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Yes, but the lower intestines are hanging by literally a thread. It's just dead meat at that stage. Everything's been crushed; the only thing allowing the mouse to swim its his unnatural strength of mind.

I think thats more to the reflex of the muscles and instinct of survival

if the mouse would have escaped and got out of the water it would have died quickly
Scary how the mouse just gets ripped in half like a pinata. Turtle is no joke.
when I think about it, it sort of makes sense. The mouse doesn't really get chopped in half. It's more like it got stripped like what you do to a wire. It's organs managed to stay intact so it could swim.

It's amazing that it didn't go in to shock though. Humans can barely think if we break a bone or sever a finger. after that, we just give up.

that mouse is a badass.

I don't know about that.

A lot of people in this world would naturally run away from danger. The mouse was doing what every other animal would do, escape. Only badass mammals learn to think during signs of danger, others would just run away.
Life's a bitch. It happens everyday. You think these lions would forego eating this baby elephant since it can't fight back?

What I'm saying is that there's a difference between an animal killing another animal in the wild and an animal killing another animal that's been put there (where he can't even escape although it'd still be wrong if he could escape) by a human being who's filming it for pleasure.

ktimekiller said:
Who let this guy in

The door was open, I let myself in.
What I'm saying is that there's a difference between an animal killing another animal in the wild and an animal killing another animal that's been put there (where he can't even escape although it'd still be wrong if he could escape) by a human being who's filming it for pleasure.

The only cruel part was filming. The rest was all natural.

If the guy took out the top half of the mouse out of the tank and starting ripping the guts out, then that would be animal cruelty. But in this case, the mouse was caught by another mammal (human) and fed to a pet. It's equivalent to birds catching live worms and fishes to feed their young.
Your discussion is irrelevant: the mouse is dead. That's all that matters.
The only cruel part was filming. The rest was all natural.

If the guy took out the top half of the mouse out of the tank and starting ripping the guts out, then that would be animal cruelty. But in this case, the mouse was caught by another mammal (human) and fed to a pet. It's equivalent to birds catching live worms and fishes to feed their young.

Well ... no , you can buy mice who have been flash frozen for just this purpose , which is a far more humane way to die.
Did anybody else realize that the mouse is probably just buoyant rather than actually swimming?
Remember when this used to have pictures in it?

Me neither.

For Vegeta.
>Complains about lack of images
>Tries to provoke the number one non-image poster in the thread

Good plan.

I'll humor you though, here's some Miyavi.





Yes, that is a guy.
>Complains about lack of images
>Tries to provoke the number one non-image poster in the thread

Good plan.

I'll humor you though, here's some Miyavi.



This is Sarah Palin territory right here.

In case he forgets who he is, I guess he can look in a mirror.
That image has 128 colors.

Haha, low color depth. And it's not even a gif.

That's funny, right?
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