I'm freaking out over bed bugs!

I agree. Imagine them crawling all over your body while you are asleep.
Sounds like a decent plan. If the little guys withstand all of that then they earn +3 honour.

BTW @Druckles - they're not microscopic. They're pretty big:

Maybe a teensy bit smaller than that.
Edit: Wow, you can even see the proboscis.

Ah, different sort of Bed Bug that I'm familiar with.
"I fantasize about their hairy little legs running wildly across my naked body."

It's a good thing I sleep on a waterbed.
Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite!

"It is found in temperate climates throughout the world"

Hurray, England is safe!
Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite!

"It is found in temperate climates throughout the world"

Hurray, England is safe!
London has a bit of an epidemic at the moment actually. From what I've heard they are fairly insensitive to temperature, to the extent that you would pretty much have to freeze a room for it to have any effect on an infestation.
Bed bugs survive on your dander.

They are like natures bed cleaning things.

Except they poop where they eat.
Sure you're not thinking of dust mites? I never used to make the distinction either until I started getting bitten shitless one time.


Dust mite (Magnified x2000)

Fear bedbugs tbh
Dust mites survive on your dander.

They are like natures bed cleaning things.

Except they poop where they eat.

Wtf does a bed bug do.
You bastard, stop making me think that time is repeating.
Wtf does a bed bug do.
Sucks your blood for 15 minutes at a time - leaving strings of big itchy welts where they get disturbed in mid-suck and shift along a little to continue feeding


D: (pic is not me)

Oh shit... there's these ripples sometimes when I'm quiet in my bed ready to go to sleep. One side of the bed raises and traverses to the opposite side as if I were rocking back and forth on the bed, and I feel something press up against my back.

Maybe I should get a real bed and deal with the bed bugs... I don't know if I can handle sharks, let alone the unknown of what may be lurking in the dark depths of my bed.

Water beds survive on your dander.

They are like natures bed cleaning things.

Lol kidding. Don't do it. I used to have

a water bed. I regret poking a hole into it every time I wake up.
I would hate to have bed bugs...

One time I woke up with a bunch of red marks on my arm, hole through my screen (left window open) and droppings by the window. Had me really wondering what the hell happened that night. Turned out to be a large grasshopper who had chewed through the screen. I found him in another room that morning.
That grasshopper looks like it should be making the "TEEEEEIYRH??!" sound that the fishes made in Wind Waker.
Au-heppa, for God's sake why the hell did you have to do that?
Spiders are friendly. Except the ones that aren't.

Not so friendly spider.

And oh man Laivasse I want to snuggle that spider.

Check this cute little spider out.




I'm notgoing to pretend to understand what exactly is going on there. I'm just going to pretend I didn't see it. :x
I figured you'd know not to look at anything I post by now because I am so crazy that I shit camels with Russian race horse accuracy of rabbits in balls?

But yeah it wouldn't have hurt to at least tag it as NSFW.