impressions of london (for americans)

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I do hate Christianity. But I don't see Christians blowing up embassies, burning unbelievers, executing civilians, leaving schoolgirls to die in fires because they forgot their cross, treating their women like slaves, committing terrorist atrocities around the world or any of those other things, do you?
Exactly. Do you really want those atrocities to continue, or help the poor people that want to get away from all this?
You seem to make a lot of your arguments through hate, which certainly isn't good, because it can give an incredibly blinkered view of other cultures, people and societies.

Don't be too eager to dish out condemning and spiteful views - in all fairness, I have no idea of your motives, aside from what you mentioned about 7/7 and all the media have thrown up over the past 12 months regarding war and terror.
Exactly. Do you really want those atrocities to continue, or help the poor people that want to get away from all this?

In case you forgot, the 7/7 bombers were British citizens born and bred. What were they escaping, exactly?
Multiculturalism and this attitude that "all cultures are equal", and surrendering to Muslim threats, help spread these atrocities. Uncontrolled immigration and segregation brings the terrorist threat to our own soil.
We do them a huge favour by letting them come over here, and a sizable number of them whine that our culture does not respect Islamic law - some of them even bomb embassies. And the other, "peaceful" Muslims never say a word about it or a word about Islamic terrorism. But they're yelling at the top of their lungs when Mohammed is mocked. If that's their attitude, **** the lot of them.
You'd think that's why they move, wouldn't you?


But in a large number of cases (it's impossible to say how many, but it's very substantial), they come here to get the benefits of living in the rich Western countries - and then try to replicate their culture over here. They don't come here to escape it, they come here to spread it.

It's strange that I haven't actually seen any cases of this happening, I don't walk down the street to see an Islamic family treating a western family like shit but it may be different in the UK.

Just look at what happened with the Mohammed cartoons and the Danish embassy.

What if the Danish embassy released a series of cartoons depicting the African American population as nothing but drug-headed robbers? Of course if you make an offensive comic it is going to offend someone.

Just look at the 22% of British Muslims sympathise with the London bombers statistic.

I don't understand this sentence, can you rephrase that?
You seem to make a lot of your arguments through hate, which certainly isn't good, because it can give an incredibly blinkered view of other cultures, people and societies.

Don't be too eager to dish out condemning and spiteful views - in all fairness, I have no idea of your motives, aside from what you mentioned about 7/7 and all the media have thrown up over the past 12 months regarding war and terror.

Islamic culture sucks donkey balls. Why is this so hard for you to admit?

It's strange that I haven't actually seen any cases of this happening, I don't walk down the street to see an Islamic family treating a western family like shit but it may be different in the UK.

Plenty of radical preachers, people trying to get the law changed to accomodate their Islamic beliefs, trying to sue people or corporations for not respecting or accomodating to their beliefs...

What if the Danish embassy released a series of cartoons depicting the African American population as nothing but drug-headed robbers? Of course if you make an offensive comic it is going to offend someone.

The most fundamental right in our society IS the right to offend people - freedom of speech. Since when did that become defunct?

I don't understand this sentence, can you rephrase that?

Yes. 22% of British Muslims consider the 7/7 bombers to be martyrs. Think about that for a while. It's a serious problem.
Plenty of radical preachers, people trying to get the law changed to accomodate their Islamic beliefs, trying to sue people or corporations for not respecting or accomodating to their beliefs...

Well if that's the case, then woudn't the courts simple refuse their demands?

The most fundamental right in our society IS the right to offend people - freedom of speech. Since when did that become defunct?

The right to offend people? :\ It's not like an aboriginal would forgive me if I shouted racial slur at him and said it was purely for the sake of our Freedom of Speech.

Yes. 22% of British Muslims consider the 7/7 bombers to be martyrs. Think about that for a while. It's a serious problem.

Of course there will be people who believe in their culture to the fullstop, but this dosen't mean that every Muslim or Islamic should be hated and deported out of the country.

There are some chrsitians who strongly follow their religious teachings, should we just shun them from our society?

Well i'm off to bed (1:46 am! D: )
Islamic culture sucks donkey balls. Why is this so hard for you to admit?
Not being Muslim, nor having lived in a Islamic community, I would say I have nothing to admit nor declare for that matter.

Well, at least I gave you a chance to be rational.
Well if that's the case, then woudn't the courts simple refuse their demands?

