If Gordan Talked??


Dec 30, 2007
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i think that if gordan talk within the half life series it would have ruined it....coz i see him as a shy guy that only talk in his mind
Yeah, it would totally ruin the entire Half-Life universe. We are the fans, we know what we are talking about. Yeah. The many other threads came to a consensus on this, hmmm.
If gordon talked it would probly be like ZOMG I WISH I HAD LAZERS THEN I COULD FIRE MAH LAZERS!!
If Gordon speaks I wont play HL anymore!
I think it would be bad if he talked like Alyx does (god I wish she would shut up for just 1 second) then it would be stupid but maybe on the last ever half life game maybe end of official hl3 he should say something like 'I need a holiday' or something even MORE witty than that
You'd all go "OMG, HOW COULD TEY?!?!?!11?2"

Then, like the little minions you are, happily play on. And forget it in, oh, a week.
It would destroy how the games have went but if he could talk we would get much more out of the storyline.

In Stalker and Crysis the character talks so you understand much more, and when meeting with people, it is you that must start the conversion.

In Half-Life you just come to whoever it is and they start like something "Hey Gordon you know what!" and then tell you stuff. But they aren't asking anything from you, they just tell you stuff.

Alyx feels kinda weird that she talks you like you are ghost, she just says stuff but doesn't ask anything, which feels very weird.

I played Crysis and it was cool to see character finally talk to people. It's like, when you meet some people they ask that who are you, not just "Hey wazzup Nomad", and player automatically says something like "U.S. Special Forces".
I think in older games it was too hard to make characters speak but now it is maybe they all should speak like in assassin's creed
I wish he could talk a bit. I don't feel like I'm Gordon Freeman, I feel like I'm a mentally retarded guy, just listen to these weird one-sided conversations and you'll see what I mean. That's what the characters obviously think too, I mean everybody is like "NICE JOB GORDON :D HOW YOU PULLED THAT PLUG WITH THE GRAVITY GUN! YEAH THAT'S A BIG BOY! HAVE A COOKIE"
I think that Gordon could write a letter at end of EP3. That could be good.
I wish he could talk a bit. I don't feel like I'm Gordon Freeman, I feel like I'm a mentally retarded guy, just listen to these weird one-sided conversations and you'll see what I mean. That's what the characters obviously think too, I mean everybody is like "NICE JOB GORDON :D HOW YOU PULLED THAT PLUG WITH THE GRAVITY GUN! YEAH THAT'S A BIG BOY! HAVE A COOKIE"

That's exactly how anybody would react! Do you know how to operate a zero-point-energy-field-manipulator? I didn't think so. People who use those devices have to be TRAINED PHYSICISTS, you know, they deserve recognition for their hard work.
That's exactly how anybody would react! Do you know how to operate a zero-point-energy-field-manipulator? I didn't think so. People who use those devices have to be TRAINED PHYSICISTS, you know, they deserve recognition for their hard work.

Come on, don't bullshit me.
Wasn't the Gravity Gun used by maintenance?
I don't think MIT graduates would be payed and/or be trained to execute various lifting of hazardous materials...
Gordon talking would suck. Maybe if he talked since the very beginning of the series, I wouldn't mind. But introducing vocal cords at this point would just be jarring, and considering how well their design choice has worked thus far, I don't think they'd be able to pull it off with a similar degree of effectiveness.

Strangely, all the people who whine and do want him to grow a voice consistently fail to come up with good ideas for implementing it. After two games and a half dozen episodes/x-packs, do you really think hearing Gordon talk like a normal joe is going to feel rewarding? Really?
Duke Nukem was only one of the old games where the character spoke stuff, even though they were just some one-liners, he did talk.

Gordon never says a word, so that makes him kinda weird. Yep a letter from him at HL ending would be pretty cool.
I think most of us agree that he is perfect without a voice.

But if he needed to speak, Morgan Freeman would TOTALLY be the best actor. Get it? Morgan Freeman, Gordon Freeman? Epic voice?

I'm going back to bed.
maybe if there was a cinematic at the end of the series and it just showed gordon about to say something but just he's about to speak something happens like he gets shot
I'll mock Zombies, Turtles and kids painted like zombies who like turtles. :p

He/She phailed to see that it was an obvious joke thus He/She deserves a mocking.
at the end of half life 2 episode 3 ..........like when alyx was sobbing over eli in episode 2 .......3 will have gordan laying motionless on the ground after the big climax between gman gordan alyx ....with alyx nxt to u wake up and see her and she goes gordan.....then gordan goes alyx then fades into the credits with you seein gordan and alyx hugging
Why does everyone keep calling him Gordan????

(I'm not glad this is my first post, but I just can't stand it anymore)

P.S: This thread has been discused millions of times, so it's quite pointless to keep arguing about it. And Valve would never make him talk, it would be contradictory to their own ideas
Why does everyone keep calling him Gordan????

Because in Half-Life related forums, nobody ever says the names right :farmer:

Gordon Freeman = Gordan

Adrian Shephard = Aryan Shepherd (Hitler would be proud)

Barney = Barnie

Alyx = Alex

Kleiner = Kliener

Magnusson = Madison

Dr. Rosenberg = Dr. Rosenthal (too much Crysis)

eli= elly

lamarr= llama

combine= combien (the frogs would be proud)

advisor= tentacle rape monstar
at the end of half life 2 episode 3 ..........like when alyx was sobbing over eli in episode 2 .......3 will have gordan laying motionless on the ground after the big climax between gman gordan alyx ....with alyx nxt to u wake up and see her and she goes gordan.....then gordan goes alyx then fades into the credits with you seein gordan and alyx hugging

This is kinda funny... :LOL: