Interesting, I might be onto something!

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ACLeroK212 said:
lol, raging 12 year old with an attitude.....

everyone watch out!
Ahahahahaa raging 12 year old...hahahaa!!! :sniper:
Yea Ban Any One With Other Views! Doesn't Looks Like A Story From Half-life?
good constructive thinking pozy. as for the rest of you, you really want to get this thread locked dontCHA?

one question pozy, what would you apply the brute forcing to? I have yet to find another login. I may be wrong here, but I'm fairly sure that we've found the password to that specific page, and we'd need another page to crack, eh?
Platini said:
Yea Ban Any One With Other Views! Doesn't Looks Like A Story From Half-life?

No, ban anyone who runs around causing trouble. Please, this thread was ok until you posted in it, so please calm down. We don't want this thread to turn into a flame war.
Daegon said:
good constructive thinking pozy. as for the rest of you, you really want to get this thread locked dontCHA?

one question pozy, what would you apply the brute forcing to? I have yet to find another login. I may be wrong here, but I'm fairly sure that we've found the password to that specific page, and we'd need another page to crack, eh?

did you already tried to attach all common "special words" to ?

i just think, probably there's a second login entry in .htaccess which reffers to another site... did you already note that you always have to put in valve and that password twice? really weird...

i think best program for .htaccess bruteforcing is

i cracked a lot of those hackits on other sites... but this one's really annoying...
Point of minor interest: pwned code has be fixed so that the bird ASCII is a proper comment.
Hoppe said:
I dont know if this means anything, but here are the characters that is used in Gordons ASCII art picture:

CJA3Ð M57 W®© '.!=*,@($¦%#

and rot13 conversion:

PWN3Ð Z57 J®© '.!=*,@($¦%#

Good find. This is not coincidence at all. It spells out "PWN3D J00!" almost perfectly. :)
can someone explain Linux libraries, meta tags and brute forceing to those of us who only use computers for games and word proccessing?
Andy said:
can someone explain Linux libraries, meta tags and brute forceing to those of us who only use computers for games and word proccessing?


Lunix Libraries: information about programming on lunix (i might be wrong on this one)

Meta Tags: an html tag <meta> that discribes what the page is about, search engines use this tag when people search when they match keywords.

Brute Forcing: manualaly trying to put in a password by trying every combonation possible, similar to opening a combonation lock by trying every combonation.
I guess we just keep putting things through rot converters until we find a message and can move on.
I still think that it was an 8 on pourpose.

8 = 1337 B; B = ROT13 O; 1337 O = 0;

Then we could translate it to "hell0, tour visitors" :cheers:
well, we definantly need to brute force something... or... ?
Anyone notice that only in google do you get 1 link to come up, in yahoo in stuff I get a bunch of links come up.
I guess that Linux thing is just a coincidence.
People are starting to get a little hostile in here and this thread doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.
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