If you found!

Not true at all... in situations like this(though not usually with as much money), it's often drug related and they ditch the money/drugs to recover them at a later time...

But not likely you'd find it in the middle of a floor.

Yeah if someone could just find it the don't give.
If it was like 100 I would keep it no doubt...100,000 I would have to think a lot. I would probably keep it though
Keeping the money whould just make my paranoia get even higher... Having the feeling that your cat is staring at your neck just ready to strike makes me think i whould freak out, walking around with that cash. Striking little kids asking about direction with my hammer, TAKE THAT DRUG BARON!
I'll let Yogi Berra take this one.

"I'd find the fellow who lost it, and, if he was poor, I'd return it." -- When asked what he would do if he found a million dollars.
First, it would depend on where I found the bag.

Second, it would depend on whether anyone's around or not.

Even then I'm not sure I would take it. I'd probably deal with the money in the same way I'd deal with a stray pet. Phone in about it, leave it with the proper authorities, and then if no one claims it in a weeks time and I'm still interested, then I'll offer to take it in. :P

I'm sure I'd hate myself if the money was claimed. Although if the money was claimed, I'm sure that person would offer a reward...
if i found a bag with 100k, i would take 10k, then give rest to police.