Apparently not. A schoolgirl won a discrimination case where she was forced to wear her school uniform instead of her Islamic dress and veil. She got suspended for refusing to wear the uniform. She sued the school, taking up lots of taxpayer time and money no less, and won. She won!
They continually refuse to deport these radical preachers also.
Latest insane decision - the government is now going to notify Islamic leaders before they carry out anti-terrorist raids to "check if their intelligence is correct". They don't even have to sign the Official Secrets Act, just promise not to tell anyone.
What the **** is that? It's absolutely insane! Blair is the worst thing that ever happened to this country.

The right to offend people? :\

Yes. Freedom of speech is the most important and non-negotiable right we have.

Of course there will be people who believe in their culture to the fullstop, but this dosen't mean that every Muslim or Islamic should be hated and deported out of the country.

It doesn't mean that, no. But we are facing a situation where our very society, the very fabric of our way of life, and perhaps our existence is in grave danger. What's your solution to that?
Deporting or imprisoning civilians that could pose a threat during a time of war is, incidentally, standard practice. Except now, it seems.

There are some chrsitians who strongly follow their religious teachings, should we just shun them from our society?

We already do.

Well i'm off to bed (1:46 am! D:)

Not being Muslim, nor having lived in a Islamic community, I would say I have nothing to admit nor declare for that matter.

Well, at least I gave you a chance to be rational.

I am being rational. I'm pointing out the simple fact that not everyone is equal, and not every culture is equivalent. Unfortunately political correctness has been ingrained into us to such an extent it seems horrific to even suggest inferiority. There's a reason the Middle East is a shithole.
That's the evidence that you are only looking through one pair of glasses.
It may be hard, but really, try putting on another pair.

I'll try to give you a boost with these links:
Islamic Mathematicians
Islamic Architecture
Islamic Art

So what?
Need I remind you of the seven Nobel prizes awarded to Muslims in all of history, as opposed to over 160 awarded to Jews? There are less Jews in the world than there are residents of London!
So what?
Need I remind you of the seven Nobel prizes awarded to Muslims in all of history, as opposed to over 160 awarded to Jews? There are less Jews in the world than there are residents of London!
So um. Are Jews now the better culture than Islam? And even Christianity, maybe? How about we just discard every other culture and force everyone to become Jewish. Why not? It's a breeding ground for geniuses.
So what?
Need I remind you of the seven Nobel prizes awarded to Muslims in all of history, as opposed to over 160 awarded to Jews? There are less Jews in the world than there are residents of London!

That doesn't give them any less of a right to exist though really?
Why punish a whole group of people based upon the actions of a sadly vocal minority?

Their presence here is a privilege, not a right. Do you see this whole group of people condemning Islamic terrorism? Nary a whisper to be heard.
However, criticise Mohammed and World War III nearly starts - in Europe.
Half a million British Muslims think the tube bombers were martyrs.

I don't see anyone else suggesting any solutions, either.
It's a privilege, that is true. However - why punish many for the actions of the few?
And yes, suprisingly enough, there is a vocal group of people condemning Islamic extremists - both from within the muslim community, and on the news.
It's a privilege, that is true. However - why punish many for the actions of the few?
And yes, suprisingly enough, there is a vocal group of people condemning Islamic extremists - both from within the muslim community, and on the news.

It's a small group of people. Again, what's your solution? National security is more important than fair treatment of immigrants from a culture that has opposing values to our own, immigrants that we really do not need.
However this small group of people (those condemning) are getting pulicity on BBC news etc on a fairly regular basis. Which is a good thing, you can't argue with that.

My solution? Continue as we are now, continue with active prevention of terrorist threats.
However this small group of people (those condemning) are getting pulicity on BBC news etc on a fairly regular basis. Which is a good thing, you can't argue with that.

My solution? Continue as we are now, continue with active prevention of terrorist threats.

It's not working. We are being slowly torn apart from the inside. In a few decades, unless something is done, Europe will be controlled by Muslims.

''How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is a fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammadan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife,or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome''. Winston Churchill.
It's not working. We are being slowly torn apart from the inside. In a few decades, unless something is done, Europe will be controlled by Muslims.

Where's your evidence to support this fairly large assertion?
"A certain sense of cruelty towards oneself and others is Christian; hatred of those who think differently; the will to persecute. Hatred of mind, of pride, courage, freedom, libertinage of mind, is Christian; hatred of the sense, of the joy of the senses, of joy in general is Christian." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Yup, let's stab at each other with quotes :|
Where's your evidence to support this fairly large assertion?

