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Fabulous prize draw! lolz

yes its my birthday

you want to do something about it?

cake? presents? love?

Beer's always good

Edit: Virgin Radio just wished everyone with a birthday a Happy Birthday :p

Was quite weird

Beer's always good

Edit: Virgin Radio just wished everyone with a birthday a Happy Birthday :p

Was quite weird

happy birthday to the virgins!!! bunch of losers lol

should be a announcement like this

'happy birthday to all of our listeners!'

'Get laid or keep listening'
God i lol'd at the bird survives post, I feel horrible, but I can't help it DAMNIT. I mean look at the last two pictures...the bird just stands looking all chilled with almost no neck.. LOL
i find it weird how animals can't really make facial expressions.
just look in the last pics how his eyes are semiclosed like its feeling pain
yeah, the bird just stands there as if nothing happened..... LOL

hehe yeah it kinda looks like it's embarassed, like if you fall down in the stairs at public place, and is trying to act casual like nothing happened.
This just in: Hawk mates with a seagull... somehow producing an Ostrich!
that bird is probably in so much freaking it's skinned alive exposing tender muscle and nerve endings then on top of that it's probably really windy and dirt is being flung and stuck onto the muscle tissue causing even more stinging blinding pain...makes me think that all human problems are nothing compared to what wild life have to go through

Those were from not too long after HL2 came out, I believe, made by members (sorry don't remember who) responding to the proposal of street cameras being able to talk back to you in London. Did they ever implement that?
Hawk gets to eat some delicious neck meat, bird gets to live. Win-win situation! Everybody's happy!
The hawk just didn't break the bird's windpipe or spine, so basically it lived about 10 seconds while its brain started shutting down due to lack of blood. Also birds have less nerves than humans so it prolly hurts less than it would for a person.
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