I'm off to Poland? anyone want to join me?


May 5, 2004
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Malfunctioning distillery turns lake into 30% proof vodka

Warsaw Business journal said:
Malfunctioning distillery turns lake into vodka. According to specialist analysis, the Bracholinskie lake in Wielkopolska is filled with alcohol.

The concentration of alcohol in the water amounts to 30% in some places. The phenomenon is a result of a technical problem in the nearby vodka production plant. "Our alcohol measuring equipment is not wrong. It recorded a level of 30%. There is vodka in this lake," stated chemist Robert Wilczynski. The news about the free vodka in the lake spread fast and attracted a number of farmers from nearby villages who arrived at the lake to take as much vodka as they can. Meanwhile local women are in despair and have turned to beg god to help save their husbands from the demon drink. "If God does not help us, everyone in the neighbourhood will be stinky drunkards and only a hole will be left on the site of our lovely lake," laments 76 year old Genowefa Licha.

<hickup> I love you guyyysh <hickup> ..I went swimming and now I'm drunk ...I'm not drunk YOU'RE DRUNK!! <takes swing at empty air>
Haha, I wouldn't drink it, even if it should be quite sterile with all the liquor in it. But you go on, have some fun in the rusty Poland :/
Haha, that's hilarious.

Let's steal a plane! It won't matter because if we hide on an island or boat in the middle of a lake, any persuers will swiflty became innebriated. :D
right now he's shaking his fist in the general direction of Hl2.net and saying "I'm not drunk ..oh wait, yes I am!!"
Vodka:x . Maybe if it was a lake of chocolate then I would've been interested:D .
Who're you to tell me I'm drunk? That's a decision between me and god.
60 proof is like my urine. who cares? probably a bunch of dead fish and shit int here anyway.

ill admit its better than most lakes. when i see a 100 proof lake ill be the 1st to rip my pants off and jump in.
Oh the high jinx of my home land. Drinking the lake water would not be gross the alcohol would have killed most if not all the bacteria.
Im in, but i won't chat with AL, he never liked me. :(
Can't Unfocused scout this place out? Sounds like an ideal place for a holiday.
Izzz not there... 'nymore. I drrrank it aaall! Whaaiting for some rain and more maflutuntcion. *wide grin*
This happened in my village once. There is a distillery (now long closed) imaginativly enough known as the old still. Once a load of whiskey or something leaked onto the stream is was on and a load of cows got drunks. Apparently the milk was also partialy alchoholic for a few days too :LOL:

Edit: I'm not drunk! I'm upset....and DRUNK!
The Monkey said:
I'd hit it.