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But, how if nobody shakes anybodys hand without extending it first then, what?
But, how if nobody shakes anybodys hand without extending it first then, what?

Some people may do it to try and coincide with Western customs. My professor was speaking to us as non-japanese students visiting the country.
Why do the Japanese constantly do the V-sign when posing for the camera? Seriously, everyone of them I've met do it.
V for victory. But as Bob pointed out, they didn't win anything, but they do it anyway.
The Japanese shake hands too, as far I'm aware.
It's very uncommon. They'll shake hands with foreigners, but among themselves (namely in business situations) they bow.
"Oh look, a penny on the floor!"

it wasnt porn I didnt find the image rude but funny if you cant handle it I apologize.

Oh man, that hurts me baby Blue. Implying that I cannot handle an image of breasts because I am too immature, thats a low blow. Although your response is weakened by the facts that A: you're the one posting images of titlasers, and B: it doesnt have to be pornographic to break the rules.
no no krynn i wasnt saying you were immature I had thought I had offended someone from tits so I was just saying sorry. Thought the image thread could handle it.
I guess you would need a big mouth to back up all that chin.
Oh man, that hurts me baby Blue. Implying that I cannot handle an image of breasts because I am too immature, thats a low blow. Although your response is weakened by the facts that A: you're the one posting images of titlasers, and B: it doesnt have to be pornographic to break the rules.

V for victory. But as Bob pointed out, they didn't win anything, but they do it anyway.
They beat Russia in 1905 and China during WW2! Of course, both countries were backwards as **** back then...
It was National Geographic, taken in the '80s inside a refugee camp in Pakistan.

My bad, must've seen either a similar picture or shes on one of the pages featuring an article.
This is a better version of the picture, which brings out their similarities more:

Maybe it was the lighting or camera, but her eyes seem less intense =(
I think a lot of it is the intensity of the stare. Living in that neighborhood will probably do that to anyone. Also, am I the only one who doesn't think she's attractive?
I think a lot of it is the intensity of the stare. Living in that neighborhood will probably do that to anyone. Also, am I the only one who doesn't think she's attractive?
She's 12, she's not supposed to be attractive. Cute, though.
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