Illegal Actions Amnesty Thread

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in the country i reside in, ive commited no crimes.

however in there country im naught

i reside in the peoples republic of Z4
CptStern said:
arrested for shoplifting (13)

arrested for drinking and driving (21)

arrested for Obstruction of Justice, assualting police officer in US (24)

other quasi-criminal activities (like Badger describes ..mostly drunken idiocy on my part), none that I've been caught for
thirteen counts, or age thirteen?

as for myself- petty theft, as in food, small amoutns of money, office supplies.
possibly sexual harassment (damn)
smelling bad
uh... being mean to my dog/siblings
I shot some politician driving through Dallas in 1963, can't remember who he was, oh, and I stole a thing of gum when I was 7
underage drinking
stole M-80 firecrackers (:E)
drove underage
smoking underage (blacks)
assaulted this kid in 8th grade (got in a fight)

thats all i can think of atm...

Vandalizing public property (I was a douche in 8th grade)
Piracy ('nuff said)
Numerous cases of... well, I suppose you'd call it assault (never lost once, though :E)
Possession and use of an illegal substance (weed and absinthe)
Underage drinking a few times
Statutory rape (well, I was the "victim"... does that count?)
Minor theft (a few small things)
Intruding on private property (hopping a fence to skate)

That's all I can think of for now...
Ooh, some more:

Assault with intent to kill (don't ask :/)
Assault with a completely sweet weapon (skateboard)
Being way too f*cking awesome
SimonomiS said:
Nothing but drinking underage and theft from school.[/color]

I got suspended from school for stealing a mouse ball from a computer mouse. :(

That was a bad day.
Fined for running red lights, and 2 speed tickets...well, it was a while ago, 1932 i think, anyone ells play Mafia?
Raziaar said:
I got suspended from school for stealing a mouse ball from a computer mouse. :(

That was a bad day.

That brings back a memory from my BST (Business, Services and Technology) class.

The teacher was lecturing and he likes to pace the floor when he does so. When he turned his back I'd roll my mouseball to a friend and he'd roll his to me across the floor. Well, a couple saw and joined in. This went on and on until we had about 10 people participating (five from each angel of the "L"). It was really funny to watch.
Lets see...

Trespassing on private property
Petty theft
Underage drinking
Driving without a liscense

don't tell nobody
Haven't commited any crimes except for pirating on teh interwebs and acquiring illegal substances while abroad.
I guess pirating and taking a crayon from Pre-school.
Que-Ever said:
thirteen counts, or age thirteen?

as for myself- petty theft, as in food, small amoutns of money, office supplies.
possibly sexual harassment (damn)
smelling bad
uh... being mean to my dog/siblings

heh those numbers are the age I was at the time of arrest
Phew! I thought it was the amount of times you'd done it!

CptStern said:
heh but you'd still love me right? assualting 24 officers isnt all that hard, after about the 12th one your fist starts to get tired but you can also use your feet :E

If it was Oblivion it would be understandable :laugh:
heh but you'd still love me right? assualting 24 officers isnt all that hard, after about the 12th one your fist starts to get tired but you can also use your feet :E
hmm lets see.

Underage drinking
possession of a banned substance (weed)
driving without a liscense and underage (15 at the time)

luckily I never got caught :D

Petty theft (a pack of gum and a pot of model paint spring to mind)
Consumption of illegal substances (once)
Numerous counts of vandalism (smashing bottles and crap)
Oh, and arsen (minor stuff... although I nearly burned someone's house down once o_O)
Misplacing of other's property... or something (used to gather up everyone's junk mail along a street and dump it in one box >_>)

Oh yeah, the one time I got caught - a friend and I were throwing rocks at a signpost (big giant glowy beer sign). Someone must have called to complain, and soon enough two cops arrive to us trying to destroy the evidence - piling rocks out of our pockets :P
Driving without a license
Reckless Driving (no license)
Reckless Driving resulting in accident (no license)
Underage Drinking
Underage Smoking
Directing bananas trade

There are some things but I don't feel like going into it.

Note: Never arrested or caught. Ever.
Me and my friend set up a fake CS clan and recruited people to be admins.

We then got them to fill out a fake application form that incuded Steam login and pass..

We stole over $1500 in Steam accounts and used them with hacks until they were all banned.

Other than that I haven't commited a crime in my life.
OvA said:
Me and my friend set up a fake CS clan and recruited people to be admins.

We then got them to fill out a fake application form that incuded Steam login and pass..

We stole over $1500 in Steam accounts and used them with hacks until they were all banned.

Other than that I haven't commited a crime in my life.
That's fairly impressive. Of course not good and all but from a purely objective standpoint- well planned and played out.
CptStern said:
ever had a glass of wine and drove an hour later? if so, you're drunk enough to be arrested. It only takes a blood alcohol level of .08 to be arrested for drinking and driving (in canada) which amounts to about a single drink of spirits or a pint of beer

Nope. If I was driving I wouldn't touch the stuff.

(I don't drive yet so :p)

TONIGHT - we blocked off a petrol station forecourt with cones, tried to break into a digger compound (chased off by dogs... fun), stole a huge sign from a garden centre and put it on a doorstep..

... god I've missed the lads :D

WORK TOMORROW AT 8.. woo fun ;(
I don't believe half the posts in this thread there's no way some of the most illegal things you guys have done simply involves piracy.
OvA said:
Me and my friend set up a fake CS clan and recruited people to be admins.

We then got them to fill out a fake application form that incuded Steam login and pass..

We stole over $1500 in Steam accounts and used them with hacks until they were all banned.

Other than that I haven't commited a crime in my life.

See I don't care if you steal from corporations... but gamers!? <gasp> I'll murder you, you bastard!

<stabs a Knife into OvA's abdomen>
Theft. oh so much Theft.

Money (well over $4000 worth)
Toys (when I was like 7)
Streetsigns (I don't get why I stole them)
Computer (From a school)
Countless small things.

Man, that was like 2-4 years ago, I'd be a good theif if I kept going, I never got caught once...


Highschool (At night)
College (At Night)
Power Plant
This one place with barbed wire over the fence, so I guess that was tresspassing
Abadoned House


Fights with fist
Fights with blunt objects
Fights with sharp objects
Fights, Fights and more Fights...


Pretty much everything you can pirate..

Man, when I put it all into a list... I committed a shitload of crimes!
Dog-- said:
Theft. oh so much Theft.

Money (well over $4000 worth)
Toys (when I was like 7)
Streetsigns (I don't get why I stole them)
Computer (From a school)
Countless small things.

Man, that was like 2-4 years ago, I'd be a good theif if I kept going, I never got caught once...


Highschool (At night)
College (At Night)
Power Plant
This one place with barbed wire over the fence, so I guess that was tresspassing
Abadoned House


Fights with fist
Fights with blunt objects
Fights with sharp objects
Fights, Fights and more Fights...


Pretty much everything you can pirate..

Man, when I put it all into a list... I committed a shitload of crimes!

Smells like BS to me
Nat Turner said:

Because he is extremely details..also..why would you steal a school computer?
To show you can, of course. Why else steal stuff? unless you really need it. And you do NOT really need a school computer. Ever.
I once stole two forklifts! Lifted one up with the other and drove off into the night.
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