Interesting newspost on HL2's status.

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Jul 1, 2003
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Original interview

Gabe Newell van Valve Software heeft in een interview met Computer & VideoGames verteld dat Half-Life 2 zo goed als zeker in september zal verschijnen. Gabe Newell zei dat Half-Life 2 in great shape is voor september. Vivendi Universal Games heeft nog niet zo lang geleden de master disc in handen gekregen en is bezig om het te dupliceren.

Het enige wat nu nog kan zorgen voor vertraging is dat Valve hierover liegt, maar dat is onwaarschijnlijk. Als alles goed gaat ligt Half-Life 2 op 30 september in de winkels.


Gabe Newell of Valve Software, said that HL2 will almost defenitely be available in stores by September, in an interview with "Computer & Videogames".
Gabe Newell also said that they have delivered the "master disc" to Vivendi, not that long ago and that Vivendi is in the process of duplicating it.

The only thing that could cause any delay now, is that this is a lie, but that's unlikely. If everything goes well, HL2 should be available on 30 september.

im sick of waiting all the time...september 30 is soo far away....
Thanks for the full translation :)

Could be true..who knows. Valve could be pulling shifties on us for our own benefit these days. How things have changed :farmer:
c0ltM4a1 said:
im sick of waiting all the time...september 30 is soo far away....

Awww poor baby. Its not sooo far away its only 3 months.
After browsing the site a little bit, i'm starting to seriously doubt the reliabilty of this newspost :(
Alot of BS on the site
valve would have said if it was gold and If I remember correctly, someone asked him if he was going with the 'mathimaticaly correct' time saying it will be within summer?

30th isnt :x
It may be September 30th for the dutch version only (if it's true at all). Gabe has already said that the versions won't be release at the same time. The English version may still be set for August or early September.
if the master disc has been sent to vivendi, we are about 3 weeks from having the game.

Sooo, I smell BS, and I ain't near the grazing lands.
Yes, it doesn't take very long to duplicate CD's and put them in their cases. Bull shit.
they said he's already given vivendi the master disc......that means the game went gold, which doesn't make much sense for it to come out on september early august is more realistic, but september is just way out there

EDIT: pretty much what the guys above me said
once again we have to bug Gabe for the truth :/ whos goin to do the honours lol
lets all do it like about the homelan interview, that way he'll make a huge announcement
We need confirmation...

Why is it that weird sites based in the middle of a Slovakian Agricultural region get Uber scoops and all the latest information, and nobody else seems to.

Seems unlikely to me.
30th isn't summer and this interview is a big fat lie!
lol listen too urself only 3 months lol.....thats a really long time..but that dosnt stop me from buying the game..
The_Don said:
It may be September 30th for the dutch version only (if it's true at all). Gabe has already said that the versions won't be release at the same time. The English version may still be set for August or early September.

We always get the UK version, well 95% of the time at least. Only thing that's quite often Dutch is the manual.
I stick by September 29. After all, this year was a leap year so September 29, 2004 WOULD be 365 days from September 30, 2003.

It'd be kind of a joke, you know, jokes?
The only reason I'm even thinking this might have a bit of truth is Gabe's "I've been too busy shipping the game" statements at HL2Fallout. However, that's also where this entire newspost could have come from, this site might have extrapolated on that statement or just posted a bogus news report like so many sites have done in the past
I'm sure this crossed most people's minds, but wouldn't Gabe be a lot more likely to answer to an entirely English speaking interviewer rather than a German - English interviewer. And if the interviewer _could_ speak English, does it not seem odd that he posted no translated version of the question on the site?
Shuzer said:
The only reason I'm even thinking this might have a bit of truth is Gabe's "I've been too busy shipping the game" statements at HL2Fallout. However, that's also where this entire newspost could have come from, this site might have extrapolated on that statement or just posted a bogus news report like so many sites have done in the past

yeah i don't get that really. Gabe really doesn't have anything to do with shipping... the publisher does all that.
I can only see one situation that would cause Vivendi to hold on to the HL2 master disc. I think that Vivendi is going to launch a massive advertising campaign and wanted to wait until they actually had HL2 before they committed to such an expensive expenditure.

Let's hope they release the game in the next couple of weeks. :)
yeah, September 30 of LAST YEAR :O
that'd be insulting to release it a year after the original date
I could wait to september 30 but if it will take that long they should release the SDK now!
If it was released, I could see Vivendi taking two months with it since its going to be a worldwide release. That take a lot of work and planning. I hope its true, and we wont know till Gabe confirms it.
Alright guys. Party's over. Just had an e-mail from Gabe Newell shooting the rumor down in flames. Keep checking the HL2.Net news page as I'm just writing a post about it. Cheers.
I've just emailed Gabe to find out the truth here, whether or not we get a reply I do not know. We'll just have to flame on till the truth outs (or the games released!)

EDIT- damn too late! ;(
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