And this has been one of my most successful threads. Even more so than my riot threads. Lol.

Tbh, I don't care much for anime, but good anime art is acceptable in my book. I really don't care what people post as long as it doesn't make me want to puke my guts out.

Lol @ Saber figurine eating

And here's a pic to satisfy our most gracious overlords.

A White Cat is Fine Too!

(Although I find it hard to control White Len in Melty Blood; normal Len is much, much better, save for her reach)
Is her mouth open all the time or something? She seems like a bitch and/or the age of 8.


Bought the God of War collection lately, and I've got to say, it feels awesome.
Yeah, she is a bitch.

Normal Len doesn't even say anything.


I take it nobody here ever played Melty Blood - that anime-esque fighting game? Or read/played/saw the Tsukihime series + Kagetsu Tohya? Those were one of the very very few Japanese things that I liked/could bear.
I have seen/read/played a good chunk of the type moon stuff, minus melty blood.

Its really difficult to find a good/complete translation of the novels/visual novels though, so its mostly the anime adaptations that I am familiar with

Eh, I've never seen the anime, and haven't heard anything good about them either.

The orginal Tsukihime and the sequel Kagetsu Tohya are very good, even if you don't care for visual novels.

**** this "pic for every post" rule. Does anyone even care about what I post?

If there was a good complete translation for the type-moon visual novels, I would jump at them

atm, im going through little busters! from KEY

Eh, I've never seen the anime, and haven't heard anything good about them either.

The orginal Tsukihime and the sequel Kagetsu Tohya are very good, even if you don't care for visual novels.

**** this "pic for every post" rule. Does anyone even care about what I post?

I do! You make some good post compared to mine, man, which admittedly sometimes have a picture thrown in just to justify saying stuff... such as approving your posts, but you get the idea.

(I have no non-anime pictures that aren't reposts, please stop complaining)
Reminds me of the huge split between the communities on somethingawful forums between everyone, and the anime subforum goers

Hmm, well, you could learn Japanese. :p

I played with the Korean translation, btw. I believe there's an English translation available. The group's name was Mirror Moon or something. Don't know if they're good or not.

Also, Key? Aren't they the ones that make those really sad stories that make you feel all so awful inside? :p Well, I don't really play visual novels anymore (and to think about it, never played much before, either) and I suppose I could be wrong.

EDIT: @V-Man - Well, I guess something's better than nothing. :p
As far as I recall, this is a "dump" thread, not a contest of appeasing other people's artistic value, appreciation, and preference thread. Didn't know this was a thread about YOU and what YOU like.

I tend to like the pictures I post (which is obviously why I have them in the first place :p), if you don't like it fine, but **** off with the flaming. There has been enough people that at the very least, moderately like some of the pictures I dump, so I am not going to stop.

Honestly, your entire hate is directed towards dislike of anime in general, and has no merit.

Are you responding to Bad Hat? Because, unless I missed something, you're getting way too butthurt over his post. It wasn't a flame post at all. It seemed like a very calm reply to your original question.

One which I agree with by the way. Posting screencaps of animes, or stills of random mangas doesn't really seem to accomplish anything. I mean, yeah this is a "dump" but the intent of it is to post things other people might find interesting, funny, or have some sort of value. Not just a "I personally find this interesting, and even if you don't I'll post it" dump. Thats why most posts are trying to be funny, because thats something universal. Anime is a very specific thing, and not many people on here will recognize it at all.

But thats just in response to your "do people actually like my posts" question. We're saying that the value you see in them is probably lost on most of us. We're not trying to get you upset or trash your interests, we're just answering your question as we see it. No need to go and yell at Bad Hat over what he said. And huge dumps all at once are annoying, no matter what the content.

So yeah, chill out bro.
















See? I bet nobody will even like this post, despite it being really cool for me. Also, I bet someone will say something about the thumbnail image being dumb, and the really awfully painted, smushed head of the tank commander.
Terrible painting on tank commander's head, the thumbnail is terrible too.

Yea, my goal is to improve my Korean (its pretty elementary), learn proper (non watered down, lol) Korean culture, and also learn Japanese language/culture in college after I finish my general education.

Considering the many similarities of the language and culture, between Korea and Japan, I don't expect it to be very difficult at all.


@ Krynn, I am into tabletops, so I like the posts but yea, the painting and models are kinda terrible. (not that I would do better, when I did tabletop, ive always had my brother paint for me, because I was so bad at it)
Also, I don't deny that my post fumed with anger, but I don't see the reason behind flaming my dumps, when there are obviously those who appreciate the kind of pictures I post.
@ Krynn I liked your post (perhaps because its one of my interests), and I'm pretty sure that I know that tabletop game, but can't place it in my head right now...

Another random pic :/


EDIT: Damn it, the "finding pic, uploading, and posting" shit is messing up our posts.