They outbreed us by a ratio of something like 3 to 1. There are plenty of links out there to support this. By 2050 (might have been 2030 even), the projected population of Europe will be 30% Muslim.
"A certain sense of cruelty towards oneself and others is Christian; hatred of those who think differently; the will to persecute. Hatred of mind, of pride, courage, freedom, libertinage of mind, is Christian; hatred of the sense, of the joy of the senses, of joy in general is Christian." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Yup, let's stab at each other with quotes :|

I'll take Winston Churchill's opinion of Islam over yours any day, no offence.
Nuke washington DC, make a ****ing crater out of that shithole.
They outbreed us by a ratio of something like 3 to 1. There are plenty of links out there to support this. By 2050 (might have been 2030 even), the projected population of Europe will be 30% Muslim.

Haha... so 30% is enough to take over Europe? God your an idiot.
Haha... so 30% is enough to take over Europe? God your an idiot.

That would make them the majority population, yes. They have a massive influence now, and they only make up 2% of the population.

You're an idiot for being so blind. And for not being able to spell "you're".

One might be led to think that if international law enforcement authorities and Western intelligence agencies had discovered a twenty-year old document revealing a top-secret plan developed by the oldest Islamist organization with one of the most extensive terror networks in the world to launch a program of “cultural invasion” and eventual conquest of the West that virtually mirrors the tactics used by Islamists for more than two decades, that such news would scream from headlines published on the front pages and above the fold of the New York Times, Washington Post, London Times, Le Monde, Bild, and La Repubblica.

If that’s what you might think, you would be wrong.


What makes The Project so different from the standard “Death of America! Death to Israel!” and “Establish the global caliphate!” Islamist rhetoric is that it represents a flexible, multi-phased, long-term approach to the “cultural invasion” of the West. Calling for the utilization of various tactics, ranging from immigration, infiltration, surveillance, propaganda, protest, deception, political legitimacy and terrorism, The Project has served for more than two decades as the Muslim Brotherhood “master plan”. As can be seen in a number of examples throughout Europe – including the political recognition of parallel Islamist government organizations in Sweden, the recent “cartoon” jihad in Denmark, the Parisian car-burning intifada last November, and the 7/7 terrorist attacks in London – the plan outlined in The Project has been overwhelmingly successful.

The Muslim Brotherhood "Project"

Read it and weep.
Ah yes, because is SUCH a reputable source.. a website that rails against the 'liberal' media, and has 'jihad watch' as a button on every page.

Unbaised, fantastic source..
If I'm wrong, there is no real consequence.
If you're wrong, our entire civilisation will be lost.
Damn straight. Goddamn pakis with their miniature and ultra-cheap AK47s.

Think that's a bag of crisps? FVCK NO, that's some illegal AK47-contraband right there, ready to be used to TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD.

I'm afraid this debate has reached the peak of silliness.
Damn straight. Goddamn pakis with their miniature and ultra-cheap AK47s.

Think that's a bag of crisps? FVCK NO, that's some illegal AK47-contraband right there, ready to be used to TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD.

I'm afraid this debate has reached the peak of silliness.

You'll come around. It might take until the religious police are patrolling your street, but you'll come around. And it's you who's going to have to live with the consequences.
I always find it hard to swallow the "It's a catastrophe, Muslims are taking over!!" line. I live in a predominantly Muslim area of south London, and have done almost all my life. And it's not just Muslims here - this place has got everyone from everywhere. And it's fine here. Everyone seems to get along perfectly well, ta very much. It just doesn't seem to be a big deal.
I'm not Christian - should I be worried that there's a church just up the road from me? Are the people there gearing up to impose their beliefs and nasty 'commandments' on my way of life? Uh, no.
I believe moderate Muslims pose no more threat to my way of life than moderate Christians...
I always find it hard to swallow the "It's a catastrophe, Muslims are taking over!!" line. I live in a predominantly Muslim area of south London, and have done almost all my life. And it's not just Muslims here - this place has got everyone from everywhere. And it's fine here. Everyone seems to get along perfectly well, ta very much. I just don't think it's as big a deal as people like to make it.

I'm not Christian - should I be worried that there's a church just up the road from me? Are the people there gearing up to impose their beliefs and nasty 'commandments' on my way of life? Uh, no.
I believe moderate Muslims pose no more threat to my way of life than moderate Christians...

Muslims are the only immigrant group trying to change Britain to suit their own ways. They're also the only immigrant group who commit acts of terror against Britain.
Your second link is just a google search.

The wikipedia link, in it's first paragraph contains 'It has been proposed by some [2], that this document is in fact a conspiracy theory along the lines of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
[2] in this case being The Sharpener, a reputable source, who's editors write for a number of papers in the UK..

I'd believe contributors to The Independant, Observer, Guardian, Financial Times and the Telegraph over any day.
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