Image Dump III

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Holy hell, ahaha ROFL, LMAO! :D I think there was more of those comics too.

I found this comic incredibly funny, mainly because of the double entendre at the end that may not actually exist.
I found this comic incredibly funny, mainly because of the double entendre at the end that may not actually exist.
Yeah, there's a double entendre. She picked up the spare snowball, and "picked up the spare" as in knocking everyone down in two throws. :p
Yeah, there's a double entendre. She picked up the spare snowball, and "picked up the spare" as in knocking everyone down in two throws. :p

At least somebody gets it. No one else I showed it to could understand
Speaking of double entendres and Charlie Brown, The Great Pumpkin is a jab at religion. I was just discussing that earlier at a completely different place. Hunh.

Today is Charlie Brown day or something.
Again speaking of Charlie Brown, can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture? There is indeed something wrong; it is not a trick question.

They're not totally hooking up?

On a somewhat Charlie-related note, I keep wanting to call my landlord Charlie, even though it isn't his name. Which is really bad cause he's a bit asian. Actually, alot asian. Sooooo, really looking forward to when I finally slip up and say it to his face.
Original content that I just found on CNN:

As usual though, the stupid website crops my picture:
Again speaking of Charlie Brown, can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture? There is indeed something wrong; it is not a trick question.


Why is there a metal post underneath the chair in that pic? It looks really out of place..
Is it that she's wearing flip-flops while kicking a football? What an idiot.
It's that she holds the football for Charlie Brown to kick (and then pulls the ball out of the way when he does).
It's that she holds the football for Charlie Brown to kick (and then pulls the ball out of the way when he does).

Wrong person. The person who holds the ball and takes it away is Lucy. The girl kicking the ball in the picture is Patty.
Wrong person. The person who holds the ball and takes it away is Lucy. The girl kicking the ball in the picture is Sally.

Oh... You got the wrong person too. The girl kicking the ball in the picture is Peppermint Patty.


Don't know if it has been posted, but it's my new avatar.
Lmao, as soon as I saw BadHat say "actually..." I knew what he was thinking :LOL:

Don't know if it has been posted, but it's my new avatar.

If you manipulate the frames a little bit, you might actually be able to get a completely seamless animation that doesn't reset so jarringly. You have a good source material to work with, as he's basically making one motion. Check it out, or maybe somebody else can, and you can get it done.

playing with more shop, well I just cropped it in shop. Its an actual screenie from a game. 10 points if you know what game it is.
10 POINTS!! Congratulations, well, I was going to link goatse to you, but I decided against it. That game is awesome though.
Bugger, I missed my 1234 post.

What a good one to have it as though, those are all great.
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