
**** this. was one of the 9 or so sites in that last raid. It was definitely a site I used to use daily.


Drinking this tonight. First night off work in about two weeks.
These things never get to me. I guess I consider myself too important in this lonely corner of the cosmos to realize how unimportant I am in the grander scheme of things. But anyway
Haha yeah, I just spotted it and thought it was dumb, then remembered how much Darkside hates these "oh shit space is so big" images. :p

Cool looking plane, however, quantity over quality doesn't apply too well to fighter jets. Without an advanced Avionics system, the craft is so much more susceptible to enemy fire. Not too mention, training for pilots is lengthy and expensive and maintenance can be a huge nightmare for fighter jets. More you have, the harder and more expensive it is going to be to maintain all of those aircraft.

Sorry forgot the pic...


Behold, the's a piece of shit.

I think the training would be fine, since its actually a heavily modified supersonic trainer jet. :p Don't know about avionics, since I'm not very knowledgeable in the field of non-armaments.

Also, the ROK Air Force is going to buy 140 of those FA-50s to compensate for the F-4 Phantoms. The Air Force wants at least 450 fighters (and +50 to account for attrition) available at any time, regardless of the quality (hence we kept the Phantoms until we could find an adequate substitute for the Phantoms roles of ground attack: the F-15K). The FA-50 was also chosen not only because its completely indigenous, but also because the Norks have a shitty air force. Besides, we're trying to sell it to the Iraqis and other less rich nations. How do you think it'd look if we didn't use them ourselves? :p

Also, they're planning to buy some F-35s as well. Don't know where they'd get the money though. I mean, we all but scrapped the light aircraft carrier project, so we don't really need the F-35s. It'd be cool to have them though, but until we get the money, FA-50s it is.

I just subscribe to the train of thought that Top Gun was real, and Maverick teaches all the pilots to fly like idiots so we end up never going to war with a country that has airplanes.
I just subscribe to the train of thought that Top Gun was real, and Maverick teaches all the pilots to fly like idiots so end up never going to war with a country that has airplanes.


Wait, didn't the Iraqis have an air force? What happened to them when the US invaded in 2003? I don't seem to recall any "US F-16s VS Iraqi MiGs" combat.

Model of the KF-X (Korea Fighter eXperimental). a Generation 4.5 fighter being developed to replace or supplement the (K)F-16 Block 60s. Originally, it was meant to be like a cheaper version of the F-35, but the politicians refused to give more money, so we settled with this. I hate politicians. Still, it would retain some stealth capabilities, kinda like the new F-15SE Silent Eagle. (Funnily enough, when it was planned to be a generation 5 fighter, Boeing didn't say anything, but now they want to sell us the F-15SEs.)
See the thing is the politicians know they suck at their jobs, war inevitably erupts, and when it does they don't want to look bad compared to you so they give you shitty equipment.

Here's your obligatory image, mods.

You know you like it.
She should start doing comics with people in them instead of cats.


friggin furries
Yeah, so many artists good (and bad) I can't help but find waste their talents.


Obligatory image is obligatory
Well, if cats are her thing, I don't care. It's not really a waste. But I do agree she should do people too.

Back to images.

+1 post count if you can name the doujin this is from. Perv.
Those catpeople are fully creepy. They are disgusting and make me sick.

What are you talking about? It's perfectly logical.

**** I hate people who think that good artists who draw anthropomorphic art is a waste of talent. **** you.

I see what you did there moocow.

**** I hate people who think that good artists who draw anthropomorphic art is a waste of talent. **** you.
Some argue that anime or anime-esque is a waste of everyone's time. To each his own I guess.

Some argue that anime or anime-esque is a waste of everyone's time. To each his own I guess.

I know some of the Art Institutes won't allow prospective students to submit anime as part of their portfolios.


Art is stupid anyway.

-Numbers, who can't draw for shit.


I know some of the Art Institutes won't allow prospective students to submit anime as part of their portfolios.

Mainly because most Anime inherit one art style :/

**** I hate people who think that good artists who draw anthropomorphic art is a waste of talent. **** you.

Come on, be fair. Its not that I think anthro art (and anime) are wastes of talent. Its that I think any art done by talented artists in a style I don't like is a waste of talent. All art should be made to impress and please me.

Also, my internet connection is being stupid, and not letting me upload anything anywhere. So this is probably a repost. Deal with it.


**** I hate people who think that good artists who draw anthropomorphic art is a waste of talent. **** you.

Come on, be fair. Its not that I think anthro art (and anime) are wastes of talent. Its that I think any art done by talented artists in a style I don't like is a waste of talent. All art should be made to impress and please me.

Also, my internet connection is being stupid, and not letting me upload anything anywhere. So this is a repost. Deal with it.

EDIT: Whoops double post too.