Is Alyx a tease?

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That's because it's harder.

I am a normal difficulty setting guy :p, cause I would like to save ammo & it makes the guns alittle more realistic. On hard a overwatch soldier can survive a shotgun shot to the face, so basically I use the crowbow all the time :p.

All the Hard setting does is decrease the effectiveness on the weapons, & the crowbar become's irrelevant except for smashing crates...but thats nothing the G-gun can't handle.
Why the **** is this thread still open.
I really cannot understand how a thread like this got to 27 pages, pure genius lmfao!
Well did we get an answer? Is Alyx a tease or what?
Yeah, she teases me all the time. I'm like, '...', and she's like, 'Gordon, why don't you speak? Nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah, Gordon can't speak, he doesn't know how to talk, nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah' etc.
I am not keeping this thread open. YOU ARE, PICKLEFACE.
Stop that, you...

And Alyx can tease me all she likes.
6Three said:
I am not keeping this thread open. YOU ARE, PICKLEFACE.

Now, now, 6Three. I'm not a moderator of course, but if by "keeping this thread open" you mean "extending it to 27 pages," as Shift originally remarked upon and to which remark my comment was directed, then yes, I've certainly done my part to perpetuate this thread. But your two or three posts decrying this thread's existence have done the same. So we're both to blame. ;)

You never did take the Pepsi challenge I posed to you way back when. If you're up for it now, I'd still like to know two things, specifically:

1. What is wrong with a thread that discusses the motivations of fictional characters, even if it sometimes falls into low-brow humor?

2. Absent these types of discussions, what, according to your rules, are permissable topics for discussion?

I'll be the first to acknowledge that at 28 pages and running, this thread's best days are probably behind it. I just don't understand the occasional outcry calling for it's elimination. At the very least it's been an at times entertaining diversion for a lot of people, hasn't it?

P.S. - If you don't feel like playing ball, you can go right back to calling me Pickleface if it makes you feel better. I don't mind. :thumbs:
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