Incoming Source Media Update

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If I was a mod I'd tell everyone to calm down and stop sniping so much and be more reasonable to eachother. But I'm not.

EDIT: Also Praz, no offence, but you asking people to 'get their professional acts together' while one of your team members (If I'm not mistaken) makes comments like the above doesn't really look very good.
Sulkdodds said:
while one of your team members (If I'm not mistaken) makes comments like the above doesn't really look very good.

good point, i edited :)

you my friend have a very unbiased approch to this, and deserve to be staff
Great work Praz! :thumbs:
can't wait to play your mod :E
I dunno really, I think Harij might've been a wee bit pissed off when he visited the boards today and thought'd he'd blow off some steam, (If only this was a Steam related thread, cracking joke :LOL:) he's not always like this.
It's obvious we're not going to get anything worthwile out of JeanPaul, so this'll be a goodbye between him and the forums for now..

I don't understand why you feel inclined to point out the fact that I'm a staff member instead of responding to my statements and questions. I can quit the position any day, but my opinions will remain reasonably the same.

I hope I'm not coming off as too biased in this discussion since I'm honestly not bothered that much with this discussion, it's just that you obviously don't understand the IP law dangers that you're playing with here and how it'll affect your mod in the future. What'd you say if you worked on it another year and first then Microsoft decides to administer the smackdown and send a "Cease and desist" order?

Just a last question, as mod developers, what is the most important thing for you; For people to put out their honest opinion about your idea and project, or just get your personal fanbase of people stroking your ego?

I'm a very creative person myself, having amateur experience in things like mod developing, concept design and work with music and drawing/painting on an almost daily basis. I respect all effort put in things creatively, but if it's one thing I've realised if you want to survive in this field of interest, and it's that you need to learn how to live with criticism. I may come off a little blunt because of this, but the way you're responding to it with childish name-calling and completely uncalled comments has no basis at all in anything.
You can call me a Halo mod, but atleast you guys aren't making a Zombie mod.
I wish you were, as we have none of those in progress.
I don't see why you'd make a mod with so much content err inspired by a well known game. To me it seems it's much more worthwhile, satisfying and interesting (both for creators and players) to make original content that doesn't look like it's a direct port from another game.

On a sidenote: The impression the iSource members in this thread give is one of immature kids who can't handle criticism. If you insist on using content that makes your game look like a ripoff, then you'll have to learn to deal with the consequences.
What the hell is wrong with making a halo-ish mod? I mean, they're not making any money from it are they? I just don't see what the big deal is about. When I was younger I mixed up my GI Joes, Ninja Turtles, and Batman toys and had a blast with them. Isn't this basically the same thing? Why get bent out of shape and so offended just because they are making a game, for their enjoyment, that uses content from another game?

This isn't towards anybody in particular, by the way.
Praz said:
You can call me a Halo mod, but atleast you guys aren't making a Zombie mod.

Actually, in a politically correct sense, our mod is about the "Living Impaired"

-Angry Lawyer
Disturbed, what the hell.

Someone posts a mod, and you start flaming like a illogical, insensitive retard. Shut the **** up and kill yourself you ****ing ten year old.

Someone puts hard work into something and you say it's shit because they copied something that they ADMITTED to copying for VALID reasons.

Yes i registered just to say this, and yes, i do not care if i get banned from this forum with a fag like you roaming around.
Amazing Debate Yet I Got Dumb Reading It

woooooooooowzers i read the entire thread and we are attacking a mod team cause it looks like halo?

ESF looks like DBZ
CS uses realistic weapons
DoD uses and depicts ww2

Should i keep going how mods use other shit to make shit. Yes everyone should have a opinion but if your going to act like a ass hat giving it then just move on. This site is known for the news it posts and just cause you dont like the mod idea doesnt mean you stop.

Let praz make his mod and give good advice and if he fails then so be it but if it turns out to be fun then great. It amazes me this bebate even was started and staff allowed to let go on and on. When you allow comments on news items your going to get harsh and good comments. Mod teams need to accept that. Just some people like to be ass hats cause they dont care.

Some people dont like my mod idea and some think its a great idea. I learned to let the negative people not effect me. Im going to shut up but I just dont like the way Praz was attacked and when he defends himself he is attacked again.

Praz learn to let the comments go in one ear and the other and try to get the good advice and make changes. Also dont allow your team to argue on your behalf they may make mistakes. Making mods is for yourself and the team and the fans that will enjoy it. So if you dont have a fan your bound to find another.
XxXoldsaltXxX said:
Disturbed, what the hell.

Someone posts a mod, and you start flaming like a illogical, insensitive retard. Shut the **** up and kill yourself you ****ing ten year old.

Someone puts hard work into something and you say it's shit because they copied something that they ADMITTED to copying for VALID reasons.

Yes i registered just to say this, and yes, i do not care if i get banned from this forum with a fag like you roaming around.

