If you could have 50lbs of anything, what would you have?

  • Thread starter Thread starter RevicLockwood
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Fat Tony! said:
Your dictionary sucks ;).


"In commercial and everyday use, and especially in common parlance, weight is usually used as a synonym for mass.
-- NIST"

"A common meaning of "weight" is "mass."

This is the way the question is often phrased. But it is misleading.

The original meaning of "weight," still in general use today, is equivalent to mass. But a definition common in physics uses "weight" for a particular kind of force,"

Mass is a force and force= mass*accelleration
So you can't have a unit which is both a force and a mass it's impossible

edit- Units of "weight" in some of the various systems
SI ft lbm lbf s ft lbm pdl s ft slug lbf s cgs
mass kilogram pound pound slug gram
force newton pound poundal pound dyne

Grr stupid old systems, use kilograms in the future it appears that the old system doesn't obey the laws of physics :D. We really should stop using these things, ok well in that case we have to ask whether this is a pound of mass or pound of...force :P as a physics student this drives me crazy it's scientificly incorrect, kill me now :P

Good old dimensional analysis, where would we be without it?

As for the metric system, US currency is essentially metric (100 pennies in a dollar - rather than 12 shillings or whatnot).

The UK is the last imperial system country in Europe, but we have made several attempts to go metric - we have changed from lbs to kg and gallons to litres.

But we have stuck with miles and pints (in the pub). I guess they will change to be metric in the near future.

I'd have 50lbs of kilograms.
JellyWorld said:
Does anyone know which currency note has the highest value/weight ratio?

£1000 20 notes weigh 53-56g packaged. £5000 20 notes weigh 263-267g packaged. I know this because i work in a cash centre and forever weighing money.

Depending how much the note has been used, they usually weigh around 1g each...the reason 50 weigh ~55g is because its covered in shit, or something else that isn't part of the note :P

50lb of diamonds...worth alot more than 50lb of notes.
50lbs. of super, awesome, high-tech, brand new, ... bubble-gum
what do you think i want ?

girls <-- notice the "s" in the end :)
Garfield_ said:
what do you think i want ?

girls <-- notice the "s" in the end :)

Wow... 50 pounds of girls... would have to be small chunks of flesh from individual women. No way you gonna get that, even in small children, unless you're going for infants. Which I know you're not.

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.
Raziaar said:
Wow... 50 pounds of girls... would have to be small chunks of flesh from individual women. No way you gonna get that, even in small children, unless you're going for infants. Which I know you're not.

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

could you reapeat that and say it again please? ;)
15357 said:
could you reapeat that and say it again please? ;)

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

I'll even repeat it one more time, just in case. ;)

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

You know! Those bag of holdings from the geeky world of D&D, that contain MASSIVE amounts of items without adding to its weight.

So... 50 pounds of those bags... containing the universe within them.
50 pounds of diamonds, which I could then sell.
Raziaar said:
50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

I'll even repeat it one more time, just in case. ;)

50 pounds of bags of holding containing the universe.

You know! Those bag of holdings from the geeky world of D&D, that contain MASSIVE amounts of items without adding to its weight.

So... 50 pounds of those bags... containing the universe within them.

ah, so the name of these bags is "holding"?
50lbs of pass my exams.

(gcses in like 10 hours :()
Pesmerga said:
50 lbs of wishing this thread would die

thanks to you, this thread just got a bit longer.

one more step towards immortality.........