Insurgency Mod Out Saturday or Sunday?!

I'd like to see valve get a third party mod update feature out there, to prevent this sort of thing from happening come next gameplay engine.

Mod team just specifies a server as their content server, and come release date, everybody can download the game via Steam. Then the mod team just updates the files on the server every so often, and steam automatically detects updates, and seeds them out to users.

It'd encourage mod teams to just get ANY sort of release out, because updating the release whenever they want to would be hassle free. And Valve doesn't need to worry about supplying bandwith or anything, since all server load is put on the team's content server. The only thing steam/valve has to do is make that connection between player and content server.

If this were the case, then the INS team could have released yesterday, and fixed the bug on their own time. Doesn't matter if it's fixed in a matter of hours, or a matter of days, everybody still gets the update. No worrying about half the player base playing on unpatched servers, and the other half being on patched servers, which i'm betting is the whole reason they're delaying this to begin with.
Well who didn't see this one coming?

INS delayed at least 1 day due to grenade bug.


Good thing they've been spending so much time on this mod to let an apparently game-breaking bug slip by until the final hours of their alleged release day :P
Well, it's monday...

They better fix the ****ing grenade bug that the testers never noticed until release day...

Also, I love how they inform their community of what's going on. There has not been one single official announcement in the past day explaining anything.
Well, it's monday...

They better fix the ****ing grenade bug that the testers never noticed until release day...

Also, I love how they inform their community of what's going on. There has not been one single official announcement in the past day explaining anything.

I know.

The only source of information is what some devs are randomly saying in their IRC channel.

Now the projected release is 4am PST/7am EST/12pm GMT.

Cyborgmatt> [INS]Jeremy: could you make a quick post on the forum with a quick official update so we calm things down abit?
<Cyborgmatt> we can calm*
<[INS]Jeremy> ok so, i'll tell you what we're shooting for...
<[INS]Jeremy> Gamespy guys are being nice enough to go into work at 4am tomorrow morning
<[INS]Jeremy> instead of 7am normally
<[INS]Jeremy> we will try to release the mod when they get into work
<[INS]Jeremy> this is 4am PST
<[INS]Jeremy> so, this is 7am EST
=-= Mode #insurgency +v DesertFox by [INS]Minotaur0
<[INS]Jeremy> 12 noon GMT
<[INS]Jeremy> this is our goal
<[INS]Jeremy> but it also assumes that our lead coder wakes up
<[INS]Jeremy> he said he'd be up a half hr ago
<[INS]Jeremy> hes not up yet
Yeah, i was just going to post that. I saw it in the last 30 seconds.

Well, I'm not waking up at 7am thats for sure. The servers had better be cooled off by the time I wake up so I can get a good d/l speed.
At least they're making an effort.

Anyone else think everyone is over reacting? I'm excited as deuces for this mod but cmon, it's just a game right?

And it's a couple days late. Most delays seem to be around 6 months.
I really hate these hl2 mod developers.
They take years to complete their projects and they still manage to somehow **** it up.

The only projects that i have hope for and actually enjoy playing atm are the PVK2 and Goldeneye Source.Everything else seems to be over hyped eye candy.
Start releasing little by little and let the community help and decide what to do next with your mod.
Whatever happened to the good ol' wisdom of the HL 1 mod era?
At least they're making an effort.

Anyone else think everyone is over reacting? I'm excited as deuces for this mod but cmon, it's just a game right?

And it's a couple days late. Most delays seem to be around 6 months.

For the most part yes, people are going a little too nuts...

But this is a mod that was supposed to release back in 2005. Then there's a couple more dates they've broken, the fact that they don't tell thousands of waiting people what's going on... and there you have a situation ripe with malcontent and rage from a community.

I'm just annoyed that they're spending this much time on a game and they're acting like this is a retail release. Not to mention they're unorganized and apparently the testers suck. They were testing hours before release, the release hinging on a member waking up, and just now a game-breaking bug gets discovered :P Impressive.

This whole thing just seems like the perfect example of how not to lead up to a release.

I hope this mod is as good as it should be, or the 4 years this thing has been in development will be pretty sad.
They finally posted an update, saying that because of their FP contract they can't release until tomorrow morning (EST?) when the FP staff wakes up. Great.

An official post. It seems like we would have it tonight if it weren't for their partnership with shitty FilePlanet. I especially like how the guy says that they partnered up with FilePlanet for all their bandwidth so everyone can download it. FilePlanet has more bandwidth than the entire internet combined I guess :rolleyes:. Instead of having mirrors and torrents everywhere people will have to wait in line.
Well, I'm not dying for the mod's release. I'll probably download it a week from now after it slips my mind. But I do remember the good ol' days of waiting in line for hours in a Fileplanet qeue due to some bullshit exclusivity contract.

God... **** Gamespy. Bandwidth issues? We have a concept called "mirroring" that tends to address that kind of problem. :rolleyes:
Gamespy getting up early to do this? Woah, didn't think they cared that much. Thought they were like any large internet business - community = last.

Kudos to them. :)
We won't have to stand in line. Part of their agreement with Fileplanet was that they will release mirrors on their forums for members as soon as it goes available on FP.

