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Screw having an access card!!! I have a new flexible friend ;)


You didn't read the previous page, huh?

no, but thankfully I have a crack team of assistants to point out when I've reposted an image ..they're mostly volunteers fueled by the desire to stick it to the man ..the man being yours truely of course
Hey! If you didn't want me to be your assistant you shouldn't have hired me! And where is last weeks paycheck!?
what's for lunch


bahahaha i can just hear the bear saying that so calmly like there's nothing UNUSUAL ABOUT A GOD DAMN BEAR TALKING AND SITTING ON A PICNIC TABLE LIKE A HUMAN!!!!!!!!'s happening AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey! If you didn't want me to be your assistant you shouldn't have hired me! And where is last weeks paycheck!?

paycheck? self appointed volunteers dont get paid, hel you should pay me for giving you something to do

bahahaha i can just hear the bear saying that so calmly like there's nothing UNUSUAL ABOUT A GOD DAMN BEAR TALKING AND SITTING ON A PICNIC TABLE LIKE A HUMAN!!!!!!!!

actually he's waiting for the cameraman to lie on the picnic table so he can start eating
*must install Rollercoaster Tycoon*
Rollercoaster tycoon was one of the funnest games I've had the pleasure of playing.

Holocauster Tycoon, if it existed, would make for awesome gamplay. I wonder what the goals would be like? "Create 5k shoes and kill 3k jews"?

Things like this make me wonder.
Peter Pan Arrested ..hopped up on fairy dust


actually he was part of a protest at disney for underpaid disney workers

Dunno if this is a repost, soz if so, but found it recently in my pictures folder and it caused me to illicit a large amount of giggling :p
Ahahaha, bees... I rofl'd.

Friend of mine decided to MSPaint his own picture. This is what resulted:

Photoshop is so overrated. Who needs it when you have Paint?
So today as I was searching for Pizza Coupons in a magazine I came across this, it made me lol pretty hard.

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