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There's a lot of webcomics out there that are bad. To say that Ctrl+Alt+Del is the worst webcomic of all time would be a gross understatement. To say that it is quite possibly the worst piece of drawn, sequential media ever would be closer to the mark, but it's really impossible to encapsulate just how bad it is. From the retarded self-insert character, to the fact that Tim Buckley is only capable of drawing one facial expression, to the WORDS WORDS WORDS THERE ARE SO MANY WORDS IN ONLY FOUR PANELS I AM TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO YOU THAT THERE ARE WORDS IN THIS COMIC THERE ARE A LOT OF WORDS SETTING UP A JOKE THAT IS NOT FUNNY BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH THE JOKE DOES NOT NEED IT CTRL+ALT+DEL HAS A LOT OF WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS, to the fact that he's stolen jokes from other webcomic authors, to the fact that he tried to inject some emotion into his comic with a ridiculous abortion story...the list goes on, man. I can't even sit here talking to you about all what's bad about it. Perhaps the worst thing about it though is the fact that there are some people--on this very board, if I recall--that enjoy CAD. The fact that the comic has even the smallest's a real travesty.

dude sportin red glowing eyes... what is that from?
Dark Heart. Care Bears II.

holy crap its all coming back to me now. I remember seeing that movie back in day care all the time (maybe it was the only movie they had?) when I was 4.... waaaay back in 87! damn!

lol thanks darkside for the trip down memory lane.
That's what I'm here for.

Also, we're the same age, apparently.

And both in CA.

There's a lot of webcomics out there that are bad. To say that Ctrl+Alt+Del is the worst webcomic of all time would be a gross understatement.
Dueling Analogs.

I mean Christ, at least Buckley can fit the dialogue (I meant WALLS OF TEXT) in the goddamn cells.

Keep reading, the personified console strips are usually the most neutral, i.e. they're not offensively unfunny.
Look at her face right side up, her mouth is ****ed too lol.
She's not missing an elbow.. You're not looking right. Her elbow is in the neck of the girl on the right.

Also, rotate your head (or the image) for a Whoa effect.
She's not missing an elbow.. You're not looking right. Her elbow is in the neck of the girl on the right.

Also, rotate your head (or the image) for a Whoa effect.

My cousin is in Japan right now and they saw this sign on the ferry

*clicks Image Dump to open to last page*
*greeted by Creepy-chan*
56k warning
Journal entry 43, 1:23am PST - Seem to have been caught in a time fluctuation somewhere between leaving the Games and Gaming forum and attempting to revisit the Image Dump. I somehow left the forums in 2009 and ended up on SomethingAwful circa 2002. 56k still exists in this period. I must try to return to my own time.
Aw, I wanted to post a picture of the smiley face i made with my hamburger , but then i lost my cell phone :(
Journal entry 43, 1:23am PST - Seem to have been caught in a time fluctuation somewhere between leaving the Games and Gaming forum and attempting to revisit the Image Dump. I somehow left the forums in 2009 and ended up on SomethingAwful circa 2002. 56k still exists in this period. I must try to return to my own time.

Darkseid's Journal. March 28th, 2009. Have discovered interdimensional time portal. Land of filth and old gifs, watched and viewed beyond redemption.
Journal entry 47, 5:25pm PST - Cannot believe I was not the person who invented tentacle grape. I mean really. If you expected anyone to come up with something like that...thinking of using time portal to go back into the past, kill the creator and steal the recipe.
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