Interesting, I might be onto something!

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I was just fiddling around with the source code to the site, and I ran it through a text converter. It yielded some pretty interesting stuff, including email addresses! The program I am using can be found at

See what interesting stuff you guys can find! Comments welcome!
and what email addresses did you find?

I say leave the email addresses out. We don't need to spam innocent people.
They were'nt names of people per say, but they were links that opened my outlook express and when you hovered the mouse over them, the info said click here (by the way, I found this on the ascII-->html setting). The addresses/links were made of the weird text. Also worth noting, when converting ascII-->unicode, the entire doc comes up as question marks and seems to form a new pic, but i have no idea what it is.

p.s. i didnt try writing to any of the addresses, but their were several, many repetitions too all with the weird characters (ie:$%^()^$78755&*(^% stuff, but as links if u get my drift). Try it yourself and see what you find!
blahblahblah said:
I say leave the email addresses out. We don't need to spam innocent people.

Unless they're Valve addresses. We spam them already anyways. :)
I don't understand. You took the source code for the pwnd website, which is, in fact, text; and you ran it through a text converter? So you converted the text to, hmmm, say, text?

NOoOO, I saved the source code as an ascII (sp?) file, and then ran it through the converter; like ur saying, i expected garbage as well. All I am trying to say here is that it may be something more. Draw your own conclusions, but i did find stuff that i thought was interesting.

p.s. download the software and see for yourself, its hard to explain. And in case anyone was wondering, I only got the idea to try this from that linux dictionary thingy....something about a command (not necessary "gman") being able to convert text to pdf. This jogged my memory to a time when I tried to open a pdf file in wordpad and it came up with all the funky figures, like in the source code we have found. So I thought it was worth a shot. And like i said, I'm not claiming to have found the second test or anything, I'm just trying something new.
Since the source code already is ascii, I dont see how it would change anything. So obviously you have no idea what you are talking about. Have a nice day :)
I now see your above reply. The source for the pwnd website contains ascii art, which is full of symbols such as ------> @ <--- that guy. You told the converter to convert "ascii" to "html" so the converter saw the @ symbols and assumed they were email addresses. That's why the addresses are "made of the wierd text."
Jedi1641 said:
NOoOO, I saved the source code as an ascII (sp?) file, and then ran it through the converter; like ur saying, i expected garbage as well. All I am trying to say here is that it may be something more. Draw your own conclusions, but i did find stuff that i thought was interesting.

Are you talking how Outlook did its html autolink thingie for some of the garbarge??
If you put it in the text converter and then play it backwards, it says "Gabe is dead". :D
monkeydust said:
If you put it in the text converter and then play it backwards, it says "Gabe is dead". :D

"Gabe is dead now, miss him, miss him, MISS HIM!"

But Valve vehemently denies this
Dedatorv said:
Are you talking how Outlook did its html autolink thingie for some of the garbarge??
Yes, and cory, the links/addresses themselves were weird, I dont remember any @ symbols in them! Try the software yourself! I just found it on a whim (explained above) by searching in google (free text to pdf converter).
Ok all that is going on is Outlook is thinking that all the bunch of nonsense is a email so it is turning it into a link. Nothing big at all, nothing interesting/important.
ok, ill tell you exactly what i did...view-source--file-save as-pwned[1].txt (ascII/unicode or utf-8/DOS has to do with the page encoding as i just found out, and to answer the next question, yes, i tried ascII>html(addresses) ascII>pdf(nothing) ascII>unicode(question marks+new pic?) unicode>html(this one was weird, question marks AND html code) unicode>pdf(error/fail)) <does that help?

dederov-i only said i MIGHT be onto something...i was anticipating in starting this thread that people would brainstorm/try other things.
Post whatever you see as an attachment. I am curious what you are really seeing.
I'm not. :-/

But I guess everybody has to do something to keep themselves occupied.
did he just say he saved the html as ascii and tried converting it to html and got some weird results?
blahblahblah said:
Post whatever you see as an attachment. I am curious what you are really seeing.
i saved four bmp files, but the server wont let me upload...AND rogue-i tried converting the source code ALONE, not with any of the extensions (gman.css, etc) involved. Like i said before, it reminded me of when i accidently opened a pdf in wordpad and it brought up weird stuff, so i thought i would try this conversion. I g2g, its 10:40 in Florida, and i gotta work tomorrow. Whether or not this conversion yielded/yields/will yield anything important, i cannot say. I am saying that i thought it was an interesting thing to try, so i did. Viva la Half Life 2!
save them as jpegs or zip them and see if that works.

[Edit]: You can also host the image on a website
fine, ill try one last time as zip and jpg (the specific error was server not found)
I think people are trying waaaaay to hard with this. The first "test" was very simple and only took forum members perhaps five minutes to solve. Thus, I extremely doubt there is any second test at this time. And even if there is, it's not going to be some incredibly obscure clue like converting random text to more random text.

Ohg vs fbzrbar arrqf fbzrguvat gb bpphcl gurve gvzr gurl pna svaq guvf zrffntr naq ernq vg. Pbatenghyngvbaf.
File Too Large. Limit for this filetype is 100.0 KB. Your file is 455.6 KB.

tried resizing and got errors. g2g.
Sorry if someone else has already said this, but using ROT13 on the text in the 'Important' text on the white board, you get

Probably old news
TMPer Tantrum said:
Sorry if someone else has already said this, but using ROT13 on the text in the 'Important' text on the white board, you get

Probably old news

Only about a day late, but thanks for the effort though. Oh and the 8 is actually a B and where you have the A was actually an H which converts to U.
Has someone gotten a reply from Valve stating that there's an actual second test?

A bit out of place but, Letters - what does your sig mean?
Oh yeah?! Well, eff yous too, man! I quit!

/me quits

I want severance pay!
Well if there is a second test then it would probably have something to do with the page of the first test or else you could have got a 'Congratulations on passing the second test' page before you had seen the first.
Perhaps there is a second test that hasn't been given yet.
Or Perhaps there is not one at all.
Or perhaps there is no spoon. I hve to quote the guy who said that...

Well, I'm about to email Valve. What should I say?

Is the second test ready to be figured out?
Evil^Milk said:
Or perhaps there is no spoon. I hve to quote the guy who said that...

Well, I'm about to email Valve. What should I say?

Is the second test ready to be figured out?

I beat you to it milk, I sent an e-mail to Greg. Try sending one to Erik, as he was the one who gave us the username/password.
I was wondering who got the login and password. So a Valve employee just gave it to you?

I thought someone cracked that stuff. I know about jack when it comes to hacking so I assumed the "community" just found out.
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