impressions of london (for americans)

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Fortunately most people are fairly level-headed and reasonable, so they will see right through such rascism and extremism such as repiV's. To be honest I see much more of a threat in Christian extremists than Musilm extremists; the Christians are next door trying to convert me, the Muslims are way over in bumfvckistan burning our flag. Sadly RepiV is terrified of the takeover by the 10 Muslims next door - who are probably terrified of some Christian holier-than-thou shooting him because he was somehow connected to the 9/11 - 7/7 bombing because he was of the same religion. We have the same people in the US, except here everyone talks about the Mexican "invasion". As if they had rifles. It's the same load of crap. Ironically those who fear the newcomers always hate their culture, style etc. I've never met someone who likes Mexican stuff and hates their presence. I don't really like Mexican stuff at all, but I don't give a crap that they're here. History repeats itself. First it was anybody not English or French, then it was the Irish, then the Germans, then eastern Europeans, then Chinese and now the Mexicans and other Hispanics. Methinks it's quite the same in Europe.

The only thing I have to agree with repiV is the whole freedom of speech thing. Freedom is speech is inextricably bound to offense. I have the right to call you a "Paki" (I think that's what y'all say there) and you have the right to call me a rascist bigot. You have the right to do anything you want until you interfere with someone else's rights (like hazing or actual violence), and sadly that is constantly being eroded from us.

I'm pretty sure I had more to say, but I forgot and I don't really care enough to remember.
Your second link is just a google search.

The wikipedia link, in it's first paragraph contains 'It has been proposed by some [2], that this document is in fact a conspiracy theory along the lines of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
[2] in this case being The Sharpener, a reputable source, who's editors write for a number of papers in the UK..

I'd believe contributors to The Independant, Observer, Guardian, Financial Times and the Telegraph over any day.

Even if (and it is an "if") that document is fake, it would be naive to think that such an effort is not in motion.
And, like I said, if I'm wrong, there is no major consequence. If you're wrong, or even half wrong, we're doomed.
Fortunately most people are fairly level-headed and reasonable, so they will see right through such rascism and extremism such as repiV's. To be honest I see much more of a threat in Christian extremists than Musilm extremists; the Christians are next door trying to convert me, the Muslims are way over in bumfvckistan burning our flag. Sadly RepiV is terrified of the takeover by the 10 Muslims next door - who are probably terrified of some Christian holier-than-thou shooting him because he was somehow connected to the 9/11 - 7/7 bombing because he was of the same religion. We have the same people in the US, except here everyone talks about the Mexican "invasion". As if they had rifles. It's the same load of crap. Ironically those who fear the newcomers always hate their culture, style etc. I've never met someone who likes Mexican stuff and hates their presence. I don't really like Mexican stuff at all, but I don't give a crap that they're here. History repeats itself. First it was anybody not English or French, then it was the Irish, then the Germans, then eastern Europeans, then Chinese and now the Mexicans and other Hispanics. Methinks it's quite the same in Europe.

The only thing I have to agree with repiV is the whole freedom of speech thing. Freedom is speech is inextricably bound to offense. I have the right to call you a "Paki" (I think that's what y'all say there) and you have the right to call me a rascist bigot. You have the right to do anything you want until you interfere with someone else's rights (like hazing or actual violence), and sadly that is constantly being eroded from us.

I'm pretty sure I had more to say, but I forgot and I don't really care enough to remember.

Actually, many of the Muslims are here - "next door", if you will. I don't "fear" Muslims, and certainly it has nothing to do with them being newcomers. If that was the motivation, why would I want to live in the Far East?
No, actually I used to think exactly like you do. Then I woke up.
Appeasement didn't work on Hitler, and it isn't going to work now. World War III is coming, and we are aggravating the problem.
Actually, many of the Muslims are here - "next door", if you will. I don't "fear" Muslims, and certainly it has nothing to do with them being newcomers. If that was the motivation, why would I want to live in the Far East?
No, actually I used to think exactly like you do. Then I woke up.
Appeasement didn't work on Hitler, and it isn't going to work now. World War III is coming, and we are aggravating the problem.

Actually, I used to think like you, but then I reached the age of reason.
Dang if I was a Brithish citizen 230 years ago I would have wanted to suppress those yankee bastards for their arrogance, but now that I'm an American of the modern world I do not care because we do a good deal of our own suppressing.
Actually, I used to think like you, but then I reached the age of reason.

The age of reason when you decided the path to enlightenment was to become a supplicant, bow down and surrender? Sounds like you made a backwards journey there.

Mozart performance cancelled for fear of offending Muslims

If something was cancelled because it might offend Christians, you'd all be up in arms about it. But since it's your precious beloved Muslims, you don't care. Why is that?
Well those people are retarded, lol :p

I concur with your views about silly extremist muslims that would burn cities (or embassies, lol) just because someone depicted a certain god from a certain religion (zomg, e-fear D: )

Indeed, those people are terrorists, and they should be locked away. But that's it. You can't really go on a prevention spree, because you'd have to do the same for every cultural group and ethnicity there is in England.

And don't you tell me that there aren't some CRAZYBREAD Englishmen that would like to bomb some stuff or kill some people to justify their wrongful views. Islam may have more of them, but if you're trying to prevent stuff like the 7/7 or the IRA bombings happening again, you better apply those measures to everyone.
Well those people are retarded, lol :p

I concur with your views about silly extremist muslims that would burn cities (or embassies, lol) just because someone depicted a certain god from a certain religion (zomg, e-fear D: )

Indeed, those people are terrorists, and they should be locked away. But that's it. You can't really go on a prevention spree, because you'd have to do the same for every cultural group and ethnicity there is in England.

And don't you tell me that there aren't some CRAZYBREAD Englishmen that would like to bomb some stuff or kill some people to justify their wrongful views. Islam may have more of them, but if you're trying to prevent stuff like the 7/7 or the IRA bombings happening again, you better apply those measures to everyone.

No, you wouldn't have to apply those measures to everyone, because it's only Muslims committing the terrorist acts.
Islam breeds terrorism, discourages integration and looks down on the "decadent" West - which they constantly try to change to suit their beliefs.
They would most certainly not be missed.
WHAOMG every1 look out repi iz on teh crusade 4 grayt justic!!!!!!!! Him is unstoppable wiht his logix!!!!!1 D:
Didn't know this happened to this thread. Some comments in this thread are acrossing the line a tad and some members should consider themselves flagged and being watched for further viewpoints they wish to express. Take the hint and take care ladies and gents.
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