@ktimekiller Well, I'm kinda glad to hear that, because I'm kinda worried too many people who've gone over to foreign countries might not be Korean anymore, and our culture will subsequently dwindle....
Stop being so nice guys! I'm not used to such niceness in my!


(I would love nothing more than the full picture without it being motivational, in the case of anyone wanting to complain.)
Yea, I agree that culture is often lost to those that go to foreign countries =(

I've set my goal, as putting my homeland as first and priority in my language/culture studies (whenever they may start, soon I hope!) instead of jumping straight to Japanese first, as many others would have.

I feel an obligation to keep my heritage true, even if it is just for myself.

Also, I am getting my U.S. citizenship soon, but I have heard that you cannot dual Korean and U.S. citizenship =(

I also intend on keeping my legal name in the states as my Korean name (unless my mom already ninja changed that without my permission!)

How about we take all of this anime...

And put it in an anime thread!

I don't really mean that. I just needed a reason to use those images.
Yea, I agree that culture is often lost to those that go to foreign countries =(

I've set my goal, as putting my homeland as first and priority in my language/culture studies (whenever they may start, soon I hope!) instead of jumping straight to Japanese first, as many others would have.

I feel an obligation to keep my heritage true, even if it is just for myself.

Also, I am getting my U.S. citizenship soon, but I have heard that you cannot dual Korean and U.S. citizenship =(

I also intend on keeping my legal name in the states as my Korean name (unless my mom already ninja changed that without my permission!)


Aww man, that's great. I've heard too many people just wanting to forget all about their heritage and the "Korean blood that flows in your veins". Uh, if you still have Korean citizenship, btw, you might still be required to complete military service here. You should check your current status, because there's a heavy penalty for draft dodgers.

EDIT pic:

Uploaded with
"Man Korea is awesome, I want to keep my name and stick to the heritage!"
"**** yeah! Korea is awesome! I really wish that more people wo--
Wait a minute...
Oh, you're a citizen? Report to your nearest recruitment office. Now."

Yea, I believe a extension of some sort needs to be filed while overseas if you are a student.

Not sure on the details of it though

Yep, extensions for students.

You should still check with your parents, although you shouldn't worry for quite some time.

And if you are seriously going to come and complete your military service but are worried about your Korean skills not being enough, Korean Auxillary To United States Army (at least, I think that's the correct term) or KATUSA is an option.

But you know, this could be fun:


I am officially running out of enough images for discussion use. :p
@ Krynn, I am into tabletops, so I like the posts but yea, the painting and models are kinda terrible. (not that I would do better, when I did tabletop, ive always had my brother paint for me, because I was so bad at it)
Also, I don't deny that my post fumed with anger, but I don't see the reason behind flaming my dumps, when there are obviously those who appreciate the kind of pictures I post.

@ Krynn I liked your post (perhaps because its one of my interests), and I'm pretty sure that I know that tabletop game, but can't place it in my head right now...

Its Flames of War. Its pretty much impossible to paint any of the models in this game good, because of the scale. I mean, look that. Standing up the models are still smaller than the width of a penny. Shits hard to paint. The tanks can look damn sexy though.
(The FoW stuff are the tank on the left, and the two infantry models to the left of the penny. Thats a 40K Whirlwind tank behind them.)

Also, lol at this. Someone recreated Lt. Speirs from Band of Brothers.



As far as I recall, this is a "dump" thread, not a contest of appeasing other people's artistic value, appreciation, and preference thread. Didn't know this was a thread about YOU and what YOU like.

I tend to like the pictures I post (which is obviously why I have them in the first place :p), if you don't like it fine, but **** off with the flaming. There has been enough people that at the very least, moderately like some of the pictures I dump, so I am not going to stop.

Honestly, your entire hate is directed towards dislike of anime in general, and has no merit.
I like anime, your argument is invalid (I also recognised most of what you posted, although I haven't seen much of it).

Read my post again, I'm not flaming you for posting anime, I'm asking you (and others) to post worthwhile pictures of anime that many people might be able to appreciate, instead of dumping a shitload of pictures most of which amount to "holy shit look at how much I like animes." I mean, if you were just posting a few pictures at a time then whatever, people do that with cars/military shit/space etc - because they realise that not everyone appreciates that stuff. But just think a little before you spam out fifty-odd images, "what am I actually contributing?" And yeah you could spoiler it, but you're still sucking up my bandwidth for shit I could just find thumbnailed on any old image board.

Also I was gonna do a huge "WELL THIS INTERESTS ME SO I WILL DUMP DOZENS OF PICTURES OF IT" but I couldn't really think of something boring enough also Krynn already did it (cheers bro, also **** yeah Lt. Speirs). Instead, have this dumb image I cropped months ago and have been waiting to use ever since. :dork:

Is she making like kissy lips or does she have some kind of powerful underbite?

@ Original picture

She is pouting in the original picture, which is what I was trying to convey :p

Man, I'm late to the animoo hate fest. We should be discussing beautifully-drawn Western animation and comics...
