Iraq, the US & other stuff too

Hey you know what.I'm going to see if I can go on a vaction to Britian.Maybe I can bring my computer a long and we can have a big lan party there with all the people.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
You forgot Cuba...and quite possibly Russia, in the not too distant future. They're still having trouble stabilizing themselves. And they're one of the nations that suggested what I call the "One World Everything Plan." Iran is also threatening to begin a Nuclear weapons program again. I'm not really afraid they'll take action but it's something to note. It seems like they just want headway, like North Korea. But they could pull a Hitler; Get appeasement, then turn around and attack.
Dude...I believe the same thing to about russia.It's on such an economic downfall that the people might want to go back to russia.North Korea and Iran is the only ones right now that we should go after.Cuba isn't a problem because once Fiedl Castro dies were going to help pay for a democracy there.But it's russia I mainly worried about.Once russia does turn to communism, thats when revaltions in the bible takes place.

Edit: Please don't ask me about that bible thing.I don't feel like explaining it right now.
Originally posted by Tr0n theres nothing wrong with it.Is she beautiful yes?Does she have the beauty to back her bragging....yes.

yes she may be beautiful there's no doubt about that. but she's being an absolute wanker about it, so probably no-one will like her for her attitude and arrogance. see the parallel here?
Originally posted by Dedalus
yes she may be beautiful there's no doubt about that. but she's being an absolute wanker about it, so probably no-one will like her for her attitude and arrogance. see the parallel here?
Probally is a key word there.The ugly people may not like her....but other hot people you see the opposite of that parallel there???
Well, then I stop. I do understand what you say. And I agree that the US is a super power. Damn right it is. And I consider your nation as a little excentric in some cases(the gov. of Cali anyone?), but I must say I feel a lot of good vibes too coming from the other side of the Atlantic. It's really not all negative, and I'm sorry I didn't state it earlier.
I just really wanted to know what the bragging was about, since I couldn't get into it. I always keep an eye on worldnews, and I try to relate to the parties involved to make my opinion. I usualy don't have an opinion right away, by lack of information. I made it a rule not to trust the news. I've seen such little unimportant things that have been lied about on TV/papers. So I have to get my info by other means.
Internet is really good for that.

And thanks for answering, no hard feelings. Have a nice weekend guys.
also, tron, my sister, anytime, I can't stand her.
one thing that amazes me, how can the UN be pushing for a one world religion?! i can understand a one world government and leader, but religion?! oh please, save it. you try converting all the arab countries from being muslim to whatever religion they choose. you try pushing your ideologies onto people who just couldn't give a ****. religion has a very bad side, in that it brings conflict wherever it is. when two religions clash, you're going to hear about it. look at the crusades, christianity vs. islam. the same is happening in our day as well.

rant over.
Originally posted by king John I
why would the EU attack america, a big war now would be very serious indeed. very serious. death of human race serious. besides everyone is on ally terms with each other what deos it matter that one country is more powerful than another. saddam housane is a evil person, no quaestions asked, like hitler, but less evil.

1. There is no "human race."

2. Everyone is not on "ally terms" with one another.

3. What credentials do you have to be the arbiter deciding who's "less evil" than someone else?
Originally posted by Element Alpha
Well, then I stop. I do understand what you say. And I agree that the US is a super power. Damn right it is. And I consider your nation as a little excentric in some cases(the gov. of Cali anyone?), but I must say I feel a lot of good vibes too coming from the other side of the Atlantic. It's really not all negative, and I'm sorry I didn't state it earlier.
I just really wanted to know what the bragging was about, since I couldn't get into it. I always keep an eye on worldnews, and I try to relate to the parties involved to make my opinion. I usualy don't have an opinion right away, by lack of information. I made it a rule not to trust the news. I've seen such little unimportant things that have been lied about on TV/papers. So I have to get my info by other means.
Internet is really good for that.

And thanks for answering, no hard feelings. Have a nice weekend guys.
also, tron, my sister, anytime, I can't stand her.
:) No problem homie.Also is your sister hot???IF not I may have to bring a couple paper bags to put over her head.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Probally is a key word there.The ugly people may not like her....but other hot people you see the opposite of that parallel there???

there's no parallel, because there aren't any other 'hot' people. name me another country on a par with the US? yes she may be the most beautiful, but how can you say every other beautiful person will like her? they might not go around blabbing about it because - and here's the science bit - they may have a brain on their heads as well as having good looks.

so all i can say is, you can't say another hot person would like her, because in our little example and parallel there aren't any hot people, only average to ugly people. the uglies and averages hate her in mixed amounts, others are simply disappointed in her for acting like a child, others straight out hate her. it varies.

enough with the beautiful woman parallel.
Originally posted by Tr0n
and once again were is your proof???All that you typed needs something to back it up???So where is that proof.I don't just trust some text a guy wrote online???Give me proof and articles and things like that.Untill then if your going to debate have something to back it up.

