Image Dump III

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hahaha, SO awesome.
Getting chased by those tigers would scare me shitless, especially this one:

Lol, Emporius. Can YOU see which of these things is not like the others???

And nice TF comic.
Oh my god :D Thats why TF2 is great-no limitations of classes.
I best those terrorists are getting more crafty. Probably cut some asphalt out, dug a hole, placed an explosive in the hole, filled it back up and placed the asphalt back on. *Wait, wtf. The hump clipped through the car in front, fake. Jeep would flip over too.
Those last 2 had me laughing for atleast a minute.


Soon it'll build itself a llamocoon and turn into a Llamerfly :)
It's a Llama... lol. I mean it looks funny, but it's not surprising or anything. Many animals tuck their legs beneath themselves completely. My cat does it all the time when she lays on my stomach or chest. You can't even tell she has limbs cause she's just a ball of fluff when she does that. Her hair isn't even long or anything.
Where are the llama's EARS? Do they have ears? I've never seen one.
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