Illegal Actions Amnesty Thread

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SimonomiS said:
You can be banned for colouring your posts the same as the background. ;)
That's pretty stupid too unless they asked you to stop.

Even then it's not even worth bothering over, someone had to be in a pissy mood to even get flustered over something so trivial.
RakuraiTenjin said:
That's pretty stupid too unless they asked you to stop.

Even then it's not even worth bothering over, someone had to be in a pissy mood to even get flustered over something so trivial.

*cough* Banimal *cough*

Still, I guess I was warned and anyone doing something a moderator doesn't like, and doesn't stop on request, is worthy of a ban.
I don't believe you've ever done anything banworthy. Ever.

I simply can't believe it.
SimonomiS said:
*cough* Banimal *cough*

Still, I guess I was warned and anyone doing something a moderator doesn't like, and doesn't stop on request, is worthy of a ban.

At least you learnt your lesson. :D
Danimal said:
At least you learnt your lesson. :D
I guess so, but you just lost 10 cool points dude, good job! YEAH LOOK AT HIM CRY! :D

Right, the Loke, Crazy and Samon are in this because they asked for it, litteraly. They even specified the models to use :P
In Soviet Russia, comic read YOU!!
The first one in a while that's actually been funny! :D

I jest, of course. Or do I?
rambler said:
having underage sex

is there anyone that actually thinks something in my list is 'bad'.

Which one of you was underage? ^.^

While we're talking about amnesty, anyone remember that site where people could submit confessions annonymously? Was posted awhile back. Some of the stuff on there was pretty out there...

Edit - Found it. First result from "confessions" in Google :P

Guaranteed not to get you banned! :D
Last night I got very drunk and broke something and then when I was on the internet I'm fairly sure I left a few innapropriate posts on here here and there I'm trying to find them all.

Bad^Hat said:
Which one of you was underage? ^.^

While we're talking about amnesty, anyone remember that site where people could submit confessions annonymously? Was posted awhile back. Some of the stuff on there was pretty out there...
RakuraiTenjin said:
Um no not really. If he was joking it was lame but pretty retarded to ban over. I don't see any other bannable offenses around here.

It's up to them to ban whoever they please as it's a private forum but if they're going to tout about being a community based site and being hosted by Valve as serving them then banning based on moderator personal opinion of a user should be kept to a minimum.

If he was joking, he shall be unbanned. We don't ban based on personal opinion.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Um no not really. If he was joking it was lame but pretty retarded to ban over. I don't see any other bannable offenses around here.

It's up to them to ban whoever they please as it's a private forum but if they're going to tout about being a community based site and being hosted by Valve as serving them then banning based on moderator personal opinion of a user should be kept to a minimum.
My personal opinion of OvA did not factor into the ban.

I did what I am supposed to do - whether he is kidding or not is hardly relevant when you consider retribution. All of the staff I've spoken to about it is behind me on this.

Nat Turner, also, was banned because of his comments in the rape thread, which were absolutely atrocious to the point of trolling. We have a certain level of quality standards in our discussion and he was so far under them you couldn't even see him anymore.
I've... poked a badger with a spoon!

Hah! I bet you never heard that one before!
Wait!?... You have? Oh bugger...
Fun Fact:
I was originaly going to use the Combine Elite model for Chris_D.
more underage drinking!
driving illegally! (didnt have my license)

thats all i did today that i can think of
Ennui said:
fear and loathing is great :)

some of this thread is weird, Dog-- in particular kind of scared me.

stealing little things from a convenience store now and then in your troubled youth isn't so bad, but wallets and purses? that's a bit much.

I did it when I was little, I don't steal anything now except if it's a joke. I'm not bad anymore.
Me and my friend set up a fake CS clan and recruited people to be admins.

We then got them to fill out a fake application form that incuded Steam login and pass..

We stole over $1500 in Steam accounts and used them with hacks until they were all banned.

Other than that I haven't commited a crime in my life.
I think everyone needs to watch this and be mindful.

This thread does not grant you amnesty.. is hosted by Valve Software, and though our management, content, and everything else is NOT interfered with or overseen by them in any way, we do our best to honor them.

OvA has recieved a permanent ban that will not be lifted and we may send all of his information (IP, email, etc) to Valve so they can pursue legal action if they wish.

We do not support, condone, or allow this kind of behavior. Admitting to acting on a scheme to steal other users Steam accounts is going to get you an instant ban and possible legal action.

HAHAHAHAH OVA wut a ****in douche haahah he just ****ed himself in the ass.
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