LOL, proof? I guess newspaper articles, TV reports and statistical facts aren't enough these days. :dozey:
Originally posted by Hyped
1. There is no "human race."

2. Everyone is not on "ally terms" with one another.

3. What credentials do you have to be the arbiter deciding for who's "less evil" than someone else?
Your right but...

1.Yes there is human race.We have have same DNA type, have same organs, and same body structure.

2.Some are and some aren't.But military, econmy, and politics dictates who are allies and who are not.

3.Well he got it hit right on the spot on this one.But which is more evil, a guy that accidently kills 100 people by a bomb or guy that kills 100,000 people just to test out some new nerve agent?
1. There is no "human race."

2. Everyone is not on "ally terms" with one another.

3. What credentials do you have to be the arbiter deciding who's "less evil" than someone else? hell there isn't

2.thats true but america and britain are and so are some countrys in europe, by ally i mean neutral trading partners.

3.every ****ing credential, now piss off.

please? :)
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
LOL, proof? I guess newspaper articles, TV reports and statistical facts aren't enough these days. :dozey:
Please show me these newpaper articles, TV reports, and statistical facts.
Originally posted by Dedalus
there's no parallel, because there aren't any other 'hot' people. name me another country on a par with the US? yes she may be the most beautiful, but how can you say every other beautiful person will like her? they might not go around blabbing about it because - and here's the science bit - they may have a brain on their heads as well as having good looks.

so all i can say is, you can't say another hot person would like her, because in our little example and parallel there aren't any hot people, only average to ugly people. the uglies and averages hate her in mixed amounts, others are simply disappointed in her for acting like a child, others straight out hate her. it varies.

enough with the beautiful woman parallel.
Well we have Britain that has an almost powerful military.I'm not saying evey beautiful person will like her and yes I do agree we should get off this beauty thing.
Originally posted by king John I
propaganda? you hear what they want you to hear.
Very true.No one knows whose right or wrong.Just because a TV show give there opinion doesn't make it right????So it could just be lies.
Originally posted by king John I hell there isn't

2.thats true but america and britain are and so are some countrys in europe, by ally i mean neutral trading partners.

3.every ****ing credential, now piss off.

please? :)

1. There isn't. It's a misnomer, so you can stop spouting now.

2. America, Britain and "some countrys [sic]" is not "everyone."

3. Just as I figured, none at all.
Originally posted by Hyped
1. There isn't. It's a misnomer, so you can stop spouting now.

2. America, Britain and "some countrys [sic]" is not "everyone."

3. Just as I figured, none at all.
Please read my post.YES there is a human race.What classifies human is are body structure and DNA and the Evil thing read my post again.Evil is only in the minds eye...or whatever that saying is.But majority rules.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Dude...I believe the same thing to about russia.It's on such an economic downfall that the people might want to go back to russia.North Korea and Iran is the only ones right now that we should go after.Cuba isn't a problem because once Fiedl Castro dies were going to help pay for a democracy there.But it's russia I mainly worried about.Once russia does turn to communism, thats when revaltions in the bible takes place.

Edit: Please don't ask me about that bible thing.I don't feel like explaining it right now.

YAY!!! Someone who believes in the Bible. And here I was thinking I was alone on these boards. :bounce:

My responses to yours (GhostValkyrie):

Sorry GhostValkyrie,

I would've quoted your first halfs of opinion, if only your post was somewhat constructive to the points at hand--and not an arrogant "apologists" retort that found its arguments tied with emotion at the tongue of its speaker.

Two can play at this game of disrespect. :)
I would've qouted you, but I was afraid it'd break the internet.

However, I see your points:

Your a man who believes crime for crime. Hate for Hate. Fine--these prisoners of war that me and you have discussed with different viewpoints, apparently don't have any rights under Geneva, right? Right.

Its war, right? Right.

So when you sign-up you realize you have a chance of accidental death, being tortured, or being intentionally killed? Correct? Correct.

