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Pitz, I haven't seen this and I'm greatly amused! Oh, how I love/hate Facebook drama. It gets to be annoying when a couple starts arguing publicly on their walls.


so yeah i might buy these for my grandma for xmas
@the captain - but it's entertaining to interfere, taking sides, and just generally making them angrier. If you gotta argue don't do it on a public forum is my reasoning. No one wants to see it, no one else cares, but they will if some jackass interferes :)
@the captain - but it's entertaining to interfere, taking sides, and just generally making them angrier. If you gotta argue don't do it on a public forum is my reasoning. No one wants to see it, no one else cares, but they will if some jackass interferes :)
I would do that, but I'm generally seen as a nice guy (although I do get caught up in political debates from time to time). If I find someone annoying on a regular basis, I usually just ignore or delete them.
Just another interchangeable pair of tits in Hollywood. Her face is her worst feature tbh.


That IS Scarlett Johansson, right?
I can't believe you guys didn't recognize Scarlett Johansson right away.
I recognized her, kinda ignored it, also surprised no one had made a comment, which is why I second-guessed myself.

Seriously I don't understand why guys worship her. Save that kind of adoration for an actress who's got the complete combo:

Just another interchangeable pair of tits in Hollywood. Her face is her worst feature tbh.


That IS Scarlett Johansson, right?
She has one of the better bodies in Hollywood, imo, but I can see what you mean about her face. In comparison to others, not much to offer.

To change the subject, who wants a pugjob?

You retard, how is that an ideal LAN party? Women have no place among video games.
Okay, wow man, we get it. Your fiance is a member of the forums and is a girl. You should probably chill out with these subtle hints
Okay, wow man, we get it. Your fiance is a member of the forums and is a girl. You should probably chill out with these subtle hints
Thank you for the passivity; here's my sarcasm.

I actually wrote her screen name, because she gets Google alerts for her screen name, so I was effectively sending out her own personal Bat signal.
You can do Google alerts for --?? DUDE. How did I NOT understand that application for that feature!

And I'll say it again. SCARLETT JOHANSSON ISN'T PRETTY. The hell that's wrong with me is that I consider beauty from the neck up. If I want boobs I'll watch porn. Or Salma Hayek.
You can do Google alerts for --?? DUDE. How did I NOT understand that application for that feature!
Yeah, it's pretty great. You can get an RSS feed of any mentions you get, so if someone's talking crap about you, you can be all like, "WHAT YOU SAY 'BOUT ME?" and stuff. Yeah.

And to move back on track, this is the first result I got for 'awesome image':

Looked at a trending topic on Twitter just to see what gems would come up.


I know this is from page 10, but that actually happened to me when I was around one. My parents used to be reptile breeders, one of the boas got loose, and crawled into my crib. After about a half-hour of me crying my mom finally came in to see what was wrong.
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