If Gordon were ever to talk what would his first words be?


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
I vote: "Yes Alyx. There is room for two in this HEV suit." :D
I vote: "Insert the players words here".

*Insert NPC's reaction to whatever those words were.*
"Sh*t, Thats f*cked up!"

Or what ever lines Silent Bob says
I'm suddenly reminded of that Simpsons episode where Homer is committed to the mental institution and he meets Chief, the guy that never says a word.

Homer: Hey Chief.
Chief: Hello.
[Doctors and nurses rush over excitedly]
Chief: Well, it's about time somebody reached out to me.


first thing i would say if i were him.
alehm said:
I vote: "Yes Alyx. There is room for two in this HEV suit." :D

Glad I am not the only one who said "I wish" when she asked that.
Alyx:(Lying on the ground behind him, while Vortigaunts heal her)Uhhh, Gordon? I'm right here.

Gordon: Where can a man get some action in this town?

Gordon: You know this HEV suit "enhances" a lot of things Alyx.

Gordon: I better be getting time and a half for this.

Gordon: Barney owes me a damned keg now.

Gordon: I can talk?
TheMtR said:
"Where's the toilet!!"
"Feeeeed meeeee"
Seriously, he's been running on adrenalin for almost a week!
Hypnosos said:
When will I get my paycheck?

Kliener- "Sorry Gordon, but ever since the Combine invasion, all banks where destroyed."

Kliener- "Sorry Gordon, but ever since the Combine invasion, all banks where destroyed."

Apart from... the Overwatch Co-operative! 0% APR for the first six months.
Gordon: When does the hurting stop?!;(
Did anybody see the Charlotte's Web thing when they were younger? Remember when the pig who doesn't know he can talk talks, and that huge 'I can talk' song breaks out? They should have him dance and sing that.
Freeman: "Goddamnit, Alyx! Stop hugging my ****ing ***! Every time I peek around a corner I get shot to hell because you're standing there and I can't duck back behind cover! Holy hell! If you do it again I'm going beat the living **** out of you with this crowbar."

--at least that's what I feel like saying sometimes.
ALYXGordon . .. I love you
GordonWhere the **** did I leave my crowbar..uhh sorry you were saying
Gordon: "I didnt want to kill things or study physics, all I wanted to be was... was.... a lumberjack!"

Citizen standing nearby: "We're ******"
Scotsman said:
Gordon: "I didnt want to kill things or study physics, all I wanted to be was... was.... a lumberjack!"

Citizen standing nearby: "We're ******"

imagine being a civilian in that game, and seeing Gordon first encounter Havok, kicking a can around going "this is incredible!"
Civilian- Uhh are you sure this is the right guy . .. I mean uhh... oh **** it...
I dont really know what his first words will be but I think he will first speak when/if Alyx falls/dies. Somthing along the lines of the Darth Vader "No000o..."
"Can someone direct me to the loo? I reeaallly need to go!"
TollBooth Willie said:
I have a feeling that's a screamer.....

It's not a screamer. :( It's a YTMND that has Gordon take over the Black Mesa announcement system to talk.
"How the Hell am I suposed to piss inside this ****ing HEV? And Isaac get that frickin headhumper of my head!!!!!!!"
Gordon: well Hello everyone i would now like to make my first speech and words speech... Good Evening eveyone, i really would like to thank everyone for helping me kill the Combine and I would also like to thank the combine for letting me kill them... Oh yes this was written by Alyx anyway I would also like to thank my fit beautiful darling Alyx... Hey Alyx WTF are you writing in here!

- now thats funny... i think