Image Dump III

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I'll let you decide!
Man, starships must need regular cleaning. Instead of bugs, they have to worry about human waste in space.
It's ugly as hell and not even modelled very well.

Ive got to agree with the bad modelling part. It looks really low res, and they tried to cover it up with simple textures. If they modeled all those metal sheets on the hull, it would have looked a lot better.
The actual design of it is pretty cool though.

It looks like a deformed flying manatee. One of the worst ship designs I have ever seen (besides maybe the ultra-ugly mon-calamari cruisers of star wars)

EDIT: and seriously, if you're making a ship model for a TV show you would want to put more effort into it than that. It looks like it could be rendered in freespace. I can see the texture distortion, horrid polygonization on the engines, unrealistic plastic sheen on everything, low-resolution textures, etc. etc.
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