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speaking of cats, on this very night, I got a ew kitten who is currently... scraping against something...

where is she...

oh, her name's Mirror
I was headed towards the clocktower, when I saw a lone Anon handing out Xenu flyers near the church of scientology, so I did an epic fist pump and screamed out "YEAH ANON!!!" at the top of my lungs, and he yelled out "WOO HOO!" in return.

Then, as I passed, he held his hand out with one of those flyers, and I did an epic passing-vehicle-high-five/flyer-grab and he gave me a thumbs up.

Aren't you, like, not supposed to mention anon outside of 4chan, or is it just not mentioning 4chan? Aren't you supposed to mention ebaumsworld or something?
He's referring to rules 1 and 2. They used to mean something, but now they're only for raids.

Now I've done gotten the blues, missed out on the ol' 1000!
We cans nots plays the guitars thats fast physically.

The Witch is a mutated, shambling husk of what she used to be; constantly crying, for she will be perpetually depressed, or perhaps pseudo-depressed in attempts to draw in people - only to tear them to giblets and pieces.

You think that's cute, Willie?

Are you... Are you like Vegeta?

Are you one of them?
The Witch is a mutated, shambling husk of what she used to be; constantly crying, for she will be perpetually depressed, or perhaps pseudo-depressed in attempts to draw in people - only to tear them to giblets and pieces.
Or in expert and realism, just gouge your heart out :3
You guys go ahead and fap over crying meth addicts.

I'll stick to fapping to boomers kthx
Lol for some reason it only showed the woman walking away and then it froze, so i checked the file format and noticed its JPG and thought to myself "holy shit, its not a GIF so its not animated, and its not i trippin balls and hallucinating?" but then i refreshed the page and it worked as normal.

For a moment there i thought i was seriously tripping ballz :bounce:

Anyway, how on earth did you get a jpg file to animate? I thought that was impossible!!

EDIT: wat, it says jpg AND gif.

Confused ravioli is confused
Perhaps I should introduce you to MIME types. They're 100 times more important than the actual extension of the file. When the extension gets changed between common image types, the header within the file remains the same, so when an application capable of supporting both file types (like your browser being able to read all image types) reads the file, it doesn't give a shit what the extension says; it just reads the MIME type information at the beginning of the file. Open up a small image right now in Notepad and you'll see it there within the first 10 characters or so: three or four characters of legible ASCII text in a binary file D:


Now can we stop getting tripped out by this phenomenon?

Hokey: I want to vomit.

EDIT: Did PMR just pwn your image or what?
What would we do without mutoid... ~~~(o_O)~~~
Hokey: I want to vomit.

EDIT: Did PMR just pwn your image or what?

It seems that way. There were two girls with octopusses on their heads and they were both sucking on a tentacle... I didn't see anything wrong with it... There was no nudity.

Atleast he reminded me of what he looked like.

Edit: I don't think i'll every forget.

Double Edit:
Dear Hokey,

You have received an infraction at Forums.

Reason: Inappropriate Content
What Just no.

This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Tee hee

I was on 4chan and found this.

anon is getting good at these predictions.
I have never once typed desu in a serious manner.

Except right now.
I have never once typed desu in a serious manner.

Except right now.

I know, I found a few wapanese de-motivational ones but i know how much hates those so i didn't post them.

Here's a picture of a centipede:

and this guy looks weird
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