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The Israelis whould have gotten much more support if they had a sweet scarf.
That image forgets to mention the violence the settlers engaged in when the Isreali state was established.
That image forgets to mention the violence the settlers engaged in when the Isreali state was established.

Though that is somewhat justified owing to the fact that Israel was at war at the time.

In that type of conflict its always going to end up with ethnic cleansing, the Izzies just happened to be better at the whole war thing than the Arabs so they did what any other conquering army in a war of survival does - kill or deport everyone who is different from them, establish a Nation-State. If the Arabs had won they'd have done the same thing.

This always happens. It happend in Yugoslavia, it happened in Zimbabwe, it happened in the US, in Australia, in practically any country you'd care to name. And no one is going on at that lot to give the land back, so I don't see why the Arab-Israeli conflict should be a special case.
Though that is somewhat justified owing to the fact that Israel was at war at the time.

In that type of conflict its always going to end up with ethnic cleansing, the Izzies just happened to be better at the whole war thing than the Arabs so they did what any other conquering army in a war of survival does - kill or deport everyone who is different from them, establish a Nation-State. If the Arabs had won they'd have done the same thing.

This always happens. It happend in Yugoslavia, it happened in Zimbabwe, it happened in the US, in Australia, in practically any country you'd care to name. And no one is going on at that lot to give the land back, so I don't see why the Arab-Israeli conflict should be a special case.
See I kind of agree.

It's so hard to take a position on the Arab Isreali conflict, on one side you have "Isreal are an evil fascist zionist country who want to murder arabs!!!"

The other is: "Isreal are brutally attacked everyday and their bombings of hospitals and whatnot are totally justified".

There's obviously a sensible middle ground there, but so few people seem to take it.
What you don't see in the above picture is Israel's eight invisible gigantic laser cannons ready to obliterate anything that isn't Israel.
What you don't see in the above picture is Israel's eight invisible gigantic laser cannons ready to obliterate anything that isn't Israel.

They don't have gigantic laser cannons, what they do have is at least 300 Jericho missiles and possible SLBMs (which by possible I mean "almost certainly armed with nuclear weapons", not that tha Izzies have them or anything) (as Israel has never confirmed or denied its nuclear arsenal these are pure guesses, but with that range of nuclear weapons they could blast most of the middle east into paste.) If one is honest (and current intel reports are accurate) the Izzies could blast most of the rest of the world into radioactive glass (as they may or may not have more nuclear weapons that the UK/France/PRC
I just hate pro-Israeli propaganda. Just a bunch of coloniest with a get out of jail free card.
^^:laugh: WIN

Although there are a few I don't recognise...
Heyyyy, Fishbulb did something nice for usss! <3
I believe they are all from the Rogue Taxidermy Show, which I believe is in Minnesota. I really want to see it.
Surprised anyone recognized it... that's so old. Doesn't even look like me anymore, although girls insist they loved that hair (ewww).


As if anyone could forget your whole set of same expression and pose series.
phantom design

Wat, thats not me.


AWWWW I GET IT, HA HA VERY FUNNY, VERY CLEVER :angry: Just because i have a microboner, does NOT mean i have erection problems.
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