Image Dump III

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I think you guys can back off now and get back to posting funny images.

o shi-
I mAIDES this

Post it wherever you have an insanely stupid conversation, as I usually make them.
Lol, the tf2 was awesome! I predict a backstab rather than a sapped pistol.
I have to totally give that one to Vegeta. I mean, Stern was all like "bleep bloop bleep" and Veggies was all like "hurr harr hurrr" and I was all like "Oh snap" and Stern was all like "dugga durrga dugga" and Veggies was all like "peep po po peep" and Stern was all like "shinny wig zig" and everyone was all like "azzy kabumperstain" and then Stern logged off to give out rations to his kids.
I had to save the assassin's creed image. It's not loading all the way on the forum for me.

The Mario ghost comic is hilarious Slug Advisor.

I am going to avoid saying both of them sucked so to not upset darkside
wtf is that giant lobster? id love to cook it and devour that. seafood kicks so much ass
wtf is that giant lobster? id love to cook it and devour that. seafood kicks so much ass

I think it's a sea scorpion, from some documentary I saw ages ago, where the presenter like travelled back in time. It was kind of lame.
Except, you know... the thing would be larger than him.

At least some of the sea scorpion species I think.
Except, you know... the thing would be larger than him.

At least some of the sea scorpion species I think.

I dunno, maybe it was inaccurate then. It was made a few years ago. Or maybe they just didn't care about accuracy as much as they cared about having him hold a giant scorpion on TV.
I dunno, maybe it was inaccurate then. It was made a few years ago. Or maybe they just didn't care about accuracy as much as they cared about having him hold a giant scorpion on TV.

The giant scorpion could of held him!
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