Good. Then the suicide bombings, anthrax mailings, and all of the other works are hearby justified in my eyes through your own arguments because your willing to excuse crime for crime. Were agreed.

Freedom Soldiers (Iraq, Afgahn.) vs. Freedom Soldiers (US)

I see no different other then in the middle-east, freedom is replaced with Jihad; the Russians were fanatics in defending their country, so should these terrorists be. Don't bitch over simple violations in the Geneva convention when troops of other corp or 'en masse have violated with further death, torture, and destruction. :)
Originally posted by Tr0n

1.Yes there is human race.We have have same DNA type, have same organs, and same body structure.

2.Some are and some aren't.But military, econmy, and politics dictates who are allies and who are not.

3.Well he got it hit right on the spot on this one.But which is more evil, a guy that accidently kills 100 people by a bomb or guy that kills 100,000 people just to test out some new nerve agent?

1. Actually, no. I could go in-depth with this, but why waste my time? You don't seem like you'd grasp it anyway.

2. yes, what point of mine are you disputing?

3. You're comparing intent to murder with accidental manslaughter. Erroneous comparison.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Please show me these newpaper articles, TV reports, and statistical facts.

Oh ok, I'll just jump in a lear jet and fly over, with all the evidence :dozey:

Lets try this instead, why don't you disprove what I said? You seem big on making demands from people, lets see how you are at answering them.
1. There isn't. It's a misnomer, so you can stop spouting now.

2. America, Britain and "some countrys [sic]" is not "everyone."

3. Just as I figured, none at all.

1. you know what i mean, dont be picky.

2. dont take peoples posts so literally, i dont proof read.

3.i can say whatever i want, you want some kinda evil judge man to come in here and tell us whats evil and whats not? fine by ****ing you, i'm saying what is evil wheter you like it or not.
Ker.... I'm sorry, but Afgahn 'Freedom Soldiers' are in fact not freedom soldiers, no-one is, in most cases, soldiers fight when regimes say so.

Oh, and there are NO RULES to govern the treatment of international terrorists :)
Re: Wow.

K e r b e r o s

Not quite. I believe in Justice, and there's no telling what those monsters in Afghanistan done to the innocents there.
And I strongly disagree with Hate for Hate.

You should think about things like an intelligent member of society, before you go around saying the Saddam's soldiers & Afghanistan guerillas are Freedom Fighters.

BTW: Are you some kind of Anarchist?
Re: Wow.

Originally posted by K e r b e r o s
Freedom Soldiers (Iraq, Afgahn.) vs. Freedom Soldiers (US)

I see no different other then in the middle-east, freedom is replaced with Jihad; the Russians were fanatics in defending their country, so should these terrorists be. Don't bitch over simple violations in the Geneva convention when troops of other corp or 'en masse have violated with further death, torture, and destruction. :)
Well you don't see us going into buildings with bombs and killing innocent people.Even tho we have had accidents with bombs dropped from planes missing there targets.BUT!!!We haven't killed over 20'00 innocent civilians with bombs just because of our beliefs.You don't see "US freedom fighters" raping women and children.
Originally posted by mrBadger
Ker.... I'm sorry, but Afgahn 'Freedom Soldiers' are in fact not freedom soldiers, no-one is, in most cases, soldiers fight when regimes say so.

Oh, and there are NO RULES to govern the treatment of international terrorists :)

Exactly what I stated earlier. I don't know why we have to continue defend eachothers post, but I'm glad we are. You and I are foreign brothers, Badger.
Originally posted by Hyped
1. Actually, no. I could go in-depth with this, but why waste my time? You don't seem like you'd grasp it anyway.

2. yes, what point of mine are you disputing?

3. Murder is murder.

1.Please go in depth....but I don't think you know shit.

2.I wasn't disputing just pointing out something to everyone.

3.Murder might be murder, but how it happend is what determines if it's evil or not.
wow, did i get angry just then.

ok, calm down john, its just the internet.

terrorist are the wrong way to make a point and you know it.
Re: Re: Wow.

Originally posted by Tr0n
Well you don't see us going into buildings with bombs and killing innocent people.Even tho we have had accidents with bombs dropped from planes missing there targets.BUT!!!We haven't killed over 20'00 innocent civilians with bombs just because of our beliefs.You don't see "US freedom fighters" raping women and children.'s like vietnam never happened with you :dozey:
Originally posted by Tr0n
1.Please go in depth....but I don't think you know shit.

2.I wasn't disputing just pointing out something to everyone.

