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Spoiler'd for offensive language.

Oh Jesus Christ, hold me.


Yes, that's my toothbrush.

The dreaded Toothbrush Spider of North America. He's bigger than he looks. I went to get my camera and he was trying to hide behind it when I came back.

The biggest spider I've seen in the wild. 4 inch span with his legs out. Yeah, I know that's small compared to the outback n shit. This knowledge provided no comfort.
I was about to post "I don't get it" then I realized what that was.

****, man.

Wasn't meant as spam at all. Just linked the image multiple times to make it look like a lot of pokeys. :C

Don't worry. That fishballs guy is just a faggit.
I would have just shaken it off into the toilet
He was very quick and jumpy. No ****ing way, man. D:

Normally I let spiders chill because they eat annoying flying insects, which is cool with me. But this bitch could be in my little basket ****ing around when I reach in there.

I grabbed my flyswatter and pried one of his legs off and that made him a little testy. Then I pried off another leg and he dropped down super quick on a Spiderman string. I hit him with a flyswatter and he seemed to shake it off then hid. But I chopped him up on the next shot and put him in the toilet. That's when I realized how small he was without his legs. Then I felt like a son of a bitch.
Oh Jesus Christ, hold me.


Yes, that's my toothbrush.

The dreaded Toothbrush Spider of North America. He's bigger than he looks. I went to get my camera and he was trying to hide behind it when I came back.

The biggest spider I've seen in the wild. 4 inch span with his legs out. Yeah, I know that's small compared to the outback n shit. This knowledge provided no comfort.

that isn't as bad as when i was about to fill my empty glass with water, a centipede was crawling around in there, just 20 mins ago. most disturbing thing I've seen in a while. if it was a spider i would have been relieved, but ****ing centipedes are the worst imo.

this is pretty similar

Gah, I found spiders on the ceiling of my bedroom and now I can't sleep. Not after seeing that image about swallowing 8 spiders a year in your sleep. They were right above, just looking at me. One was even dangling on a thread. I just know they're waiting for me to fall asleep so they can crawl in my mouth! I won't be able to sleep for hours!
i'm going to buy some bug killer and spray around the house. i can't stand small critters crawling up my nose and taking over the place. its time to put my foot down and get rid of them too
That list is hilarious, except for Die Hard Trilogy HD, to which I say **** yes. Not the best games, even for their time, but that would be a total nostalgia buy for me. The Die Hard 2 on-rails game with a wiimote would be excellent, that thing was goddamn brutal.
requesting better handwriting
I had the Die Hard Trilogy but boy were those games clunky. I'd sit there for hours trying to master a level
The frame rate was just low 'cause that game was too beast for PSX. Shit took skills, brah. Best part was grenades in the office complex. I'll probably never forget that game. I beat all 3 parts. Actually don't remember part 3 at all. It was just more gameplay like part 1? That's right.. driving a cab?


Framerate looks good actually, but it drops sometimes, it's mostly just sloppy gamepad control I guess.
God damn I remember riding down to Biloxi to see my cousins all the time and playing Die Hard Trilogy and DHT2: Viva Las Vegas with them. Good god damn times.

This chart is a little off. Gigan is not half Godzilla's size.

Goddamn I'd kill a man for Die Hard Trilogy HD. I'd kill a whole plaza full of men. Maybe even an airport.

Also, just before checking the image dump I was attacked by a spider in my bathroom. Son of a bitch leapt at me and raised its front legs all threateningly, and I shrieked like a bitch and hit it with a towel. I don't know where it went. Now I come to the image dump and am greeted by a picture of a spider hanging out on a toothbrush. Goddamn bathroom spiders. I share your pain, Virus.
Tollbooth willie, was it worth ****ing up dimensions for such a shit image.
You idiot Hokey. You god damned idiot. How is that the first thing your mind goes to when he says that? Your mind is completely trashed by that shit game. GOD DAMN DIE HARD IN AN AIRPORT SHOULD BE WHAT YOU THINK OF. YIPPEE KI YAY MOTHERFUCKER!

HE BLOWS UP AN AIRPLANE WITH A GOD DAMN LIGHTER. Your stupid ****ing MW2 ain't got shit on McClane.

Oh man I loved Die Hard: Trilogy. Completed it like everyday I swear, it was so much fun!

Used to love driving in first person mode on vengeance running people down and all the blood coming up on the windscreen. lolz.

Remake noa!
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