Insurgency Mod Out Saturday or Sunday?!

I'm waiting til' tomorrow mornin'.
It's slowed way down now :P Gonna have to wait for more seeds I guess.
It's slowed way down now :P Gonna have to wait for more seeds I guess.

Same here, stayed at 400 kbps for a few minutes, and then dropped to 80, stayed there for a few minutes, and now it's totally random, but mostly in the 20s :(
around 15kb/s on the torrent... Should have kept my place in line :(
200kbps on a torrent I found in the forums.

Edit: 500 now.
I got 800-1k kb/s off a non-subscriber FP server. Already half done installing :D

I think it was the east coast link too (I'm west). Dunno what was up with that, but I'll be waiting ingame for ya'll.
Is this torrent a joke?

I now have TWO seeds, but i'm at 5kbps.

Ive been at 17 minutes for about 20 minutes... FP is a joke.

Anyhow I will be going to a movie this evening. Hope to see you all on after I get back. Everyone who will be playing should post their xfires.

I'll start.

Username: tcfrombn
You other torrent guys are getting screwed... I'm sitting at max download... 620kbps.
I think going with File Planet was a huge mistake. I'm not even going to bother making an account just for this. I'm using a torrent, but I'm only getting around 30 KB/s..
Torrent just shot up to 150kb/sec for me :) better than 5 :P
I got mine off the Insurgency forums, but it's acting really slow. I'll try to make my way to the link.
I doubt this will be finished tonight so I'll play tomorrow.

xfire: ren182
Well... don't worry if your download is going slow. There aren't any server up anyway so...
the game is pretty good, player models seem kinda slippery but they make up for it with awesome sound and gameplay
My company internet won't allow me to download torrents or FP's d/l manager, if someone can find me a downloadable mirror that'd be great. Thanks a bunch!
I will probably play a bit in about 1,5h (that'll be past 2AM for me oO). More gaming tomorrow.

XFire: Unfocused BTW.
Hi, I'm downloading it as we speak. Excited, I am.

Xfire: co05
Cool mod... my only gripes right now are the somewhat shoddy animation for the player models and how easy it is to spawn camp... which shouldn't even be possible.

Another gripe, I joined my first server just fine... then I left to try a Fire Fight server, it hung up on the loading screen.
Kept happening for every server I tried, including Push ones.

:|... They held this up for extra testing, right? :|
Seems to be a somewhat large amount of complaints about the player models. Hopefully these get updated in the near future.
Loaded a few maps on a test server and they seem tiny. How shit.

Edit: Played for 20mins now. The recoil is stupid when you aren't even in iron sights - you're view goes to the ceiling. The gun should go to the ceiling not your view. Seem to be no ambient sounds on the maps.

It seems like it's CS with iron sights plus a few nice looking maps. I'd rather just play Hostile Intent. They should dump the current maps and create whole new larger ones from scratch.
Anyone have some fast Australian mirrors? I'm stuck downloading off Internode, which is insanely slow at the moment.
Except that it plays nothing like CS. Seriously, aside from a modern setting, they're in no way comparable. And there is ambient sound, but very little, and thats a GOOD thing. Actual distant gunfire from other players is a much better ambient sound than pre-recorded soundclips.

I think the mod is pretty great, the sound is especially amazing. I'm happily surprised.
I'd love it if I could get onto a damn server without getting stuck on the loading screen, I can't even make my own server without getting the bug!
I personally don't like it so far... I found myself tking alot... cause i can't tell whos on what side... yeah im still new to it but I dunno I can't get into it like I thought I would.
I'd love it if I could get onto a damn server without getting stuck on the loading screen, I can't even make my own server without getting the bug!

Look in the bottom right of your screen.