Can't blame them for teaming up with FP - more promotion for their mod and some $$$ they most likely deserve.
They certainly have game breaking bugs that pop-up awful close to each projected release date.

I expect that when this releases, I won't so much as see a ragdoll clip into the enviroment.
Meh, i've started to stop caring about this mod.

I guarantee you that a good half the community will suck. I made a nice lengthy post on why I think they should have released this incrementally, and in a few seconds it's pushed back a page by a bunch of people posting about sunchips, and then 3 or 4 people tell me i'm wrong and don't know what i'm talking about, while a good ONE person backs me up and starts talking about how the best mods ever followed this strategy.

Screw this. I can tell i'm going to be asking some 12 year old to drop me a medpack while he yells at me to "GET AWAY! I CAN'T SEE WHAT I'M SHOOTING AT!".
I guarantee you that a good half the community will suck. I made a nice lengthy post on why I think they should have released this incrementally, and in a few seconds it's pushed back a page by a bunch of people posting about sunchips, and then 3 or 4 people tell me i'm wrong and don't know what i'm talking about, while a good ONE person backs me up and starts talking about how the best mods ever followed this strategy.

And releasing a mod this way will only lead to hyped up expectations and disappointment when it plays as shit as a beta release.
Meh, i've started to stop caring about this mod.

I guarantee you that a good half the community will suck. I made a nice lengthy post on why I think they should have released this incrementally, and in a few seconds it's pushed back a page by a bunch of people posting about sunchips, and then 3 or 4 people tell me i'm wrong and don't know what i'm talking about, while a good ONE person backs me up and starts talking about how the best mods ever followed this strategy.

Screw this. I can tell i'm going to be asking some 12 year old to drop me a medpack while he yells at me to "GET AWAY! I CAN'T SEE WHAT I'M SHOOTING AT!".

Dude (I saw your post), if you want to spare yourself a tonne of grief, stay the hell away from their forums. I registered there in 04 and I've only made seven posts. You don't waste rational thought on some of the hicks who spend their time there. It's made worse by the fact that the devs dispense information and media so infrequently, so as soon as there's even a whisper of activity you get a shitload of salivating nerds tarding over virtually anything on the forums. This isn't a screenshot, it's the release, so naturally the forums are at TARDCON 1.

I'm sure in the game it will be like any other online game community. There'll be a fair share of retards no doubt, but hopefully the game will make up for that.
Wow, I'd be pretty pissed if I were those Fileplanet guys that came in early for no reason due to INS team missing their time target. The Fileplanet team were to come in at 4am PST to post the file and the INS team just started compiling their installer an hour ago.
After the 17th thread on footsteps, flashlights, vehicles, blood decals, bullet ricochets, or textures, I started being in their forum less.
So did something similar happen to when release was imminent?
So did something similar happen to when release was imminent?

I dunno :P I was sick those days. I actually slept through the exact release and woke up to it on my HD. So I missed all the shenanigans.

To my knowledge, once Valve set that Nov. 16th date and hour, they didn't budge from it.

The INS installer is still compiling :P
hl2 release wasn't bad on the forums, but on the IRC channel it was crazy

Aaaaaaaaaargh!. Thought I'd have learnt by now. :p
Could it be out, their site is completely flooded.

I cant get in it.

Edit: nevermind.
Its not on file planet yet so its probably not out. Can't access the site, its completely flooded. Too bad they didn't plan for that but on the other hand this tells you this mod will be huge when its released.
According one of the devs on IRC, the compiling of the fecking installer is done. 646mb. That took like...5 hours? :laugh:

Now I'm guessing the upload will probably take a few more hours.
Wtf, I've been out all day and it's not here yet. o__O

Damn ><. Downloading 700MB at a max speed of 64kB/s will take a few hours as well.

EDIT: And LOL at those Fileplanet dudes who got up early for nothing.
I'll probably have a go in a few days when everyones stopped wetting their pants, just to check out what all the fuss is about. Maybe I'm being harsh but im half expecting a counter strike clone of sorts.
I'll probably have a go in a few days when everyones stopped wetting their pants, just to check out what all the fuss is about. Maybe I'm being harsh but im half expecting a counter strike clone of sorts.

Expect an RO clone if anything (I think the lead of this mod was the lead of RO actually). It has almost the exact same gun mechanics (being able to rest barrels on ledges and walls, iron sights/scopes as only means of truly accurate aiming, and more).

<[INS]ET> Okay
<[INS]ET> Gentlemen
<[INS]ET> We have got a working .exe
<[INS]ET> We are now uploading this .exe to fileplanet
<[INS]ET> Within the hour you will have your game and the server files

About time.


The split second they unmodded the IRC channel pages upon pages of spam flowed forth with people going crazy. About 5 seconds later:

<Zandog> !set modes +m
* ChanServ sets mode: +m
<Zandog> you all failed
<Zandog> badly
Expect an RO clone if anything (I think the lead of this mod was the lead of RO actually). It has almost the exact same gun mechanics (being able to rest barrels on ledges and walls, iron sights/scopes as only means of truly accurate aiming, and more).

About time.


The split second they unmodded the IRC channel pages upon pages of spam flowed forth with people going crazy. About 5 seconds later:

So around 4:30 or so?
im not even that anxious for it to be released but this is retarded