3.Murder might be murder, but how it happend is what determines if it's evil or not.

1. You are an intellectual pantywaist, and what you think I know or don't know means nothing to me.

2. ok

3. I revised my previous post on this, so your point doesn't stand. Go back and read my edit.
But how man innocent civilians died by us???Was it on purpose because we didn't like there beliefs???Yes I know vietnam happend I know are soilders raped and killed innocent civilians....well to tell the truth we will never know about that part is because no one knew who was on what side and like I said before we have not killed over 10,00 thousands of innocent civilians.Hell I bet in all the wars we've been in the civilian death toll doesn't even go over that.
what the hell is this post about again?

mr.badger thou art needed! (it is your post)

looks like its just flame wars between people about war. (how can you argue about war? its just wrong. period. although there are just wars, WWII? but there different, ok. i am now confused.)

i need giudence.
Ker.... I'm sorry, but Afgahn 'Freedom Soldiers' are in fact not freedom soldiers, no-one is, in most cases, soldiers fight when regimes say so.

Oh, and there are NO RULES to govern the treatment of international terrorists

So terrorists carry no rules in the way they wage warfare--so we should'nt imprison them or act like we give them legislating law according to their actions.

They don't even go by the Geneva Convention in the first place, nor were they apart of official UN Sanctions or meetings; SO if we are ever going to apply cases of justice to enemies or allies of this country, so we should'nt contradict our own rules and self-maintained imagery that we infact advocate human rights, but yet we refuse or never gave them to another kind of soldier. A so-called terrorist.

Your first point, however is a little mistaken. They old terrorists regimes view anyone who opposes the US as freedom fighters.

K e r b e r o s

Not quite. I believe in Justice, and there's no telling what those monsters in Afghanistan done to the innocents there.
And I strongly disagree with Hate for Hate.

You should think about things like an intelligent member of society, before you go around saying the Saddam's soldiers & Afghanistan guerillas are Freedom Fighters.

BTW: Are you some kind of Anarchist?

Not quite...what do you mean by not quite? Which point are you addressing? Crime for Crime? (This applicates under the Justice Typeface).

No telling what those monsters did? Of course theres no telling--but then theres no telling of what the US Soldiers have gotten away with THAT ARE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN THE SAME TERM THE TALIBAN COMMITED UNTO THE CITIZENREY SURROUNDING IT.

Think like an intelligent member of society? Oh, you mean someone who has points like you--right, well please, don't lable me with the stigmatic title of being an anarchists. I'am personally not sure what that means entirely--no order or rule? Please, illiterate for me, for someone whose excused of being one, yet doe'snt really know what it is...

Well you don't see us going into buildings with bombs and killing innocent people.Even tho we have had accidents with bombs dropped from planes missing there targets.BUT!!!We haven't killed over 20'00 innocent civilians with bombs just because of our beliefs.You don't see "US freedom fighters" raping women and children.

For your bombing argument--see DRESDEN BOMBING on google for some results. Next, check a local history book of the Dresden Bombings of WWII, and see that 270,000 people died in less then five hours of fire-bombings on a German City called "Dresden". This actually happened--if you graduated highschool or are taking Highschool based history; you'd know this. :)

Bomber Harris is one for bombing people because of his beliefs--oh! Look him up too!

I hav'nt heard of US Freedom fighters raping women and children--and thats a good thing. I'am not out to actively persecuted these men; but only the men who are responsible for crime.
Originally posted by Hyped
1. Actually, no. I could go in-depth with this, but why waste my time? You don't seem like you'd grasp it anyway.

2. yes, what point of mine are you disputing?

3. You're comparing intent to murder with accidental manslaughter. Erroneous comparison.
Alright....damn I hate that edit thing.Anways I kinda feel like laughing because you sure as hell didn't read my post clearly.Alright....

1.Try I said before I don't think you have shit.

2.blah blah you already know...

3.Intent to murder and accidental manslaughter???A guy kills a 100 people on accident from a bomb missing his target...thats not INTENT!!!Then theres a guy who kills 100,000 people with a new nerve gas just to test it out....(omg that one is just stupid) thats intential manslaughter...why because he "WANTED" to test it out on his people.
Dresden was a terrible mistake, the firestorm was devastating, we destoryed a beautiful city... but anyway:

We need to set up rules to deal with Terrorists, since they operate outside any country.
I can tell this thread is going keep on going untill the flames start or this thread gets closed.