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Man that facebook one was great.

WHAT THE **** at all the creepy imagery. Damn you.
There's probably a scary face somewhere but I CBA to find it.
little boy died 5 years ago...WHO WAS MIRROR??!

-edit- only thing I see is the shadow on the arm in the mirror.
Is the mirror actually a painting? It looks painting-ish. But that could just be the low-quality jpg...
pff, I thought that was because the photo was old and smegged-on.
It's not the arm, its the mist stuff that appears in front of the flowers and in the mirror

Oh, you mean the smudges on the mirror and the smoke from the cigarette hanging off dad's lip as he takes the picture?

That's the shadow from the flash of the camera.

Yeah I know, it's just the angle. It looks like the shadow is up to his elbow, so just looks like we should see some of it on the "real" arm.
Oh, you mean the smudges on the mirror and the smoke from the cigarette hanging off dad's lip as he takes the picture?

That's one giant ass smudge then. Can you totally prove that a dad is taking a picture and that the so called dad is actually smoking? 'Cause I'm looking and I yet to see it
It's clearly an old dirty picture scanned onto a computer and then compressed/uncompressed a million times. Now shut up and look:



Isn't it that there's a doll in the reflection instead of the girl..?
This is the part where you tell us what it is >:|

Actually I just posted it, hoping someone else would point something out and so I could act like I knew it all along. I've just been ****in with you guys, hell if I know. :E
I think that was one of the worst things you've posted moder.
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