Awww thats so cute, you are probably an Emo Ranger too with all those XXX's in your name. Shows you have no life to come and post one thing talking shit. You can go ahead and grow up now.
XxXoldsaltXxX said:
Disturbed, what the hell.

Someone posts a mod, and you start flaming like a illogical, insensitive retard. Shut the **** up and kill yourself you ****ing ten year old.

Someone puts hard work into something and you say it's shit because they copied something that they ADMITTED to copying for VALID reasons.

Yes i registered just to say this, and yes, i do not care if i get banned from this forum with a fag like you roaming around.

:LOL: Totally off topic but I found your name hilarious. Maybe I hang around too many emos with "xXxBlahblahxXx" and crap.
The thing is, there's no such thing as "Copying for a valid reason". They need to put an official "Bungee/Microsoft said we could" thing on their site, with references, and actual correspondance, or people will pick them up on it. And Microsoft - who own Bungie, don't like their IP trifled with. And they send lawyers out to shut things down.

-Angry Lawyer
DiSTuRbEd said:
Awww thats so cute, you are probably an Emo Ranger too with all those XXX's in your name. Shows you have no life to come and post one thing talking shit. You can go ahead and grow up now.

Go ahead and change the subject ****flaps.
One word to describe this mod, pathetic.
The flagrant Halo rip off's aside, anything they do design themselves looks like arse. And the lame attempt to justify using 20th century weapons in a 25th century setting, rather than having to design all their own.
XxXoldsaltXxX said:
Go ahead and change the subject ****flaps.

What I can't help you call me a 10 year old and are Emo. Just ironic to say the least. So whats your myspace/livejournal/whatever else you kids use. I'll add you!
What the **** does being emo have to do with anything you stupid idiot. Take your ****ing ritalin and shut the hell up.
XxXoldsaltXxX said:
What the **** does being emo have to do with anything you stupid idiot. Take your ****ing ritalin and shut the hell up.

Disturbed said:

Take it outside to private messages, the both of you.
It looks like you used carve on those displacements. I recommend not doing so because it increases the MAX_POINT_LIGHTMAP_SIZE limit dramatically.
Oh for gods sake people... Drop it. So they put in some Halo stuff. Its not the end of the world. The mod doesn't have to be sucky.

Geez luiz.
lol and I thought the mods on here would support any mod for the source engine.You slate one game that has elements from halo in it,when nearly every other day I see a new news post about another zombie mod clone.

some of you guys have to chill out a bit:smoking: ,if they havent got permission MS will screw them,if they have got permission then good for them.Why do some people take it all too personal,its just a game ffs.
The only reason I bothered posting here was cause JeanPaul came bitching about how no one liked his mod and linked here.

However it is a huge ****ing ripoff, and they might as well change the name to Halo: Source considering they already admitted they are unoriginal (oops)-tards and ripped off everything from Halo. I wouldn't mind had it been inspired by halo, or even had maybe 1 or 2 halo like objects but this is (oops)ing ridiculous. They brought the flames upon themselves, and the entire team can go (oops) themselves, cause no one, even bungie, likes having their ideas jacked by some (oops)ing (oops) noobs like these guys.

and with that I leave, cause im not even sure how or why im here in the first place. So don't bother quoting me with some witty comeback.
Praz has emailed Bungie who allowed us to use the warthog, now I may not agree with the Halo draw that 2 or 3 models have, but the team itself is over 40 strong and we have weekly updates. We are trying to create a fun game for you guys to enjoy. I do agree with the fact that there are a load of zombie mods, most of which die out. But that is ok because it is an extremely easy mod to produce as all the A.I and HL2 zombie content is already present, but they are making a mod which I have respect for. Please don't judge the content of our gameplay by those models which love to spawn contreversy, which has upped our popularity by a large amount.
Akumo said:
I do agree with the fact that there are a load of zombie mods, most of which die out.

There are 3 prime Zombie mods, all of which are unique compared to each other, and all three will reach a release.

Akumo said:
But that is ok because it is an extremely easy mod to produce as all the A.I and HL2 zombie content is already present

You obviously haven't been following the zombie mods.. they arent just a bunch of sp maps with the generic headcrabs zombies thrown in...
I am only saying that copying off a mainstream game is one thing, but multiple mods doing the same thing is another. which one is right? how can you honsetly say a HL2 zombie mod, regardless of its quality has the same delimna as our mod? You whip out your mod and we'll whip out ours, we'll see whos is bigger.
Akumo said:
You whip out your mod and we'll whip out ours, we'll see whos is bigger.

I'll whip out the Xbox and play the real game.
It's not the size of your mod - it's what you do with it. :naughty:
Akumo said:
I am only saying that copying off a mainstream game is one thing, but multiple mods doing the same thing is another. which one is right? how can you honsetly say a HL2 zombie mod, regardless of its quality has the same delimna as our mod? You whip out your mod and we'll whip out ours, we'll see whos is bigger.

Except none of the zombie mods are copying any mainstream games?
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