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^ lol. Wonder what she was jumping into. And nice of her loved one to be so considerate and fling her hands off the bar like that.
What was the point of that?

Not only is it a video in the image thread, but you didn't even show their full reaction at normal speed ffs. Terrible video, I give it a 2/10.
oops didnt realise it was the wrong thread.... lol!

well it was 2005, now on the other hand, if I made one for you, it would be the best clip you have ever seen, and you, dog, would be rating it billion/10.
We will never know until you make it, now will we?
that can't be real if so WTF is wrong with people??
It's real, and the reason he threw her is so she falls correctly. If she just dropped from hanging like she was she could've risked serious injury.
Darkside posting a really old and overused image macro?

You could have at least found a more rare 'do not want' one.
tbh I haven't seen it before.


Darkside's image, that is.
Maybe it's because I go to a lot of boards with do not want material?
maybe, but it could be that his thumb is just under his shirt. Regardless, it looks mutant.

Some of those were really bad, like the woman with 'the leg'. Hilarious.

I didn't see it at first, I was thinking "maybe her leg was bent sideway who cares? That's not shopped", then I saw it, then bricks projectile'd out my anal cavity.
I know, it was the only one I couldn't see it at first. Then once you see it, you can't unsee it. ****ing freaky.
You only say 'you can't unsee it' when it's something that can be seen two ways... There's only one clear reality here and that's that it was a bad photoshop where the part of the leg was erased. That's like noticing someone's eyes are blue and saying "I CAN'T UNSEE IT"
But you can't unsee someone's blue eyes, if you hadn't noticed the colour previously.

I think a better example would be if Virus walked into the front door of a Wal-Mart and said "I CANNOT UNSEE THESE STOCKED GOODS"

I love pugs! :)

But selizabeth doesn't! :(

So people should post barrels of pug pictures to satisfy and insult the respective parties!
That is the most adorable god damn picture ever.
Darkside posting a really old and overused image macro?

You could have at least found a more rare 'do not want' one.
It's from David the Gnome, you uneducated tit. Did you not see what Bluewolf posted? David the goddamn Gnome. That fox was his friend. THE JOKE IS HE POSTED DAVID THE GNOME MASTURBATING AND I POSTED A PICTURE OF THE FOX NOT WANTING TO SEE IT. THAT IS THE JOKE.

God, Vegeta, stop failing so much. First the Dreamcast, now this. Is there anything you DO know about aside from grolious nippon?
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