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Jimi Hendrix used to take acid at concerts, Kurt Cobain used to take DXM at concerts. Though, Jimi Hendrix was an exception and Kurt Cobain would suck because of it (at least technically speaking).
I didnt say musicians didnt use acid, i just doubt you can play instruments very well on it. i mean ive heard your in some otherworld or w/e when your on it

have you heard of the woodstock festival? how about the Grateful Dead?
no i havent actually

the molecular structure of the central processing unit is altered, causing it to blast apart like a large hand grenade...

This page sucks.

If I had some Hawaiian punch I'd punch all you lameasses in the face. I mean, who hasn't seen godomit fronk yet? That shit image was out circulating the net like wildfire a month before the movie was even out.

Man, you dont even see Hawaiian Punch commercials anymore. They dont need to advertise. Everyone knows it's the shit.
I love Hawaiian Punch. I used to drink it by the half gallon.
I love Hawaiian Punch. I used to drink it by the half gallon.

When my mom goes into the states (I live in Canada basically right on the border) I ALWAYS tell her to pick up 2 things: Trix (because they don't sell it in Canada for whatever stupid reason anymore) and Hawaiian Punch. She picks up the cases of cans... I love that shit. I wish I lived in the states purely for that drink.
so... What's the story behind the "GODDOMNIT FRONK" thing? I saw the movie, and I don't see why anyone would come up with it.
When my mom goes into the states (I live in Canada basically right on the border) I ALWAYS tell her to pick up 2 things: Trix (because they don't sell it in Canada for whatever stupid reason anymore) and Hawaiian Punch. She picks up the cases of cans... I love that shit. I wish I lived in the states purely for that drink.

(It's a shame they don't sell it in Canadia. Just another reason to avoid that godless hellhole).

Oh god, I'm getting nostalgia for my childhood summers.
If you can ricochet your stream off the back of one and into the drain on the adjacent urinal, it's fifteen points.
Why does your join date say "2009"? :0
Why does your join date say "2009"? :0

Pi changed it after Darkside ranted about how great 2003ers were.

Man I laughed. It'd been funnier if it was set to the future.
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