Image dump D:

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It's quite simple: center of gravity.
Exactly, that's all that matters. The string being tied and the hammer pushing against the ruler, all that BS doesn't matter it's just there because it's a trick you can assemble with household items. If all those things were just welded together it would work. The point that the ruler is on the table is the system's center of gravity.
Can we just say it's a magic hammer suspended on a ruler imbued with pixie dust joined by a string made from the anus hair of angels and move off it? Ta.

Also, this is LOL -


Edit - Haha, oh christ, it just won't END.



EDIT: OH NOES, Mah photobuckets been exceded! Thats the first time ive ever seen that happen to my account.
damn that screenshot is bugged, the creature doesn't have a chin lol

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.



Thats a f*cking awesome stereogram.
Rofl...haven't seen the no straight or reverse ones. Kinda cookie. Photochop?
Teh interbutts is your friend.

To find the hidden image you must focus you eyes through the screen. Pretend that you are looking through the monitor to the distant background. This causes you to switch from ?near point? to ?far point? vision and will allow the hidden image to come into view.

* Put your face close to the screen. Pretend to look through
the monitor.
* Now, very slowly move back from the screen and as you do so
the image will come into view.
* This may take several attempts.
* Please be patient, and you will be rewarded with the hidden

Basically, is a trick to make something appear 3D.
I just go crosseyed and then unfocus my vision (to make sure I'm not concentrating on the motion in general) then I slowly become not crosseyed.
I've got a real knack for seeing those, I can get 'em up in a blink's time.
One time while waiting at the dentists, I finally figured out how to get those! I got like 5 in a row in some book full of them...

I've never been able to do it since D:
Stop posting the god damn cats jesus! What's so damn funny about dem fooking cats everywehre ahhh cats here cats there CATS FRIGGIN EVERYWHERE!Q! STOP POSTING THEM AGHH!!!!!!!!!!

For some reason... I can't stop laughing.

+points for Naudian for epic post.
Stop posting the god damn cats jesus! What's so damn funny about dem fooking cats everywehre ahhh cats here cats there CATS FRIGGIN EVERYWHERE!Q! STOP POSTING THEM AGHH!!!!!!!!!!

QFT. I don't think I have seen a single cat picture that was funny at all.
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