Insurgency Mod Out Saturday or Sunday?!

I quite like the community. It's fun to use their own logic against them thus making them insult in return.
I quite like the community. It's fun to use their own logic against them thus making them insult in return.

That was the exact reason why I was thinking of joining up.
Patch info :

"First of all we want to thank everybody for their great support and dedication to our mod over the past 2 days and on behalf of all the developers and especially Pongles and Jeremy I can only say that we have just started and a lot of cool things are about to come.

Right now we are working on the first patch that will take care of the following things:

Release 1.0a Changelist
--- code only
* ADDED: command "tkremove" and "tkdetect"
* CHANGED: alltalk is defaulted to "0"
* FIXED: attacking with grenades while sprinting
* FIXED: RPG playing the wrong draw animation when not loaded
* FIXED: the client crash XYZ ^
* FIXED: the server crash XYZ ^
* FIXED: flashpoint and spraypaint in spectator is now disabled
* FIXED: can not longer cook smoke grenades
* FIXED: reloading the M249
* FIXED: small problem for people that do not have SSE support on their CPU
* FIXED: strange behaviour in shotgun reload
-- others
* FIXED: Lots of FPS Improvements

Our team is working hard on finishing this first patch and we should be back with you very soon after testing and making sure things work the way they should be."
That's nice. Just don't give an ETA for your own good this time, heh :p

EDIT: Hahah funny thing just happened. Actually, I think I beat my kill streak (at 5 kills atm). I chose to be a Marine on the Karkar map and spawned in the mines (in the cave). After a few seconds I noticed there's someone running up to the tunnel leading to the surface. I took him out with one well-placed shot and ran up to him to confirm the kill (I got -5 points, so I though I took out a friendly by mistake; looks like a bug). I then proceeded through the tunnel up to the surface and knifed 4 insurgents on my way up :D The server crashed right after I killed the 4th one, so I didn't get the chance to brag about it :P
* FIXED: Lots of FPS Improvements

Glad to hear they're improving performance. Maybe now I'll be able to look down the almaden street without my comp chugging at 10-15 fps (no matter what gfx settings I have on).
In the mean time Amish, you might want to try turning of vertical syncing if you have it on. It's caused similar problems for me before.
awsome, I feel this mod going to be so popular in few months time.
* FIXED: Lots of FPS Improvements

Glad to hear they're improving performance. Maybe now I'll be able to look down the almaden street without my comp chugging at 10-15 fps (no matter what gfx settings I have on).

I doubt it, unless they redesign the map I don't think they can improve the fps. The problem is with almaden is essentially that there's a huge corridor in the middle, so when you look in that direction, the engine renders almost the entire map.
I doubt it, unless they redesign the map I don't think they can improve the fps. The problem is with almaden is essentially that there's a huge corridor in the middle, so when you look in that direction, the engine renders almost the entire map.

Well I'm 90% sure it's the smoke/dust clouds that are all over that main street. I can look down the latter half of the street just fine for the most part. It's that main intersection that kills my performance.
Yeah, that community SUCKS in general. INS forums have rabid fanboys just like the ET:QW forums. The moment you criticize ANYTHING about the game they flip out and tell you to go play CS/BF2 respectively.

I hope your not including my site into that :O
but yeah I have seen a decrease in the standard over on the INS forums leading upto the release, but I think thats down to all the regulars getting fed up with the new people going on there moaning and asking questions that have been answered 100 times already.
I hope your not including my site into that :O
but yeah I have seen a decrease in the standard over on the INS forums leading upto the release, but I think thats down to all the regulars getting fed up with the new people going on there moaning and asking questions that have been answered 100 times already.

I just meant the INS Forums :P
Is it just me or is Haditha actually playable? Even with 25 or more players its pretty much silky smooth for the most part for me. The other maps however...:p
Just out of curiosity:

What drivers are everybody using? I'm most interested in Nvidia people. I've heard the 94.24's might not be good :|
I can't even get the installer to run properly, at some given random point, i'll get an error.
FF off servers kind of ruin the game. Part of combat is about determining whether or not that guy in the building is an enemy.
Just out of curiosity:

What drivers are everybody using? I'm most interested in Nvidia people. I've heard the 94.24's might not be good :|

I'm on a 8800, still runs like poop. Obviously some issue because every other Source engine mod/game I get 100-200fps. :rolling:
Must either be memory problems, cpu problems or both. :|
Still think they should get rid of the respawning limits. Very annoying.
FF off servers kind of ruin the game. Part of combat is about determining whether or not that guy in the building is an enemy.
Well, that's very true, but all it takes is one TKer to completely f*ck up a game.
I'm on a 8800, still runs like poop. Obviously some issue because every other Source engine mod/game I get 100-200fps. :rolling:

3500+, 8800GTS, 1 gig o ram

158 drivers, which I must say are total rubish. They make you run this bloated and buggy "nvidia control panel" to change any settings.

Runs great for me though. Doesn't dip below maybe 30 FPS, all high, 4x AA, 4x AF.
The maps were designed by monkeys. There is nothing else to it.
The maps were designed by monkeys. There is nothing else to it.

Agreed. They LOOK nice, but that's about it. The level design is complete utter shit.

The game could work if the maps were more intuitive.

At the same time, the maps could work if a radar was added to the game.
I find the maps are actually quite well-designed, for the most part. Once you start actually going for the objectives the way the game requires you to if you want to win, the maps flow almost perfectly. The only one I can't stand is the ore refinery map with the caves. I hate it so much that I haven't bothered to remember its name. Though in retrospect that's a poor decision, because now I get that map every 5th or 6th server I join :P
I think that they need to understand that real-life places being replicated in a game doesn't automatically mean good gameplay.

Some maps have far too many dead-ends.
You can learn the maps once you play for some time, it's not that hard.
The maps are well designed, because there's always more than one accesspoint to a certain location. It's always an option to flank.

I'm really starting to get good with shooting from the hip, most of my kills are now without iron sights.

It's a shame this game is so buggy, I'm getting "Connection Problems" every 20 min or so, where the server kicks everybody out.

And what's up with only 5 servers? Is that only for me or are there really only 5 servers up?
My server list shows a different amount every time I refresh :|
Sometimes 5 servers show up, other times its 50+
I just keep refreshing until I get a decent amount to choose from...
Check your filter settings :P

Also, moar Insurgency tonight?
I'm down for playing for more than thirty seconds before I drop out/it crashes/the server crashes!