Interview Questions for Doug Lombardi

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Q1) How much was actually finished on september 30th

Q2) In Half-life Multiplayer (Mostly CS) it seems that I move out of the way of someone shooting at me only to die around the corner because of lag compensation (they actually did shoot me when I was there but the message took longer to get to me than my movement speed to get around the corner). Am I going to "feel" the same effect in HL2?
I think Valve said they've improved(or decreased) the amount of lag you'll have in HL2 due to their new netcode
They said it was improved, but the existing one was already quite good, wonder how much better it is
I thought it was still at 32 players max? just with less lag?
Some details on multiplayer?

A little update on the sdk that they said was coming out weeks ago but it is now 5 weeks later?
Sparta said:
I think Valve said they've improved(or decreased) the amount of lag you'll have in HL2 due to their new netcode

Yeah just like they improved HL's netcode where when I first played TFC and CS years ago I would get pings of 250-300, now I'd be lucky to get 400. I'll believe it when I see it.

Why don't you ask him what the heck he does all day long that keeps him busy and why can't Valve ever come close to coming through on any announcements he makes on Valve's behalf(i.e. More TF2 info soon, SDK release soon, CS:CZ coming soon, bla, bla, bla, wah, wah, wah).
1 are the multiplayer spray logos or pldecal.wad files stay the way they were in HL1 ?
2 if you pressed the other direction when you jump forward, will you stop the movement like in HL1 ?

or is it too late now for my questions
Foxtrot said:
Hiln, by hitting the use key you can pick up anything as long as it is light enough. You can also push things when you run into them.

No way? Where'd you hear that, I haven't heard that before. I hope it's true though, sounds cool.
Hi Doug, in your opinion , how is the integrity of the game at present?

I think a question like this is far more appropriate, compared to trying to get them to answer too much, a 'good' or 'fine' is ok with me at this stage
How modable is the AI? i.e is it possible to create a range of gamplay styles, from "twitch" to "stealth"?

What, in your opinion, where the hardest parts of the whole project to impliement?
I'm wondering how Lombardi will know all this technical info. Isn't he just the PR guy? Shouldn't we be asking him about their wonderful PR department instead? If such a department exists, that is.
songwriter said:
What percentage of the game is completed...?
Can you give us some news about something please...?
When is the F***ING game coming out...?

Its the same question but something like that is gotta be asked.
I'd like to see this asked as well.
ask him if the SDK is still on schedule to be release soon? or if it wont be here for a another month of so? this is a serious question.
1) Do you think you(or anyone else) could sum up the main remarkabilities and crazy features that appeal to you about HL2 in a nifty sentence or two? I imagine that might be kind of difficult, but if possible that would be sweet.
example: the statement made by bungie about halo 2.

2)How many times will the average gamer crap his or her pants during the duration of this game(due to scariness, compelete overwhelming awesomeness, etc)? I want to plan ahead.
I'm actually glad they don't have a PR dept. They are only a developer (currently) and not a publisher, thats Vivendis job. I'd rather they paid people to develop a good Game rather than someone to tell us how good its going 2 be :p
crushenator 500 said:
they've already said it will take around 40 hours for the average player umkay :)

That was back at around april last year, they might of increased the game time
i would like to ask him this question

other than story, physic, and ai what else could we expect to find differences between hl2 and other games( games are meant to be great).

cause for me AI is always not the main reason why i bought a game. if i want to play with some smart(i mean very smart)enemys i will go find some MP and start the killing.
and for the physic, as many of you can see, physic is now more and more familiar to common games
you can find some of them in max payne 2 already. so if physic is still the saling point, i think they better do some very impressing job on it to make sure the tech they have still leading the way.
as for the good story, you have to admit this is what hl series are all about, but i was so afraid that when it comes to the test to compare with doom. i would find myself that the short and scary one is much attracting to the good but long one. cause after all this hype and expectation to the game, i ll be sad if the game is only a playable award winning electronic novel. if this been ask before, sorry for wasting your time. but while waiting, i really need to fond some exit point for all this doubt in my mind. or else in taiwan i seldom find ppl that can talk about these subject with me. lonely thought.
i dont know if he can answer this but will blood in HL2 be animated? ex: when you shoot someone, blood appears on the wall, then random drops slowly slide downward? Or will it be static splotches like in HL1? Also, will enemies just absorb bullets and work fine at 1 health and then just die when you hit them with a can? /will they stagger around, breath deep, hear the heart monitor etc when they have low health? Tell me the AI can throw grenades as well as in HL1! thanks for answering, even if you dont. (hopefully no repeats in here)
DC9884 said:
i dont know if he can answer this but will blood in HL2 be animated? ex: when you shoot someone, blood appears on the wall, then random drops slowly slide downward? Or will it be static splotches like in HL1? Also, will enemies just absorb bullets and work fine at 1 health and then just die when you hit them with a can? /will they stagger around, breath deep, hear the heart monitor etc when they have low health? Tell me the AI can throw grenades as well as in HL1! thanks for answering, even if you dont. (hopefully no repeats in here)

the second way still works, so why change something that broken? you want realism? go jion your local military.
Pitbul said:
the second way still works, so why change something that broken? you want realism? go jion your local military.

Hmm, going to have to disagree with you there. I think he has a valid point. The more games are "pushed" to give the player a more immersive atmosphere, then games improve and become better. If you stick with something that works, yeah, it's still great but couldn't it be better with current advancments in technology? I would personally want that to be implemtnted in a video game, because you would feel like your fighting with some guy that doesn't want to die. (Don't know if thats good or just scary) :thumbs:
lol that same shit happened to me but i was actually supposed to get an interview and visit them, after about 2 replies they never sent back. its been a month since the last email...
DC9884 said:
i dont know if he can answer this but will blood in HL2 be animated? ex: when you shoot someone, blood appears on the wall, then random drops slowly slide downward?

They already said the blood would be simulated, so if you created a character out of water, it would splash instead of bleed.. which would indicate that the blood is much more than just a "splotch," but more of what you're looking for
The AI was crap in HL1 compared to todays standards. I remember when the grunts would place a grenade on the ground. you shoot at them, they would keep down, but then get killed by there own grenade
I have one question.

We all know their is no public release day, but I am sure everyone working on the game has their idea of when it will be done. Basicly, is the game development at the level of completion you would expect?
Ok, here's a serious question. Why isn't there an official HL2 site complete with forum, streaming video, screenshots, etc.? Far Cry has one. Doom III has one. STALKER has one. HL2 doesn't. Lame.
I have a question which is already asked here, but I'll put it on anyway... Will there be any military present, similar to the Marine Corps/Force Recon in the original HL?
The AI was crap in HL1 compared to todays standards. I remember when the grunts would place a grenade on the ground. you shoot at them, they would keep down, but then get killed by there own grenade

However, 5 years ago it was revolutionary. Today, it's just acceptable.
All that you need to ask is:


Everything else you can find out when you buy it.
Franky4Fingers said:
All that you need to ask is:


Everything else you can find out when you buy it.

but I want to know now and find out later!!
ask him

'does he realise because of his actions over the past year he has singlehandedly slashed a vast majority of HL2 hype amongst fans'
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