that in a public speech

btw seinfeldrules ...dont think for a moment I've forgotten you didnt answer my questions from the other day
I'm sure Winston Churchill would have gladly called any Nazi leader an idiot. Anyone who would think otherwise would be, well, an idiot

Apparently Churchill was a nun, who lived in a redoubt somewhere near Dover. ...just so he could spy on NSDAP "skeeter boats". Well, I call them that, but their purpose was to scoop up downed British Pilots.

maybe in private

Besides speeches made public, Parliament generally was a quiet place. I'd hate for a NSDAP Spy to learn of what Parliaments goal was next.
K e r b e r o s said:
What point have I've been trying to make? Can you comment? Can you, prove a point?

Have a source where I'am wrong? :D Once you do those, hey, your claim will be legitimate.

yes ...you spelled "I'am" incorrectly :E
he spelled i'am right though it's not a word, he spelled i'm wrong.
K e r b e r o s said:
Oh bah! Oh bah!

:D I cant spell anything right when I'm discussing with you. :D

I suspect that comes from not being able to redirect my points
Most of the world hates Bush, but not the american people.

It's like Desmond Tutu said (and I'm paraphrasing here):

"The rest of the world loves America, but they can't understand why you do these horrible things. Invading Iraq in a war that the world considered immoral and illegal, while ignoring NATO and the UN"

Oh course, many people know exactly why you've done these things: Bush made them so. People Hate Bush, not americans. But if they see over 50% of americans standing behind Bush, and letting him continue in his ways, then there's going to be hate for the American people too.

Maybe not from me, or from anyone you know but, to the majority of the world, re-electing Bush would be like half of america banding together and erecting a massive upturned middle finger, right in middle of the White House lawn.

Are all we anti-Bush people around the world just the result of a bunch of Left-wing America bashing Pro-Kerry jerks? Hell no.
If you belive that then ask yourself what I, as a canadian, have to gain from a Bush loss. What sprafa, as a guy from portugal has to gain. What anyone here from outside america has to gain.

I can tell you right now that it is one thing: No more illegal wars like Iraq. No more lies from the white house. No more paying 10 times more to fight a war that has nothing to do with terrorism than to fight Al-Queda in Afghanistan. Al-Queda is a threat to the globe. By ignoring them as he did by invading Iraq (which had basically no Al-Queda ties compared to Pakistan , Saudi Arabia and any number of other countries), Bush is being a threat to himself and to us.

America is our friend, but it is a friend with a problem. Kicking Bush out of office is the first step to recovery: admitting it.
I am sorry. :D When you live in a country with Bushism, you cant help yourself out to a few.
Bush wins, we continue in iraq like normal, and finaly try to end this war (with lower taxes :D )

Kerry wins, we pull out and try to get more allies (which will NOT happen) and increase taxes.

If bush wins, in my opinion, americans will have made the RIGHT choice.

If Kerry wins... allah have mercy :rolleyes: .
Kerry and Bush have the exact same strategy for Iraq. They justword it different.
Oh course, many people know exactly why you've done these things: Bush made them so. People Hate Bush, not americans. But if they see over 50% of americans standing behind Bush, and letting him continue in his ways, then there's going to be hate for the American people too.

If this was true, according to polling, Bush would win the election. But Kerry is ahead in those polls.

Plus, how am I responsible for him being in office? I never could vote, so blaiming Americans that could'nt vote is like blaiming a beating on an armless, legless man.
Joeslucky22 said:
Bush wins, we continue in iraq like normal, and finaly try to end this war (with lower taxes :D )

Kerry wins, we pull out and try to get more allies (which will NOT happen) and increase taxes.

If bush wins, in my opinion, americans will have made the RIGHT choice.

If Kerry wins... allah have mercy :rolleyes: .

Except for the little fact that Kerry doesn't plan to pull out.

Might want to brush up on your facts there a bit.
Yes Joeslucky22, biased sources aren't everything.
Mechagodzilla said:
Most of the world hates Bush, but not the american people.
I believe the standings right now are that kerry is in the lead by a little? or they are nearly tied.....

so you cant really say that the american people like bush. And id say taht alot of people living in Iraq are thinking of bush as a god for liberating their country free from saddam.
I swear in the debate he said he was going to pull troops out of iraq?
Joeslucky22 said:
I swear in the debate he said he was going to pull troops out of iraq?

"When the job's done", same as Bush.
Except for the little fact that Kerry doesn't plan to pull out.

Might want to brush up on your facts there a bit.

He said in sixth months. I cant wait for the last month...

"I'am Fucqweed Blahlalala, and im standing right here in Faluja were US Personel are exchanging fire with the resistance. <Loud gunfire in the backround> Its amazing... <whiz> the tracer fire is lighting up the...[POOF!] ... <silence> ...wha? Huh? ...where did the Americans go?"

<Kerry unpresses the, "Dissappear Button">
Okay must of my threads I made have closed within the 3rd page.

Why hasn't it happen yet?
btw seinfeldrules ...dont think for a moment I've forgotten you didnt answer my questions from the other day
Then repost them because I have way too much shit to do on top of digging up 3 day old posts.