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Yay for Lackadaisycats. I went through the entire thing in a sitting, and it's really good.

lol, stereo vs. mono sound on a tiny device is about the most useless difference ever. Besides for the headphone jack. But it says it has stereo speakers, which is just ... pointless.
lol, stereo vs. mono sound on a tiny device is about the most useless difference ever. Besides for the headphone jack. But it says it has stereo speakers, which is just ... pointless.

Just like the iPad.

But it's not a tiny device... if you're watching a movie on it or something, you'll definitely benefit from stereo vs mono.

Not that you'd likely be doing that on an iPad anyways because you couldn't stream it from anywhere, and unless you spent big bucks for one of the larger hard drives, you probably wouldn't want some movie hogging all your disk space.
But it's not a tiny device... if you're watching a movie on it or something, you'll definitely benefit from stereo vs mono.

Not that you'd likely be doing that on an iPad anyways because you couldn't stream it from anywhere, and unless you spent big bucks for one of the larger hard drives, you probably wouldn't want some movie hogging all your disk space.

I don't know about you, but I can hardly perceive stereo on a laptop.
<new Lackadaisy>

Also I just noticed that was Ivy, heh. She's been in a dress for about the entire rest of the comic so it was like "oh." Between her and Rocky, I almost feel sorry for Freckle, that is if I wasn't looking forward to seeing what mischief they get him into so much. :3

<iPad comparison>
Okay, just...


... Wow. Seriously, Apple?
Think the joke was if you refresh the page Haiti might not be there...

Bloody distasteful and not even that funny.

... Wow. Seriously, Apple?

The ipad comes with a 3.5-mm stereo headphone jack, and while it doesn't have USB directly, there is a 30pin to usb connector (just like the iphone/itouch), otherwise you'd never be able to plug it into your computer to sync. True you can't plug your thumb drive into that, but even if you could the OS isn't designed for that type of file system hierarchy.
F11 makes your browser fullscreen. Well, at least in firefox.
I get it, hold F11 Down, makes the image jump up and down - thus Earthquakey in nature...
Interesting. There's no visible correlation with religiousness by state except with poverty. And theft actually. The Bible Belt is also the Stealin' Belt.
IQ takes a nose dive above 75% and the murder avg goes up with more religion too. Louisiana had no divorces though... I should go find me the hottest girl around and marry her.
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