Image Dump III

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omg you forgot the one with Ennui unlocking the bancage on Pesmerga >:3
Oh yeah



That's my one! I can't believe somebody saved it. YOU ROCK!

From the above cow panel, I made this a long time ago. :thumbs:

Went through dozens upon dozens of calvin & hobbes comics and cut apart the images(in electronic form) to custom fit my scene.

You're making these, Beerdude?

No. It was somebody else. I want to say... Erestheux? I can't remember exactly. But whoever it was, I love them for making the ones about me... and giving me the chance to modify it into my calvin comic!
All those are from Que-Ever, except the Black & White thingies they're from Sulk
Think I had one of those black and white cartoons made about me too! Forgot what it was like though :(
They're awesome though! :D
I never knew Que-Ever was made of so much win. Im sad that I missed this the first time around.
Oh my ****ing god. That is one of the most horrifying things I have EVER seen.

It was bad enough when termites poured down from the corner of my room's ceiling while I was sleeping, completely blanketing the room in millions of winged insects... if spiders like that were ever to happen to me in such a situation. Oh man... I'd probably take a flamethrower to my room.

And gunner, your image isn't showing. I think you copied the wrong url?
Oh my ****ing god. That is one of the most horrifying things I have EVER seen.

It was bad enough when termites poured down from the corner of my room's ceiling while I was sleeping, completely blanketing the room in millions of winged insects... if spiders like that were ever to happen to me in such a situation. Oh man... I'd probably take a flamethrower to my room.

And gunner, your image isn't showing. I think you copied the wrong url?

LOL holy shit where do you live again Raz? Oakcliff??? :LOL:
And yes I hate spiders so damn much, I stuck my head into a huge spider web on my great uncles land the other day. Right beside a huge fat ****in spider. *shivers.
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