Here's another one I did. I think she's a character from DOA.


That is a god awful photoshop of that fat man on the bike.

Something from A Scanner Darkly. Not a bad flick.



Is this physically possible??

Yes, it's called "looping" or "12 o'clocking". This is where the bike exceeds it's natural balance point and tips over onto it's head, a full 180° degrees. It is the point of no return; where only a very,very skilled rider will be able to recover the wheelie without dumping it.

It's a common noobish mistake caused by pulling way too much throttle (and/or piss poor throttle control) than is necessary to initiate the wheelie and getting caught by fear/powerband etc. They didn't nickname the early CBR's "arm-stretcher's" for nothing, huge power-to-wieght ratios. Saying this, i'm not very good at on-road wheelies and i don't believe they should be done on road motorcycles; as stock road motorcycles aren't built for it and are easily ****ed. Off road bikes are a whole different story, however :p


Professional stunters use braces and crash cases/bars to protect their machines from damage in case they drop their shit whilst practising. The roll bar you can see at the rear end of the GSXR1000 above, is to help guide the rider through his wheelie so he gains a feel for machine's balance point and allows the bloke to practice without the danger of looping his shit if he buggers up. A learning tool. As the fat bloke up top didn't have a brace, i'm guessing he's ****ing up rather hard and is about to bin his shit :LOL:

Here endeth the lesson. Or were you just talking about the fat bastard chucking a wheelie?!
Ah, Tron Legacy, I've been waiting so long. But I still have to wait. :(


The hidden brain stem was spotted in Michelangelo's painting of the Separation of Light from Darkness, one of a series of Sistine Chapel panels showing scenes from the Book of Genesis. The brain stem shows up in God's neck. Credit: Courtesy of Neurosurgery.


Not too sure if he did it on purpose but really cool if he did paint that intentionally
Well, there's this as well.

Mikey was into cutting up corpses as a hobby (probably for reference material), so it's pretty unlikely these were accidental.

Maybe he just thought God liked eating and living inside brains?

Well, I think it's safe to say that Michelangelo would pass the Voight-Kampff test.

This image is cool because it has my city in it.

Nothing else is cool about this picture.

I liked the first pic, and some of those in between. Gunslinger Girl makes me smile and feel very afraid at the same time. :p

But you know, you might want to spoiler the huge things, or just the entire thing in general, so that we don't hurt ourselves while scrolling down.

haha yea, i reformatted some of the LARGE AS **** ones

so who actually enjoys the large chunks of image dumps i throw every once in a while? I know a few people have shown their joy towards my contributions, but what about everyone else?

As you can imagine (or if you havent you will probably see very soon), most people dont like the large dumps of anime.

I personally dont mind it, some of the pictures are pretty interesting to me. However I really dont like the wedding picture.

EDIT: Damn picture rule

Most of the non anime oriented pictures were thrown out in the last few dumps. I don't like reposting same pictures, so I've been kinda stuck with anime for a while.

I don't particularly care either way, except for the fact that you all seem to rag on me for the fact that I prefer to post anime in place of repost after repost.

I don't think anybody really cares about anime bullshit in and of itself (well okay some people but it's not like we have a shortness of anal retentiveness in these threads), what I think people get annoyed about is that sometimes it seems the only reason this shit is getting posted is just because it's anime. I mean... what the **** was half of that dump, ktime? It's just pictures of anime. There is no merit to it except that people might look at it and go "oh hey, I've seen that" or "oh hey I recognise that random 12 year old girl who is actually 5 trillion light years old so it's totally okay to draw her in revealing outfits." Some of those were interesting, some of them had okay art, but for the most part it just seems like circle jerk "oh hai I like animes" bullshit. Try posting more things of actual value that other people can appreciate instead of relying on your own internal filter of what's "cool" or whatever.

Caveat: but at least it's better than this "ohoho image rule is dumb here is a transparently worthless image to display my disdain for said rule because it will never work out so therefore I will perpetuate the very thing I'm hating on because I'm so ****ing ironic that way hohohoho" fagotry. Get over yourselves or stop posting in here, for chrissakes.

As far as I recall, this is a "dump" thread, not a contest of appeasing other people's artistic value, appreciation, and preference thread. Didn't know this was a thread about YOU and what YOU like.

I tend to like the pictures I post (which is obviously why I have them in the first place :p), if you don't like it fine, but **** off with the flaming. There has been enough people that at the very least, moderately like some of the pictures I dump, so I am not going to stop.

Honestly, your entire hate is directed towards dislike of anime in general, and has no merit.
