Image Dump III

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That one made me laugh so damn hard.

I don't understand the tweed thing.

The Tweed from the old mans suit some how morphed itself onto the scarf of the woman- in the middle.
Football pain shots never fail to amuse me.
Are they usually captured from HDTV sources?
resize it to desktop size or make the background colour black or somthing
then right click desktop->properties->desktop->customise desktop->web->new->browse+ok
move the gif into the centre of the screen, go back into the web tab and 'lock to desktop'. Voila.
jimbo118 said:
same, not in UCD anymore?
you'd think so ... they employ me full time these days in accounts :(
there's no escape
Saw this at my bookstore for real!!


this was there too but my camera was not wide enough to capture i move it
I wish I still had the picture of me reading The Bible in the Science Fiction section at Borders.
I'm a black Scottish cyclops. They've got more **** ****** **** *** than they've got the likes of me.
so hes got an eyepatch weeeee. he reminded me more of the demo man from tf2
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